Poems that I have to teach during Latihan Ikhtisas (and after)_Part 1

There are several poems that I have to teach while undergoing Latihan Ikhtisas.  Two poems for form 1 [Sad I Ams and News Break] and another two poems for form 4 [The Living Photograph and The Charge of the Light Brigade]. 

For my form 5 tuition class, I teach the students two poems – What has happened to Lulu by Charles Causley and A Poison Tree by William Blake.

I don’t know how my teaching is effective when I was teaching the form 1 and form 4 students because some students could answer questions related to the poems well whereas some were still struggling.  But, with the CEFR curriculum, there will be no poem section in PT3 next year.   So, let’s wait and see then.  

Note: The implementation of CEFR curriculum has its own criticism.   Some research has been done relating to the implementation of CEFR.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.