Larangan ketika berdoa

Markah ELPPT aku kurang dari 80%.  Aku dah masukkan semua yang diminta.  Tapi, aku sedih sebab walaupun tahun ni paling banyak penglibatan aku dalam penilaian, perundingan dan yang lain, tapi markah aku paling rendah untuk jangka masa 3 tahun ni.  Aku dapat 4/10 untuk sahsiah.  Aku tak pernah datang kelas lewat.  Aku tak pernah tak berbincang dengan pelajar tentang tugasan dan juga beri mereka komen dan panduan untuk mereka perbaiki mutu kerja”  Ini keluhan seorang sahabat saya.

Saya akui yang saya juga kadang kala mengeluh sepertinya.   Saya terfikir bagaimana untuk menjadi lebih redha di atas ketentuan Allah berikan disebalik ketidakadilan.  Bukan mudah untuk tidak berasa tertekan di atas penindasan orang terhadap kita, tapi bagaimanakah menjadi seorang yang tidak putus harap kepada Allah?

Ada kalanya sebagai insan yang sifatnya lemah, mungkin pernah terdetik dalam benak fikiran kenapa apa yang kita hajati dan doakan tidak membuahkan hasil yang diharapkan.  Apabila ini berlaku, kadang kala terdetik dalam hati “Allah mungkin tidak perkenan doa aku ini“.  Sesungguhnya kita tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita meskipun kita mempunyai akal fikiran yang waras kerana akal fikiran kita ini adalah kurniaan Allah dan kesempurnaan akal fikiran tertakluk kepada kurniaanNya.

Oleh yang demikian, sebagai insan yang sifatnya lemah, kita tidak boleh meragui kurniaan Allah kepada kita dan kita perlu sentiasa berdoa tanpa putus harap kepada Allah.  Antara larangan berdoa yang perlu kita jaga ialah tentang ketidak yakinan kita kepada Allah.  Ini adalah berdasarkan hadith Nabi SAW yang diriwayakan oleh Abu Hurairah RA.

  • Daripada Abu Hurairah RA, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

لاَ يَقُولَنَّ أَحَدُكُمْ: اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي إِنْ شِئْتَ، اللَّهُمَّ ارْحَمْنِي إِنْ شِئْتَ، لِيَعْزِمِ المَسْأَلَةَ، فَإِنَّهُ لاَ مُكْرِهَ لَهُ

Maksudnya: “Janganlah seseorang kamu berkata: Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, ampunilah aku sekiranya Engkau mahu, Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, kasihanilah aku sekiranya Engkau mahu. Akan tetapi hendaklah dia berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dalam meminta kerana sesungguhnya Allah sama sekali tidak ada yang memaksa.” [Riwayat al-Bukhari (6339) dan Muslim (2679)]

Dalam hadith tersebut, perkataan sekiranya merujuk seolah-olah kita tidak percaya akan rahmat Allah kepada kita.  DIA yang mempu untuk memberi kurniaan tanpa sebarang halangan atau alasan.  Oleh itu, jangan putus harap sekiranya apa yang dijangkakan tidak diperolehi setelah berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh.  Allah tidak pernah silap dalam memberi apa yang terbaik untuk kita.

Nota: Untuk rujukan, layari laman web mufti Wilayah Persekutuan tentang larangan ketika berdoa.  


Using song to teach grammar_Part 3

I am not a big fan of any singer.  But I do listen to good songs with meaningful lyrics such as songs by Richard Marx and such.  I have been listening to his songs for more than 10 years (since I was a teenager).  Little did I know that I will use his songs to teach students grammar.  Yup.  One of the songs that I used to teach grammar is this song.  This is not a break up song.  It is a song which could be interpreted as someone who is searching for his identity and finally has the courage to decide on something.  I used this song whenever I could (not only for the classes that I taught, but also relief classes).

I remember I played this song during a relief class with Form 3 SK (girls).  The girls love it!  They requested for an encore.  But when I came back to the teacher’s room, some of them commented that about hearing an English song playing in one of the classrooms and the students were singing (although this was not the first time).  Well, I was guilty as charge.  What a heck!  It is not easy to keep students motivated to learn English.  I have to be creative in this sense.  Indeed.

Ready to Fly by Richard Marx

I have been trying to open the door
To the secret of my destiny
And every new road I think is the one
Seems to lead right back to me

I have looked for a way to be wiser
A way to be strong
Now I see the answer was hiding
In me all along

And I am ready to fly
Over the sun
Like a rocket to heaven
And I am ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I would find something to lift me so high
I have always had wings
But I was not ready to fly

Restless, hopeless, and misunderstood
Like so many others I know
So busy trying to keep holding on
When I should have been letting go

I was given the gift to find it
The spirit inside me
But I never really imagined
All I could be

The answer to all of my wonder
Was right in my hands
Now it is time for me to discover
All that I am

I have always had wings
Now I am finally ready to fly

  1. Identify the types of tenses from the text
  2. In a table, write down the types of tenses and the related verbs
  3. Identify countable and uncountable nouns
  4. List the countable and uncountable nouns that you can find from the text
  5. Identify adjectives from the text
  6. List the adjectives that you can find from the text

Unexpected thing to happen

The fabric of this baju kurung was given by a senior colleagues as a gift for my PhD completion.  She said that I need to wear something cheerful, pastel color clothing.  Well, I have pastel color baju kurung but at that time not as many as darker color ones.   The tear was caused by an over-heated iron.  My fault, really.



Road rage: Does it worth?

A Thai advertisement on road rage makes me think how easy it is for us to lose control of ourselves and how easy it is for us to be a rational driver.  All it takes is compassion.  Sometimes, when people overtake me on the road, of course I feel shocked and angry but I would say out loud to myself “Perhaps he needs to arrive to certain destination due to nature’s call” [Agaknya dia nak pergi tandas kot].  It does work for me to calm myself and not to get angry with those drivers who drive recklessly.

There are times when I am stressed that I find it hard to stay focused on the road.  So, when this happens I have the tendency to either drive a bit slow or fast especially when I am using Senai-Desaru highway.  But what I don’t understand is there are some drivers who like to tailgate me for no reasons when I drive a bit slow or fast.  Come on, man!  I am not inviting you to have a race with me.  Just leave me alone.

All of us know about the story between the late Arwah Syed Muhammad Danial (Al-Fatihah) and a Mr. Yew Wei Liang.  Perhaps we can learn couples of things from their story and the story in the advertisement.  We need to have the “co-driver” in us [we don’t need other person to remind ourselves, right?]

UTM Royal Gala Dinner 2019

UTM Royal Gala Dinner is a yearly event at UTM and this year, 2019 it will be held on 6 Oktober 2019 at the prestigious 5-star Marriot Putrajaya Hotel which is the official hotel partner for the Gala Dinner.

The UTM Royal Gala Dinner 2019 will be graced by Her Majesty Raja Zarith Sofiah  Binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, Permaisuri of Johor and Chancellor of UTM.

For more information about this event, please go HERE.