Timetable oh timetable

This was my first timetable that I got when I did my Latihan Ikhtisas.  PSV refers to Pendidikan Seni Visual (Visual Arts Education).  Me?  Teaching arts?  I am not the artsy type.  Not a bit.  But after negotiation with the principal, they only gave me English class.  Phew!  What a relief!  Indeed.

Here is the thing.  I don’t like being an impostor.  I can become edgy and I can’t hide my emotions well to cover my insecurity.  Of course I would feel insecure to teach something that I have zero talent or skill (whatever you call it).  But, I have fun with some of the students when we did mural for our English corner though.  Well, I just instructed the students in this case.  Not doing the actual drawing (I did the wall painting though.  That one does not need any special talent though.  Just need strong arms and hands to paint the walls 😀 )  

Now, all the things that I had gone through while undergoing my Latihan Ikhtisas are distant memories that I will treasure.  Of course, I still have tuition class with some of the “students”.  That’s an ongoing thingy that I continue to do even after I have ended my Latihan Ikhtisas.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.