Kaedah memberi sumbangan

7 Muharram 1442H

Firman Allah SWT:

قُلْ أَنفِقُوا طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا لَّن يُتَقَبَّلَ مِنكُمْ ۖ إِنَّكُمْ كُنتُمْ قَوْمًا فَاسِقِينَ [التوبة : 53]

Ertinya: “Katakanlah: “Dermakanlah harta kamu sama ada dengan sukarela atau kerana terpaksa, tidak sekali-kali akan diterima daripada kamu, (kerana) sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang-orang yang fasik.” (Surah At-Taubah: 53)

Keterangan Ayat:

1. Sebab turun ayat: Ketika orang munafik ingkar untuk keluar berjihad bersama Rasulullah SAW dan mereka hanya ingin memberi sumbangan harta!

2. Allah SWT tidak akan menerima sumbangan mereka! Sama ada mereka memberikan sumbangan secara sukarela atau terpaksa!

3. Sumbangan mereka tidak diterima kerana mereka adalah orang yang fasik! Mereka tidak beriman dan tidak taat kepada perintah Allah!

Rujukan tafsir: At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir dll.

Antara Petunjuk Ayat:

1. Tidak semua sumbangan harta diterima oleh Allah! Hanya sumbangan yang cukup syarat sahaja yang diterima!

2. Sumbangan orang munafik tidak diterima oleh Allah! Mereka ragu-ragu kepada agama Allah! Mereka melanggar perintah Allah!

3. Sumbangan harta yang diterima oleh Allah SWT adalah sumbangan yang diberikan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan!

Kaedah Beramal:

1. Hendaklah kita memberi sumbangan dengan mengikut perintah Allah! Bukan dengan melanggar perintah!

2. Hendaklah kita menjadi orang yang yakin kepada agama Allah dan tidak melanggar perintah Allah!

3. Hendaklah kita memberi sumbangan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan! Bukan dengan kekufuran dan kefasikan!

Ya Allah jadikanlah kami orang yang memberi sumbangan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan, terimalah amalan kami. Aamiin.

Part 4_Citra Karisma (Anugerah Webometrics) 2020: Apalah yang dimerapukan?

When I submitted the application form, I need to write something about the blog.  Other nominees would write about themselves more than 50 words long.  Me?  I cringe with just the thought of writing something about myself.  Nay.  So I ended up writing “Laman web saya mengandungi kandungan yang serious dan juga santai seperti bukti pengajaran, strategi yang saya gunakan untuk mengawal tekanan dan sebagainya” [22 words].  There you go.  As you can see, the person in charge of this booklet screen captured one page from my webometrics and lo and behold, look at the title: “Anugerah Webometrics 2019: Should I?

If you look at previous recipients (2016, 2017, 2019), they wrote extensive narrative description about themselves.  There is nothing wrong with that.  But in my case, I chose not to write lengthy stuff about myself.

Few of my friends asked me “What was I thinking?” when I wrote that knowing that it will appear in the booklet for this year Citra Karisma.  Oh do I care!  That is my initial reaction.  Why should I be pretentious, right?  I am what I am and who I am cannot be defined with what I wrote, have written, write and will write in any piece of paper.  [This quote sounds familiar.  Oh no!  I sound more like my mentor, Yedullah Kazmi]

Part 3_Citra Karisma (Anugerah Webometrics) 2019: Tips untuk dikongsi

Ada orang tanya macam mana nak menang Anugerah Teknologi Maklumat (Webometrics).  Macam mana nak menang? (I rolled my eyes when I saw the question popping up on Whatsapp) Saya teringat tips yang saya dapat dari rakan-rakan (dua dari mereka merupakan pemenang anugerah ini juga bagi tahun 2016 dan 2017)

1) Niat menulis untuk berkongsi maklumat dan pengalaman. Sharing is caring. Contoh: Ada rakan yang mungkin tak dapat hadir ke bengkel yang kita dapat hadiri. Bagaimana nak berkongsi pengetahuan atau maklumat terkini yang kita perolehi dari bengkel yang mungkin berguna kepada orang lain juga? – zaman sebelum ada Webex. Ini adalah soalan yang diutarakan oleh Dr Norah (Pemenang Anugerah Webometrik 2016) kepada saya untuk saya fikirkan apabila menulis di people.utm.my. Alhamdulillah saya juga boleh lihat kembali (ingatkan diri saya) tentang perkara atau proses yang setahun sekali sahaja perlu diisi seperti TESDCP. Saya dapat lihat pertambahan elemen yang diperlukan bagi tahun ni berbanding tahun lepas berdasarkan penulisan tentang TESDCP pada tahun lepas.

2) Guna webometrics sebagai cara mendokumentasi pengajaran. Bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk tetapi sebagai ingatan kepada diri sendiri tentang aspek pengajaran yang boleh diperbaiki. Ini adalah tips yang saya perolehi dari Dr Asmawi (SKA) (Pemenang Anugerah Webometrik 2017).  Dalam hal ini, webometrik boleh digunakan sebagai E-content (bawah kategori blog). Webometrik Dr Asmawi amat tersusun dan padat.  Boleh dijadikan contoh sebagai rujukan.  Highly recommended! 

3) Untuk TESDCP, salah satu elemen yang perlu diisi adalah Falsafah Pengajaran.  Dengan kekangan karakter (4000 characters), Dr Nihra ada menyarankan saya “Kalau nak tulis panjang lebar, letak la kat kau punya webometrik.  Kat TESDCP ni nak yang ringkas dan padat je.  Letak URL link webo kat TESDCP tu.”  Saya mengikut saranan beliau sejak tahun lepas ketika mengisi TESDCP saya bagi tahun 2019 dan 2020 (tahun ini).

