Where can I get the Blended Learning certificate ?

For those who got band 5 (the rating for blended learning), you can download the certificate which you can upload later on for your ELPPT – Bonus (Anugerah Pengajaran) here for 2022. You may find your old certificate for session 2020/21 onwards. So, if you want to find the older certificate for session 2019/2020 or 2018/2019, you might not find the certificate in the current system.

  1. Log in by using your email and staff number
  2. You will see the list of courses and blended learning level. Only level 5 will have the + button (blue color) activated where you can download your certificate.
  3. Click the + button to see the button where you can download your certificate

Just do your best to improve your teaching. Remember: “We teach not to attain glory but to educate future generations for the betterment of ummah” (it sounds cliche, right? But it is one of the things that I learned from great mentors of IIUM).