Inspirasi Kejayaan Pandelela Rinong Kepada Murid Sekolah

Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Pandelela Rinong. Beliau merupakan atlet wanita negara pertama yang meraih pingat dalam Sukan Olimpik iaitu di Temasya London 2012. Di Temasya Rio 2016, beliau sekali lagi meraih pingat iaitu pingat perak dalam acara 10m papan anjal seirama bergandingan dengan Cheong Jun Hoong. Manakala di peringkat sukan SEA, beliau sememangnya tiada tandingan dalam acara terjun. Bagaimana beliau boleh memberi inspirasi kepada kita? Pandelela Rinong bukanlah berasal dari keluarga yang senang. Bapanya dikatakan bekerja sebagai buruh upahan harian. Tetapi pada hari ini, ibu bapanya boleh tersenyum bangga dengan kejayaan yang diperolehi oleh anak mereka. berkat kesabaran dan pengalaman itulah yang mengajar kita untuk bersemangat untuk berjaya demi mengubah hidup kita. Ingatlah kejayaan tidak akan datang dengan mudah kerana ia memerlukan pengorbanan, keberanian dan kesungguhan. Tidak ada yang mustahil sekiranya kita cekal dan bersemangat untuk berjaya. Setiap daripada kita mempunyai kelebihan masing-masing yang mungkin boleh diketengahkan untuk berada pada tahap yang lebih tinggi. Menurut Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), salah satu faktor keciciran dalam kalangan murid sekolah ialah kemiskinan. Justeru, apa yang boleh kita pelajari daripada kejayaan Pandelela ialah kemiskinan dan kesempitan hidup bukan penghalang bagi murid untuk menjadi individu yang berjaya dan cemerlang. Sebaliknya kekurangan seharusnya dijadikan pemangkin semangat untuk lebih berusaha mencapai kejayaaan. Begitu juga dengan ibu bapa yang harus memainkan peranan dengan sentiasa memberi sokongan dan dorongan kepada anak-anak untuk berjaya dalam apa jua bidang yang diceburi selagi ianya bermanfaat kepada mereka. Sekiranya anak-anak cenderung dalam bidang akademik, maka sokongan, perhatian dan galakan daripada ibu bapa kepada anak-anak untuk belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh perlu diberikan secara berterusan. Dalam konteks Pandelela Renong, beliau dikatakan telah telah diberikan latihan intensif kecil dalam sukan renang di Sungai Rajang oleh bapanya yang telah mengenalpasti kecenderungannya dalam bidang terjun sejak beliau masih kecil lagi.


Inspirasi Dari Kejayaan Azizulhasni Awang

Bulan Ogos 2017 bakal menyaksikan Kuala Lumpur menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Asia Tenggara atau lebih dikenali sebagai Sukan Sea yang ke-29. Sebagaimana sebelum ini yang menyaksikan Kuala Lumpur menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Komanwel pada tahun 1998 dan Sukan Sea 2001, temasya dua tahun sekali ini bakal menjadi tarikan dan bualan buah mulut rakyat Malaysia dan penganjuran ini pastinya membanggakan kita. Selain persiapan rapi bagi menyambut ketibaan para atlet dari negara-negara ASEAN yang lain di samping memastikan sepanjang berlangsungnya sukan berkenaan berjalan lancar, murid-murid sekolah boleh didedahkan dengan inspirasi kejayaan atlet-atlet sukan tanahair. Inspirasi-inspirasi tersebut sedikit sebanyak dapat memangkin semangat murid-murid untuk berusaha dan berjaya seperti atlet-atlet tersebut tidak kiralah dalam bidang sukan ataupun bukan.

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan The Pocket Rocketman kebanggaan Malaysia; Azizulhasni Awang. Masih segar dalam ingatan ketika Temasya Olimpik London 2012, penulis sanggup bangun tidur awal pagi demi menyaksikan acara akhir keirin. Bagaimanapun, nasib tidak menyebelahi Azizulhasni Awang ketika itu. Dalam temasya Rio 2016, beliau menebus kekalahan tersebut. Beliau akhirnya menjulang nama negara dengan memperolehi pingat gangsa walaupun saringan peringkat awal penuh mendebarkan. Dan sekali lagi pada tahun 2017, beliau memenangi gelaran dunianya yang pertama di Hong Kong dalam acara keirin. Di peringkat Asia Tenggara, beliau sememangnya tiada tandingan, begitu juga di peringkat Asia. Bagaimana beliau memberi inspirasi kepada kita semua? Pertama sekali pastinya jangan sesekali berputus asa. Malah teruskan berusaha untuk mencapai kejayaan yang diinginkan. Ya, itulah perkara yang boleh kita pelajari daripada Azizul. Kepada sesiapa yang mengikuti perkembangan beliau, kita boleh lihat pencapaian demi pencapaian yang dikecapi beliau walaupun di peringkat awal beliau mengalami beberapa kali kegagalan. Pesanan kepada diri sendiri dan kita semua, gagal sekali tidak bermakna kita gagal buat selamanya. Apa yang paling penting ialah gandakan usaha dan jangan sesekali berputus asa. Putus asa membuatkan cita-cita tidak kesampaian. Penulis amat tertarik dengan nasihat seorang pakar motivasi mengenai putus asa. Sebilangan besar daripada kita terlalu awal menyerah kalah di pertengahan jalan walaupun telah berusaha dengan sedaya upaya. Bagaimanapun kita tidak sedar bahawa sebenarnya kejayaan semakin menghampiri kita. Penulis amat yakin bahawa dengan usaha dan komitmen yang diberikan Azizulhasni Awang ketika ini, pingat emas pertama Malaysia dalam sukan Olimpik mampu direalisasikan dalam temasya Tokyo 2020.


