Pencegahan bunuh diri

Depression is a real deal.  If you have a fever, it is common for us to go to see the doctor to get helped.  What if you feel “sad” over a prolonged period of time?  Saying “Sabar banyak-banyak.  Baca Al-Quran.  Banyakkan berzikir” [Translated: Be patient.  Read the Quran.  Recite zikr a lot, continuously] is  common.  Ironically, that is the common thing any depressed people will hear from people.  The thing is you cannot cure depression through that.  It is a medical condition which involves and affects the physical or biological functions.

Getting help from professionals is needed.  It is a must.  I vividly remember  the moment I removed my backpack and started to holding to the rail on the bridge on the way to my school.  As I looked down on the River Wear below, it felt tranquil.  At that time, I desperately needed to feel calm and peace.  My mind was not in its right state at that time.  Losing my dad few months ago was a tragic that I had to bear on my own.  Friends were there at times but I felt lonely.

When I met my supervisor, he knew that something was amiss and urged me to get help.  He prompted me to get a break.  I nearly broke down when he said that.  Looking at his concerned face, I went to get help.  It was not easy to overcome and get rid of suicidal thoughts that kept lingering on my mind.

When I came back (without getting my PhD yet), I was not myself.  Not many of my colleagues noticed this.  Not their fault.  I was fighting my own demons.  One of the things that I learn is to change my body movement when I start to think “weird” stuff.  But little did I expect that some seniors noticed my weird behavior.  Rather than concern and empathize, they were not helpful.

Fighting depression on my own is not easy.  I learn and am still learning to manage my emotions.  It is not easy.  This is a struggle that I acknowledge and the battle is still far from the end.


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.