Wake up, Mommy!

Since Batman went missing, I only have Robyn.  Robyn is the ONLY cat that I have now.   Unlike Batman, she cannot be cuddled and does not like to be cuddled.  But she likes to purr whenever she feels like to.  That’s so sassy, isn’t it?  Yup.  She is one sassy cat.

Off lately, she likes to sleep inside the house at night.  At first, I am a bit hesitant because I am afraid that she will poo or pee (she does not use litter box for more than two years).  She is au naturale.  

But, Alhamdulillah so far, so good.  “Nothing has happened yet”.  

One thing for sure, she does not like to sleep with me (unlike Batman).  But she likes to wake me up at 3 or 4 am without apparent reason.  Sometime I will wake up to feed her thinking that she might be hungry.  Sometime I will open the door to allow her to go outside.  But, she won’t budge even when I open the door.   Meaning, she does not want to go out.  

So, why does she wake me up at 3 or 4 am?   Like an unsnoozed alarm clock, she would meow non-stop until I wake up and get down from my bed.  Sometime she even does this during the “special” time of the month.  Well, as a cat, she does not know my biological well-being, for obvious reason.  I guess, the only reason she wakes me me up at 3 – 4 am is for me to tahajjud.  For that, I am thankful that I have this cat as my pet.  A special one.  Indeed.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.