I keep watching this inspiring video. It inspires me to do something for the country in my way.

Why Publish?

  • To share and publish our research findings.

        “Your research is not completed until it is published. No matter  how “important” your results may be … if no one knows about them, they have no impact..” (Springer)

  • To show our expertise in a specific field – to become the subject matter expert – to be known.

          Good publications build your reputation

  • Opportunity to put collaborative projects & funding opportunities
  • Your institution’s reputation is enhanced: Attracts better students & Improves standing in academic community
  • To reserve a particular research so that it will not be copied by other researchers – to show that we have already done / or in the process of doing the research – to avoid any similarities to any other researches.
  • Personal satisfaction
  • Leave a legacy

         “Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama”

  • Exercise and practice for PhD research / academia.

         Throughout his Doctorate education period, Dr. Mundzir has managed to publish more than     twenty paper works on international and national levels. Dr. Mundzir was also active in participating in the research exhibitions on national and international levels, besides presenting his paper works in conferences related to his field..

          Throughout her PhD study period, Hazzirah Izzati also contributed in book publishing, indexed and non-indexed journal,  and presenting her research work in international conferences such as the Algebra Iran Seminar in Sabzevar, Iran; Biennial International Group Theory Conference in Istanbul, Turkey; Asian Mathematical Conference in Busan, Korea and Algebra Seminar in University of Brasilia, Brazil.

Where to Publish?

The slides I prepared when I was invited as a speaker in IPG Batu Pahat on 18 April 2017

What is Journal Articles?

  • Publications that specialise in a particular subject area, containing a series of short, in-depth articles which describe or report on new research.  Journal articles go into detail on very specific subject areas, and recent journal articles are a primary source of the latest research.
  • Journals are produced on a continual basis and can also be known as periodicals or serials. Some journals produce a new issue each week or month but others are quarterly or annual. Issues of a journal are often grouped and then referred to as a volume. As journals are published more quickly and more often than books, they can give more up-to-date information.
  • If a journal is peer-reviewed it means experts check the content before it is published. Not all journals are peer-reviewed; check the journal’s website to find out if it is.


What is a journal and a peer reviewed article?

What Is International Scientific Institute (Thomson ISI)?

What is International Scientific Institute (Thomson ISI)?

  • ISI stands for Institute for Scientific Information (lSI)
  • It was founded by Dr. Eugene Garfield in 1960. It is now part of Thomson Reuters company, Philadelphia, USA
  • ISI covers thousands of academic journals which are available via ISI’s Web of Knowledge (part of web of Science) database service
  • Garfield known to be the founder of the science citation index (SCI), a citation index of which journals are ranked systematically according to number of citing by authors termed as impact factor (IF).
  • A yearly journal citation report (JCR) is therefore established and published by Thomson ISI stating journals ranking according to their impact factor.

Top Three ISI-Indexing Services

  • Science Citation Index (SCI) or Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
  • Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)


  • ISI merupakan akronim bagi Institute of Scientific Information (lSI)
  • Ia diasaskan oleh Dr. Eugene Garfield pada tahun 1960. Ia kini menjadi sebahagian daripada syarikat Thomson Reuters, yang berpengkalan di Philadelphia, Amerika Syarikat     
  • ISI meliputi beribu-ribu jurnal akademik yang boleh didapati melalui  pangkalan data ISI, Web of Knowledge (sebahagian daripada Web of Science).     
  • Garfield merupakan pengasas Science Citation Index (SCI), indeks sitasi (citation) yang mana jurnalnya disusun secara sistematik mengikut bilangan yang dicite oleh penulis/penyelidik. Ia dikenali sebagai Impact Factor (IF).   
  • Laporan  tahunan yang dikenali sebagai journal citation report (JCR) diwujudkan dan diterbitkan oleh Thomson ISI yang menentukan kedudukan jurnal mengikut impact factor (IF) mereka.


