MUET oh MUET: Academic Camping 2019

Ita called me few days ago asking my availability to conduct a session for the form 6 students.  MUET.  Yup.  Like last year, I conducted the session twice because they had the camp twice a year.  So, I still continue my “service” even after my Latihan Ikhtisas.  Well, I enjoy doing it.  Some said that I should register the program with CCIN and whatsnot.  What a headache just to think about it though!  

Well, I need to prepare some materials for the camp.  Well, I can easily recycle last year’s materials but I feel that I need to edit some of the things.  Ita requested that I do reading activity with them because she has not done it yet.  Reading!  It is quite tedious to prepare the materials for reading.  Why?  I need to find examples of reading comprehension that I can use for the activity.  I need to craft questions and whatsnot.  The ones that I have from last year are just enough for one 2 hours session.  Ita requested that I do something a little bit more extensive.  Well, I am cracking my head now to add more elements to make it “extensive”.  I find this article from The Guardian.  I need to edit some of the texts to shorten it a bit.  😀  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.