UTM Vice-Chancellor’s Eid Address 1440H

Dato VC sent his regards to all staff and students in accordance of Eid celebration.  I am moved by his Eid address.  

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh 

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

Let us extend our utmost gratitude to Allah Ta’ala for His countless blessings and love aplenty, we once again have the opportunity to celebrate Eid ul-Fitr 1440H in a peaceful and tranquil environment in this blessed land – Malaysia, Alhamdulillah.

Throughout the month of Ramadan, we restrain our lust, hunger and thirst, to train ourselves to be more patient, to understand the nature of life and to consistently carry out charitable deeds. Hopefully, we can continue istiqamah to get His blessing.

In conjunction with this Eid, let us together make this glorious month of Shawal as a time for us to clarify all the disputes and wrongdoings we have done so far.  Strengthen our friendship and brotherhood regardless of religion and ethnic groups because with camaraderie and unity, we are able to drive UTM to face all the challenges easily and excellently.

During this Ramadan, there are a few UTM students who have been invited as imam in mosques in UTM neighbourhood to lead the tarawih prayers. This is an example of how UTM as an educational institution produces excellent human capital who are not only brilliant in technical aspects but also from spiritual aspects. This directly proves that the student development program has a positive impact not only on the students itself but also on the surrounding community.

To all UTM community who are travelling home, plan your trip wisely. For those who drive, keep the ethics, always be vigilant and obey the traffic rules on the road. Celebrate this Eid ul-Fitr, with family and appreciate the quality moment together. Do come back with renewed spirit to keep UTM moving forward.

In closing, my family and I would like to take this opportunity to seek forgiveness from all staff, students and the entire UTM community for any shortcomings and wrongdoings.

It’s time to draw the curtain on Ramadhan
Now it’s turn for Syawal celebration
Eid Mubarak I wish to everyone
I seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings of mine

Be happy and enjoy the Eid celebration
Visiting each other is a tradition
Be careful the whole duration
May you arrive safely at your destination
Eid Mubarak, Maaf Zahir Batin.

Wahid bin Omar
Vice Chancellor

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