Senarai Jurnal yang Diindeks Web of Science Dalam Bidang Pendidikan untuk Tahun 2017 (List of Journals Indexed by Web of Science in Educational Field for the Year 2017)

2017 Journal Citation Reports was released recently. As an academician in the educational field, I have sorted the list of journals indexed by Web of Science in the educational field for the Year 2017. Here is the list.

  • Academy of Management Learning & Education – United States
  • Active Learning in Higher Education – United States
  • Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education and Practice Edition – United States
  • Asia Pacific Education Review –South Korea
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Education –England
  • Asia-Pacific Education Researcher – Philippines
  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education – England
  • Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education – United States
  • Australasian Journal of Educational Technology –Australia
  • Australian Journal of Adult Learning –Australia
  • British Journal of Learning Disabilities – England
  • British Journal of Music Education- England
  • British Journal of Religious Education –England
  • Cambridge Journal of Education –England
  • Chemistry Education Research and Practice –England
  • Child Language Teaching & Therapy –England
  • Compare-A Journal of Comparative and International Education- England
  • Computer Assisted Language Learning –England
  • Critical Studies in Education –England
  • Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje –Croatia
  • Cultura y Educacion – England
  • Curriculum Matters –New Zealand
  • Distance Education- England
  • Early Education and Development – United States
  • Educacion XX1 – Spain
  • Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities- United States
  • Education and Treatment of Children –United States
  • Education as Change – South Africa
  • Education Finance and Policy- United States
  • Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability – Germany
  • Educational Management Administration & Leadership – England
  • Educational Measurement-Issues and Practice – United States
  • Educational Philosophy and Theory – England
  • EDUCATIONAL POLICY – United States
  • Educational Psychology – England
  • Educational Research Review – England
  • Educational Researcher- United States
  • Educational Sciences-Theory & Practice – Turkey
  • Educational Studies in Mathematics – Netherlands
  • Egitim ve Bilim-Education and Science – Turkey
  • English in Education- England
  • English Teaching-Practice and Critique – New Zealand
  • Environmental Education Research – England
  • Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education – Turkey
  • European Early Childhood Education Research Journal- England
  • European Journal of Education – England
  • European Journal of Special Needs Education – England
  • European Journal of Teacher Education – England
  • European Physical Education Review – England
  • HIGHER EDUCATION – Netherlands
  • Higher Education Policy – England
  • Higher Education Research & Development – Australia
  • History of Education – England
  • IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies – United States
  • International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance – Netherlands
  • International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism – England
  • International Journal of Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning- United States
  • International Journal of Disability Development and Education – England
  • International Journal of Educational Research – England
  • International Journal of Inclusive Education –England
  • International Journal of Music Education –England
  • International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education –Netherlands
  • International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education –England
  • International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning –Canada
  • Internet and Higher Education –United States
  • Irish Educational Studies –England
  • Journal of Baltic Science Education –Lithuania
  • Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education –England
  • Journal of Computing in Higher Education –United States
  • Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education –United States
  • Journal of Diversity in Higher Education –United States
  • Journal of English for Academic Purposes –Netherlands
  • Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education –England
  • Journal of Language Identity and Education –United States
  • Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness –United States
  • Journal of Science Education and Technology –United States
  • Journal of Studies in International Education –United States
  • KEDI Journal of Educational Policy –South Korea
  • Language and Education- England
  • LANGUAGE LEARNING –United States
  • Language Teaching- England
  • Language Teaching Research –New Zealand
  • LEARNING & BEHAVIOR –United States
  • LEARNING & MEMORY –United States
  • Learning Culture and Social Interaction –England
  • Learning Disabilities Research & Practice- United States
  • Learning Media and Technology- England
  • Linguistics and Education –Netherlands
  • Mathematical Thinking and Learning –United States
  • Metacognition and Learning –United States
  • Mind Brain and Education –United States
  • Music Education Research- England
  • Nurse Education in Practice –England
  • Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy –England
  • Physical Review Physics Education Research –United States
  • Physical Review Special Topics- Physics Education Research- United States
  • Psychology of Learning and Motivation- United States
  • Race Ethnicity and Education- England
  • READING TEACHER –United States
  • Research in Science & Technological Education- England
  • Research Papers in Education- England
  • Review of Research in Education –United States
  • Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research –England
  • Science & Education –Netherlands
  • SCIENCE EDUCATION –United States
  • Sex Education-Sexuality Society and Learning- England
  • Social Psychology of Education –Netherlands
  • South African Journal of Education- South Africa
  • Studies in Continuing Education- England
  • Studies in Educational Evaluation –Netherlands
  • Studies in Science Education –England
  • Teacher Education and Special Education- United States
  • Teachers and Teaching –United States
  • Technology Pedagogy and Education –England
  • TESOL QUARTERLY- United States
  • Thinking Skills and Creativity –England
  • Training and Education in Professional Psychology –United States
  • URBAN EDUCATION –United States
  • Vocations and Learning- Netherlands

