When I first got the email from the organiser to confirm my attendance to the event, I wanted to decline without any specific concrete reason except “I feel cringe”. Yup. I don’t like to be in the spotlight. I know some are looking forward and even create opportunity to be in the spotlight. Nope. That is not me.
I revel in being nobody. Yup. I am so used of being nobody since childhood. I was not the straight As student (academically outstanding) nor athletics. Nope. None of it. But I asked one of my seniors that I am close with to get some opinions whether I should go to the event. She said “Dijah, you need to go or ________________ (fill in the blank)”. The way she said is like I will be doom to reject such invitation. It is akin to decline the invitation from Don Corleone (if anyone is wondering who is Don Corleone, as a start, you can find more information HERE). Seriously? I never thought that we have Don Corleone at UTM.
I asked another senior. Her reply “Pergi je la. Bukan senang nak jumpa Datuk NC. Nak naik pangkat kena la tonjol muka biar orang pentadbiran universiti kenal” . Errr…. Meeting Datuk NC and making myself known by the important people is the last thing that I have in my mind. Nope.
I was not convinced. So I asked few seniors more including Norah. Norah said “Dijah, rugi tak pergi. Makan sedap. Bukan senang nak dapat UTM belanja makan sedap” Makan sedap? It sparks my curiosity: “What kind of food they will serve us?”. Yup. I made my decision based on food. So shallow, right?