Part 2_Citra Karisma (Anugerah Webometrics) 2019: I feel cringe

After I replied the email to confirm my attendance as one of the finalists, I didn’t think too much about it.  I started to feel cringe.  So,  only few people know that I would attend the event.  Some even teased me that I would have a sleepless night before the event.

I know some might be perplexed why I cringe to attend such event.  If you can see the picture that they took, my face shows how I feel at that moment.

Friends from the school where I did my Latihan Ikhtisas even know about it.  One of the teachers has a husband who works at UTM.  He gave her the link.  They watched the event at school from FB live.  Eh since when Citra Karisma becomes my school’s event?  I rest my case.  So, how can I not cringe when I got such messages from my friends and students?

Part 1_Citra Karisma (Anugerah Webometrics) 2019: The food is delicious

When I first got the email from the organiser to confirm my attendance to the event, I wanted to decline without any specific concrete reason except “I feel cringe”.  Yup. I don’t like to be in the spotlight.  I know some are looking forward and even create opportunity to be in the spotlight.  Nope.  That is not me.

I revel in being nobody.  Yup.  I am so used of being nobody since childhood.  I was not the straight As student (academically outstanding) nor athletics.  Nope.  None of it.  But I asked one of my seniors that I am close with to get some opinions whether I should go to the event.  She said “Dijah, you need to go or ________________ (fill in the blank)”.  The way she said is like I will be doom to reject such invitation.  It is akin to decline the invitation from Don Corleone (if anyone is wondering who is Don Corleone, as a start, you can find more information HERE).   Seriously?  I never thought that we have Don Corleone at UTM.

I asked another senior.  Her reply “Pergi je la.  Bukan senang nak jumpa Datuk NC.  Nak naik pangkat kena la tonjol muka biar orang pentadbiran universiti kenal” .  Errr…. Meeting Datuk NC and making myself known by the important people is the last thing that I have in my mind.  Nope.

I was not convinced.  So I asked few seniors more including Norah.  Norah said “Dijah, rugi tak pergi.  Makan sedap.  Bukan senang nak dapat UTM belanja makan sedap”  Makan sedap?  It sparks my curiosity:  “What kind of food they will serve us?”.    Yup.  I made my decision based on food.  So shallow, right?



How to use Jamboard?

One of my friends told me that using Jamboard is easy and we can see students “interact” with each other when they post their ideas.  It is like having a digital mahjung paper.  But in this case, we don’t need a physical paper, but digital “paper” i.e. computer screen.

So, how to use Jamboard?  If you google it, you will find Google Support website. 

But being me, I need some visual (pictures).

1. Log in to your google account (need to do this first).

2. At the board, tap Menu (with the dots),  ""and thenselect Jamboard settings (you need to scroll down a bit).

3. Create or open a jam (the term used for the board is Jam), click the Plus icon (bottom right).

4. On the toolbar (left side), you will see variety of options:

  • Pen
  • Erase
  • Select
  • Sticky note
  • Add image
  • Circle
  • Text box
  • Laser (if you use Google Meet – synchronous session)

5. You may start the task/question that you want to assign the students to work on or answer by using the options available.  As a start, I use Sticky note.

6.  Once you have completed with the task/question, you can share the Jam with your student.  Click SHARE button (the blue button on the top corner – right side).  You may need your students email account to share the Jam with them.

For more information, you may watch a video about Jamboard on Youtube.  I like this video. How to Use Google Jamboard for Remote Teaching

How to change your writing for TESDCP (Self-Assessment and Reflection)?

In the Self-Assessment and Reflection part, there are 4 things that you need to fill in: 1) Goals of student learning, 2) Personal philosophy, 3) Belief and practices of assessment and evaluation, and 4) Self-reflection of teaching development over time

However, you need to make at least 20% change every single year (I know, it might drive you crazy.  But, let’s remain cool, calm and collected).  In my case, what I did is I change only some parts of the previous writing.

For this year, due to COVID-19, I use this sentences to show the 20% difference

“Due to covid-19, even though my teaching philosophy does not change much since last year, I realise that …..

“Due to covid-19 even though the goal of student learning remains the same yet for this year, I emphasise …..

Nothing can be stopped from happening with the Blessing from Allah: Part 3

It has been more than a month since it happened.  At the moment, since the ceiling was replaced yesterday (10 August 2020, Monday), I am starting to do the cleaning process.  Bit by bit.  Yup.  I need to move the old moldy book shelves out (I need to repaint one of the shelves – still can be used as the mold is not that bad).  But the moldy shelve?  Total lost.  The wood is damaged.  It starts to rot.

The smell of rotting wood is what contributes to the current smell of my room.  It will be better sooner or later once I start cleaning.  Alhamdulillah I have Pandanus amaryllifolius  at home.  So, I brought some to my office.  I also bought charcoal and put it inside the office. On top of that, one of my seniors lent me her air ioniser.  I put that as well.  This is my way to get rid of the smell au naturale. 

From the first day since it happened, I try to look at what I can gain from this incident rather than the loss.  It is not about the monetary compensation, but what I can “gain” from this incident is more about what I can do to move on with my life.  There are so many junk that I have been wanting to throw away but I keep on postponing it because I think that I might use it or some of the students have not graduated yet so I need to keep their assignment as evidence.  The incident gives me a valid reason to get rid all of those junks.  Alhamdulillah.  Finally, I am able to get rid of it.  A lot!!!!!

But since that happened, I know that I take quite a long time to start cleaning my room.  For obvious reason, the ceiling has not been replaced.  It is unsafe for me to be in the room, cleaning and whatsnot in which I know there are rodents lurking and overlooking me from the ceiling.  Something might drop from above due to their “movement”.  Well, there are traces of its existence every where.

So, for now, one thing at a time.  Slow but moving.  I will do things according to my pace.