Get the full list

Senarai Jurnal Q4 Dalam Bidang Pendidikan untuk Tahun 2016 (List of Q4 Journals in the Field of Education for 2016)

The following is a list of Q4 journals in the field of education for 2016

Rank Title Type Issn SJR Quartile Country
748 Pedagogika journal ISSN 13920340 Q4 Lithuania
749 Teaching Statistics journal ISSN 0141982X, 14679639, 0141982 Q4 United States
750 Asian Education and Development Studies journal ISSN 20463162, 20463170 Q4 United Kingdom
751 Education Next journal ISSN 15399672, 15399664 Q4 United States
752 Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances journal ISSN 17605393 Q4 Spain
753 Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society journal ISSN 18266223, 19718829 Q4 Italy
754 South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation journal ISSN 03799069 Q4 South Africa
755 Pharmacy Education journal ISSN 14772701, 15602214 Q4 United Kingdom
756 Current Issues in Education journal ISSN 1099839, 1099839X Q4 United States
757 Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, ICEL conference and proceeding ISSN 20488882, 20488890 United Kingdom
758 International Education Studies journal ISSN 19139020 Q4 Canada
759 Australian Journal of Early Childhood journal ISSN 03125033 Q4 Australia
760 Journal of Interactive Learning Research journal ISSN 1093023X, 1093023 Q4 United States
761 Revue Francaise de Pedagogie journal ISSN 05567807 Q4 France
762 Teaching Philosophy journal ISSN 01455788, 21536619 Q4 United States
763 JALT CALL Journal journal ISSN 18324215 Q4 Japan
764 Community and Junior College Libraries journal ISSN 15452522, 02763915 Q4 United States
765 English in Education journal ISSN 04250494, 17548845 Q4 United Kingdom
766 Journal of Applied Research on Children journal ISSN 21555834 Q4 United States
767 Monografias de Traduccion e Interpretacion journal ISSN 19899335, 18894178 Q4 Spain
768 Journal of Information Systems Education journal ISSN 10553096 Q4 United States
769 RLA, Revista de linguistica teorica y aplicada journal ISSN 0033698X, 0033698 Q4 Chile
770 Ubiquitous Learning journal ISSN 18359795 Q4 United States
771 New Directions for Teaching and Learning journal ISSN 02710633 Q4 United States
772 Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society journal ISSN 20416946, 20416938 Q4 United States
773 Revista Brasileira de Orientacao Profissional journal ISSN 16793390 Q4 Brazil
774 Cadernos CEDES journal ISSN 01013262 Q4 Brazil
775 Journal of Food Science Education journal ISSN 15414329 Q4 United States
776 Alberta Journal of Educational Research journal ISSN 00024805 Q4 Canada
777 Global Journal of Engineering Education journal ISSN 13283154 Q4 Australia
778 MLA 2014 – Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Multimodal Learning Analytics Workshop and Grand Challenge, Co-located with ICMI 2014 conference and proceeding United States
779 Meta: Avaliacao journal ISSN 21752753 Q4 Brazil
780 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education journal ISSN 03064190 Q4 United Kingdom
781 Journal of Museum Education journal ISSN 10598650, 20516169 Q4 United Kingdom
782 Perfiles Educativos journal ISSN 01852698 Q4 Mexico
783 Australasian Journal of Early Childhood journal ISSN 18369391 Q4 Australia
784 International Journal of Learning Technology journal ISSN 14778386, 17418119 Q4 Switzerland
785 Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization journal ISSN 14361957 Q4 Germany
786 Bioscene journal ISSN 15392422 Q4 United States
787 Revista da Educacao Fisica journal ISSN 01033948, 19833083 Q4 Brazil
788 Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology journal ISSN 00215015 Q4 Japan
789 Innovation and Development journal ISSN 21579318, 2157930X, 2157930 Q4 United Kingdom
790 Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning conference and proceeding ISSN 20490992 Germany
791 Periodico Tche Quimica journal ISSN 21790302, 18060374 Q4 Brazil
792 Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE conference and proceeding ISSN 15394565, 01905848 United States
793 Asian EFL Journal journal ISSN 17381460 Q4 United Kingdom
794 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL conference and proceeding ISSN 15734552 United States
795 Organisation Management Journal journal ISSN 15416518 Q4 United Kingdom
796 2013 12th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2013 conference and proceeding United States
797 2014 IEEE 27th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, CSEE and T 2014 – Proceedings conference and proceeding United States
798 International Journal of Distance Education Technologies journal ISSN 15393100 Q4 United States
799 Education for Information journal ISSN 01678329 Q4 Netherlands
800 Proceedings – 6th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2014 conference and proceeding United States
801 Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS conference and proceeding ISSN 18149316 United States
802 College Mathematics Journal journal ISSN 07468342 Q4 United States
803 Diversity in Higher Education book serie ISSN 14793644 Q4 United Kingdom
804 Young Exceptional Children journal ISSN 10962506 Q4 United Kingdom
805 RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas journal ISSN 00347590 Q4 Brazil
806 International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences journal ISSN 19422660 Q4 United States
807 Engineering Education journal ISSN 17500044, 17500052 Q4 United Kingdom
808 Multicultural Education journal ISSN 10683844 Q4 United States
