The Big #5 things to be focused in 2021 at UTM

01: People Management

02: Institutionalize I.S.E.S

03: Strengthening research impact

04: Governance

05: High Performance Delivery

These are the five BIG things that I need to internalize. It is not easy as each might have its own challenges but I will give my best shot for all five things.

I know that some things cannot be rushed. To produce students who are future-ready employers, they need to be adaptable. How can we make them adaptable to the world out there which is volatile, relatively changeable and fixed? That are the common questions that we are concerned with but the real challenge is how to develop individuals who happen to be our students as human being.

To make them adaptable, we as the role models have to adaptable as well. This is the real challenge as we may be complacent with what we have and how we do things. But we cannot overlook the fact that we are also the role models as human being. Sometimes, students learn values that are not measured and often than not are overlooked in teaching and learning process. There are so many examples around which are self-explanatory.

COVID-19 pandemic challenges me (personally) to review how I teach my students via online method. It is not easy to teach via online format but whether we like it or not, we have to force ourselves to change.

My stance: Just do it and never give up. Slow but steady.

Note: I know others are more into fast lane mode, but I am not like that.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.