Oh my Padlet: Part 1

Starting this semester, I try to use Padlet. One of my colleagues has shown me how to use Padlet back in 2016 but at that time, I tried to create one page/display (whatever you may call it) for my research methodology class, MPPU1024. However, due to my incompetency and lack of motivation to find out more information about it, the one page that I created for my MPPU1024 remained unused for few years.

Then COVID-19 happens and this time around, I do not have any more excuse to use other than just buckle up and try out as many platforms, apps and whatever that I can find out. It is not an easy process. I struggle, but I set my mind thinking “One step at a time”. I know it is not even a baby step and the progress is snail pace but I know that I need to myself time to unlearn, learn and relearn things that can help me to improve my teaching.

So, when I use Padlet extensively this semester (1, 2021), my intention is to expose my students with the things “out” there other than UTM ELearning that might be useful for them. If they are teachers ( majority of my Masters students), they can have reservoir of learning platforms and apps that they can use for their own class. For the undergraduates especially those who are taking Fundamental Pedagogy course (SHPP2002) can learn about the available platforms and apps and they can use some of the platforms and apps when they complete assignments related to pedagogy. They are excited to use it [Need an example?]

However, I find out that some teachers feel overwhelmed with the current situation and when I use Padlet in my MPPU1024 class, the students feel that it is not useful, burdensome and time consuming. I will take their feedback into consideration when I revise my approach to teach this course next semester. For my other class (Personality Psychology), well, I do not get any feedback yet. Some of the students have not submitted the assignments yet. I ask them to submit their pre-recorded presentation assignment on Padlet. At this moment, I am still waiting for all students to submit it. There are only few of them have submitted their presentation on the Padlet. So, let’s see how it goes.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.