809 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies journal ISSN 23272570, 2327011X, 2327011 Q4 United States
810 eLmL – International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning conference and proceeding ISSN 23084367 United States
811 International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education journal ISSN 13085581 Q4 Turkey
812 The Journal of General Education journal ISSN 15272060, 00213667 Q4 United States
813 International Perspectives on Inclusive Education book serie ISSN 14793636 Q4 United Kingdom
814 2014 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, REM 2014 conference and proceeding United States
815 Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement journal ISSN 15346104, 15346102, 21648212 Q4 United States
816 Journal for Multicultural Education journal ISSN 2053535X, 2053535, 20535368 Q4 United Kingdom
817 Research in Education journal ISSN 00345237 Q4 United Kingdom
818 ITALICS Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences journal ISSN 14737507 Q4 United Kingdom
819 Sociologija i Prostor journal ISSN 18465226 Q4 Croatia
820 Youth Studies Australia journal ISSN 10382569 Q4 Australia
821 Geography Teacher journal ISSN 17526884, 19338341 Q4 United States
822 International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies journal ISSN 15481093, 15481107 Q4 United States
823 Sustainability journal ISSN 19370695, 19370709 Q4 United States
824 30th Annual conference on Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2013 conference and proceeding Australia
825 Hellenic Journal of Psychology journal ISSN 17901391 Q4 Greece
826 Curriculum Perspectives journal ISSN 01597868 Q4 Australia
827 Education et Societes journal ISSN 17821428, 1373847, 1373847X Q4 Belgium
828 History of Education and Children’s Literature journal ISSN 19711131, 19711093 Q4 Italy
829 SIGITE 2013 – Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGITE Annual Conference on Information Technology Education conference and proceeding United States
830 International Journal of Special Education journal ISSN 08273383, 19177844 Q4 Canada
831 Didactica Slovenica – Pedagoska Obzorja journal ISSN 03531392 Q4 Slovenia
832 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2013 conference and proceeding United Kingdom
833 Teaching Artist Journal journal ISSN 15411796 Q4 United States
834 Revista Lusofona de Educacao journal ISSN 16457250, 1646401 Q4 Portugal
835 Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa journal ISSN 11344032 Q4 Spain
836 Advances in Special Education book serie ISSN 02704013 Q4 United Kingdom
837 Multicultural Education and Technology Journal journal ISSN 1750497, 1750497X Q4 United Kingdom
838 Orbis Scholae journal ISSN 18024637 Q4 Czech Republic
839 Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction journal ISSN 16758110 Q4 Malaysia
840 Journal of Language Teaching and Research journal ISSN 20530684, 17984769 Q4 Finland
841 Software Engineering Education Conference, Proceedings conference and proceeding ISSN 10930175 United States
842 Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education journal ISSN 1474273X, 1474273 Q4 United Kingdom
843 International Journal of Chinese Education journal ISSN 2212585, 22125868, 2212585X Q4 Netherlands
844 Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL conference and proceeding ISSN 20488637, 20488645 United Kingdom
845 Interchange journal ISSN 08264805 Q4 Canada
846 BSHM: British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin journal ISSN 17498430 Q4 United States
847 Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal journal ISSN 18559719, 22322647 Q4 Slovenia
848 Advances in Early Education and Day Care book serie ISSN 02704021 Q4 United Kingdom
849 International Journal of Learning and Change journal ISSN 17402875, 17402883 Q4 Switzerland
850 Children’s Literature in Education journal ISSN 00456713 Q4 United States
851 Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice journal ISSN 15414167, 15210251 Q4 United States
852 Journal of Architectural Education journal ISSN 10464883, 1531314 Q4 United Kingdom
853 Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoska Istrazivanja journal ISSN 05796431 Q4 Serbia
854 Australian Journal of Adult Learning journal ISSN 14431394 Q4 Australia
855 Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion Superior journal ISSN 20072872 Q4 Mexico
856 Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues journal ISSN 17537983 Q4 United Kingdom
857 Proceedings of the 2014 Zone 1 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education – “Engineering Education: Industry Involvement and Interdisciplinary Trends”, ASEE Zone 1 2014 conference and proceeding United States
858 Advanced Science Letters journal ISSN 19367317, 19366612 Q4 United States
859 Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth – Research Reports journal ISSN 14403455 Q4 Australia
860 Revista Latinoamericana de Investigacion en Matematica Educativa journal ISSN 16652436 Q4 Mexico
861 International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education journal ISSN 17442710 Q4 United Kingdom
862 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 conference and proceeding Indonesia
863 Journal of Applied Security Research journal ISSN 19361610, 19361629 Q4 United Kingdom
864 European Journal of Physical and Health Education journal ISSN 20808003 Q4 Poland
865 Work-In-Progress Poster – Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 conference and proceeding Taiwan
866 International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development journal ISSN 17531950, 17531942 Q4 United Kingdom
