COVID-19: Doodlemaker

To prepare my class notes for next semester which I have to conduct 100% using online format, other than Prezi, I decide to explore other options such as video.  Yup.  I am not a video maker.  Some even commented that my videos are not professional looking and yada yada yada.  But, with zero experience of video making and editing and I never had any professional training in computer science field, creating a video is not my game.

Yet, I have little choice when I have to diversify my lesson delivery format.  I notice that my students have no difficulty to get accessed to Youtube even though they claim that they have difficulty to get my Powerpoint (audio) notes from Google Drive.  What kind of choice do I have other than exploring other options, right?  So, here I am using Moovly, Powtoon, Biteable and whatsnot to explore online video editing since I find out that using offline video editing platform will  require large storage (for the videos).

So far, I use the free version such as Moovly, Powtoon and Biteable (to the max).  One of my seniors said that 20 videos might be considered as a lot for her, so if she was me, she would use the free version of Moovly.  Yeah, right.  20 videos (each video is only 3 minutes long).  That is not an option if you need to have a slightly longer video.  But coming from someone who never even explore whatever options of video editing, I just brushed off her comments.  Not a valid comment to be considered.

I ask around before I make any decision to explore new video editing platform.  Alhamdulillah I keep in touch back with my old primary schoolmates who work in IT and whatsnot.  So, they advise me about available video editing platform and share some tips (technical stuff) which I try to implement.  It is not easy for someone like me to learn about something technical but with the support that they give me, they notice that I have improved (even though deep inside my heart, I don’t 100% believe it).  But, what matters most is their support in my journey to improve my skills.

So, this is my first video using Doodlemaker for my research methodology class.  The title of the video is: Quantitative sampling design. 

What I like about Doodlemaker is they have voice annotation that have several options that I can explore.  Unlike other video making platform, I need to record my own voice and upload it to suit with the video that I am making.  The thing is, I don’t know how to copy past audio recording and stuff (a basic thing that I do not have any mastery yet).  So, what are the options that Doodlemaker has?  I can use my own recorded voice or I can type the script of my explanation and choose a voice that I want.  I can select British, American, Australian and Indian accents.  Cool, huh?  I also can choose either I want to have a male or female voice.  Cool, isn’t it?  For the time being, since I paid USD49 for that subcription, I better use it to the maximum.  Like Prezi, I have calculated that if I have only 10 notes per year, it means that each of my note costs USD6.  I need to have more than 10 notes to reduce the cost, right?  That’s what I am doing now.


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.