What I like about the current working style?

Previously (before COVID-19), there are many events conducted through face to face like the monthly engagement with Datuk VC.  Now, we use online form such as FB live.  So, at the comfort of my colleague’s office, I can do my work such as writing a post here, finishing a newsletter article and attending (listening) the monthly engagement. 3 in 1.  I like my current working style: online plus physical format. 

Note: Some might wonder why I am still using my colleague’s office but the thing is my office is still not in a suitable condition for me to use it (not for long).  I will need to clean it first, get rid of the weird smell and so many things to be done.  Some might wonder why it takes me so long to clean up my room.  Well,  the ceiling was finally replaced yesterday (10 August 2020, Monday) after more than one month since the unforeseen incident.

This picture was taken on 8 August 2020 (Sunday). Yup. There were more than 10 ceiling plates that need to be replaced. So for safety reason, I don’t even dare to enter my room for long, just in case anything fall from the ceiling (uhuk uhuk.. there might be rodents lurking somewhere).

My to-do list:

1) Get rid of the moldy shelves

2) Get rid of some of the books (I have tried to salvage it.  I sent it for repair.  But it cannot be done.)

3) Shop for new books (I need to replace few books that are not mine too.  I borrow from my friend)

4) Spring clean (I will do it bit by bit)

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.