867 International Journal of Technologies in Learning journal ISSN 23272686, 23270144 Q4 United States
868 Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation journal ISSN 1857663, 14096099 Q4 Macedonia
869 Australasian Journal of Gifted Education journal ISSN 13239686 Q4 Australia
870 Journal of Classroom Interaction journal ISSN 07494025 Q4 United States
871 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education, IEEE MITE 2014 conference and proceeding United States
872 Applied Environmental Education and Communication journal ISSN 1533015, 1533015X, 15330389 Q4 United Kingdom
873 Proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference, IEDEC 2014 conference and proceeding United States
874 International Journal of Education Economics and Development journal ISSN 17595681, 17595673 Q4 Switzerland
875 Workshop Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 conference and proceeding Indonesia
876 Proceedings – 2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2013 conference and proceeding United States
877 ISEC 2014 – 4th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference conference and proceeding United States
878 Australasian Journal of Engineering Education journal ISSN 13245821 Q4 Australia
879 International Journal of Sustainability Education journal ISSN 23251220, 23251212 Q4 United States
880 Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching journal ISSN 16094913 Q4 Hong Kong
881 Enfances et Psy journal ISSN 17762820, 12865559 Q4 France
882 JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory journal ISSN 07316755 Q4 United States
883 Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance book serie ISSN 09266070 Q4 Netherlands
884 Health Professions Education journal ISSN 24523011 Q4 Saudi Arabia
885 Interactive Technology and Smart Education journal ISSN 17588510, 17415659 Q4 United Kingdom
886 International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education journal ISSN 13063030 Q4 Turkey
887 Revista de Pedagogia journal ISSN 07989792 Q4 Venezuela
888 Psychology and Education journal ISSN 00333077 Q4 United States
889 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2013 conference and proceeding United States
890 Histoire de l’Education journal ISSN 02216280 Q4 France
891 Explicator journal ISSN 1939926, 00144940 Q4 United States
892 African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education journal ISSN 18117295, 24697656 Q4 United Kingdom
893 Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association journal ISSN 13202480 Q4 Australia
894 Proceedings – 2013 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics, ICELIE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
895 Chinese Education and Society journal ISSN 10611932 Q4 United States
896 Citizenship, Social and Economics Education journal ISSN 20471734 Q4 United Kingdom
897 Apunts. Educacion Fisica y Deportes journal ISSN 15774015, 20140983 Q4 Spain
898 Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning, IMCL 2014 conference and proceeding United States
899 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
900 Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly journal ISSN 18144810 Q4 Taiwan
901 Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology journal ISSN 23060212 Q4 Taiwan
902 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering: Learning for the Future Now, TALE 2014 conference and proceeding United States
903 On the Horizon journal ISSN 10748121 Q4 United Kingdom
904 Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2014 conference and proceeding United States
905 Enfance journal ISSN 00137545 Q4 France
906 European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults journal ISSN 20007426 Q4 Sweden
907 Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering, TALE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
908 Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics conference and proceeding ISSN 21592144 United States
909 Bordon journal ISSN 23406577, 02105934 Q4 Spain
910 International Perspectives on Education and Society book serie ISSN 14793679 Q4 United Kingdom
911 Proceedings – IEEE 6th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2014 conference and proceeding United States
912 International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education journal ISSN 2334847, 23348496, 2334847X Q4 Serbia
913 Journal of Aesthetic Education journal ISSN 00218510, 15437809 Q4 United States
914 Theatre, Dance and Performance Training journal ISSN 19443919, 19443927 Q4 United Kingdom
915 History of Education Review journal ISSN 03113248, 08198691 Q4 United Kingdom
916 Journal of Technology Education journal ISSN 10451064 Q4 United States
917 Psychology, Society and Education journal ISSN 21712085, 1989709 Q4 United States
918 International Journal of English Studies journal ISSN 15787044 Q4 Spain
919 Proceedings of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference, IEDEC 2013 conference and proceeding United States
920 CSEDU 2014 – Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education conference and proceeding Czech Republic
921 Advances in Program Evaluation book serie ISSN 14747863 Q4 United Kingdom
922 Cadmo journal ISSN 11225165, 19725019 Q4 Italy
923 School Mental Health journal ISSN 18662633, 18662625 Q4 Germany
924 International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning journal ISSN 2327915, 23277971 Q4 United States
925 Proceedings of 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, ICMIC 2013 conference and proceeding United States
926 CEA Critic journal ISSN 00078069 Q4 United States
927 Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2014 conference and proceeding United States
928 Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice journal ISSN 24054526 Q4 United States
929 International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation journal ISSN 23278692, 23277920 Q4 United States
930 Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education, WESE 2012 conference and proceeding United States
931 Magis journal ISSN 20271182, 20271174 Q4 Colombia
932 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCCSE 2014 conference and proceeding United States
933 Carrefours de l’Education journal ISSN 12623490, 19696949 Q4 France
934 Revista de la Educacion Superior journal ISSN 01852760, 23959037 Q4 Mexico
935 Research in Engineering Education Symposium, REES 2013 conference and proceeding Australia
936 Journal of Spanish Language Teaching journal ISSN 23247797, 23247800 Q4 United Kingdom
937 Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 conference and proceeding Taiwan
938 8th National and 5th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching, ICeLeT 2014 conference and proceeding United States
939 11th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2014 conference and proceeding Portugal
940 IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2013 conference and proceeding Portugal
941 2013 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, MSE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
942 Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies journal ISSN 20377932, 20377924 Q4 Italy
943 International Journal of Design Education journal ISSN 2325128, 23251298, 2325128X Q4 United States
944 Proceedings – 2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
945 Journal of Technology and Science Education journal ISSN 20145349, 20136374 Q4 Spain
946 Historia da Educacao journal ISSN 22363459, 14143518 Q4 Brazil
947 Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education journal ISSN 10770755 Q4 United States
948 TESOL Journal journal ISSN 10567941 Q4 United States
949 Journal of Research Practice journal ISSN 1712851X, 1712851 Q4 United States
950 Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi journal ISSN 13005340 Q4 Turkey
951 Journal of Research on Christian Education journal ISSN 10656219, 19344945 Q4 United Kingdom
952 Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education book serie ISSN 20449968, 20449976 Q4 United Kingdom
953 ICETA 2013 – 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, Proceedings conference and proceeding United States
954 EDERC 2014 – Proceedings of the 6th European Embedded Design in Education and Research Conference conference and proceeding United States
955 Asian ESP Journal journal ISSN 18332994, 18333001 Q4 United Kingdom
956 Specialusis Ugdymas journal ISSN 13925369, 24243299 Q4 Lithuania
957 Academic Questions journal ISSN 08954852 Q4 United States
958 Recherche et Pratiques Pedagogiques en Langues de Specialite – Cahiers de l’APLIUT journal ISSN 22575405 Q4 France
959 CSEDU 2013 – Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education conference and proceeding Portugal
960 Spirale journal ISSN 19516274, 12784699 Q4 France
961 Online Communities: Enterprise Networks, Open Education and Global Communication – 16. Workshop GeNeMe 2013 conference and proceeding Germany
962 Nurture journal ISSN 19941625 Q4 Pakistan
963 International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum journal ISSN 23277963, 23279133 Q4 United States
964 International Journal of Knowledge and Learning journal ISSN 17411017, 17411009 Q4 Switzerland
965 Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, EAEEIE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
966 Les Sciences de l’education pour l’ere nouvelle journal ISSN 07559593 Q4 France
967 2013 2nd International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education, ICEEE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
968 Studies in Qualitative Methodology book serie ISSN 10423192 Q4 United Kingdom
969 College Literature journal ISSN 00933139, 15424286 Q4 United States
970 Advances in Research on Teaching book serie ISSN 15694895, 14793687 Q4 United Kingdom
971 Academe journal ISSN 01902946 Q4 United States
972 YC Young Children journal ISSN 15386619 Q4 United States
973 Journal of Educational Enquiry journal ISSN 14445530 Q4 Australia
974 Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference in MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education, MITE 2013 conference and proceeding United States
975 Computers in Education Journal journal ISSN 10693769 Q4 United States
976 Journal of Psychological and Educational Research journal ISSN 22471537 Q4 Romania
977 Workshop Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 conference and proceeding Taiwan
978 Journal of Educational Thought journal ISSN 00220701 Q4 Canada
979 Journal of College Reading and Learning journal ISSN 10790195, 23327413 Q4 United Kingdom
980 International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies journal ISSN 18553362, 22326022 Q4 United States
981 Academia journal ISSN 10128255, 20565127 Q4 United Kingdom
982 Proceedings of WCCCE 2014: The 19th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education – In-Cooperation with ACM SIGCSE conference and proceeding United States
983 Encyclopaideia journal ISSN 18258670, 1590492X, 1590492 Q4 Italy
984 Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society book serie ISSN 19333633 Q4 United States
985 Doctoral Student Consortia – Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 conference and proceeding Indonesia
986 English Teaching and Learning journal ISSN 10237267 Q4 Taiwan
987 Proceedings – RoEduNet IEEE International Conference conference and proceeding ISSN 20681038 United States
988 Field Actions Science Report journal ISSN 1867139X, 18678521, 1867139 Q4 France
989 Management Education journal ISSN 23278005, 23279273 Q4 United States
990 Russian Education and Society journal ISSN 10609393 Q4 United States
991 International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership journal ISSN 23291591, 23291656 Q4 United States
992 Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research journal ISSN 15333604 Q4 United States
993 Meridian journal ISSN 10979778 Q4 United States
994 Collegiate Aviation Review journal ISSN 15235955 Q4 United States
995 Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation book serie ISSN 20480458, 20480466 Q4 United Kingdom
996 Proceedings of XI Tecnologias Aplicadas a la Ensenanza de la Electronica (Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching), TAEE 2014 conference and proceeding United States
997 Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis journal ISSN 08660182, 17860091 Q4 Hungary
998 NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education journal ISSN 19407890, 19407882 Q4 United Kingdom
999 Tamkang Journal of International Affairs journal ISSN 10274979 Q4 Taiwan
1000 Journal of Integral Theory and Practice journal ISSN 19445091, 19445083 Q4 United States
1001 Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 63rd Annual Conference International Council for Education Media, ICEM 2013 conference and proceeding United States
1002 International Journal of Early Childhood Learning journal ISSN 23277939, 23278722 Q4 United States
1003 Multicultural Education Review journal ISSN 2005615X, 23770031, 2005615 Q4 United Kingdom
1004 European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity journal ISSN 18033857 Q4 Czech Republic
1005 Curriculum Matters journal ISSN 11771828, 22532129 Q4 New Zealand
1006 Proceedings of the AIS SIG-ED IAIM 2013 Conference conference and proceeding United States
1007 4th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching, ICELET 2013 conference and proceeding United States
1008 Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education journal ISSN 15214842 Q4 United States
1009 Education in Chemistry journal ISSN 00131350 Q4 United Kingdom
1010 Work-in-Progress Poster (WIPP) Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013 conference and proceeding Indonesia
1011 Education 2014 – Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceeding United States
1012 Learning Imaging book serie ISSN 18696988, 1869697 Q4 Germany
1013 Doctoral Student Consortium (DSC) – Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 conference and proceeding Taiwan
1014 Journal of Adult Theological Education journal ISSN 17407141, 17431654 Q4 United Kingdom
1015 Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness journal ISSN 21606765, 21606757 Q4 United States
1016 Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases journal ISSN 20438869 Q4 Switzerland
1017 Engineering Design Graphics Journal journal ISSN 00462012 Q4 United States
1018 Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases journal ISSN 21661324, 21661316 Q4 United States
1019 Teaching Public Administration journal ISSN 20478720, 01447394 Q4 United States
1020 New Horizons in Education journal ISSN 16831381, 18183352 Q4 China
1021 Proceedings of IDEE 2013: 2nd International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments – In Conjunction with the 15th Int. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2013 conference and proceeding Portugal
1022 2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Education: Aligning Engineering Education with Industrial Needs for Nation Development, ICEED 2013 conference and proceeding United States
1023 Journal of Education and Christian Belief journal ISSN 13665456 Q4 United States
1024 Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology – Selected Peer Reviewed Papers From 2014 International Conference on Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology, CICET 2014 conference and proceeding Netherlands
1025 Caritas et Veritas journal ISSN 18050948 Q4 Czech Republic
1026 Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education journal ISSN 18377122, 18377130 Q4 United Kingdom
1027 Acta Comeniana journal ISSN 02315955 Q4 Czech Republic
1028 IASTED Multiconferences – Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, WBE 2013 conference and proceeding Canada
1029 International Journal of Humanities Education journal ISSN 23272457, 23270063 Q4 United States
1030 Deutsch als Fremdsprache journal ISSN 00119741 Q4 Germany
1031 Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle journal ISSN 02496739 Q4 France
1032 Recherche et Formation journal ISSN 09881824 Q4 France
1033 OAH Magazine of History journal ISSN 0882228, 0882228X Q4 United States
1034 Pythagoras journal ISSN 22237895, 10122346 Q4 South Africa
1035 The French Review journal ISSN 0016111, 0016111X Q4 United States
1036 Synergies Europe journal ISSN 2260653, 19516088 Q4 France
1037 Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis book serie ISSN 1479358, 1479358X Q4 United Kingdom
1038 Aussiger Beitrage journal ISSN 18026419 Q4 Czech Republic
1039 Religionspadagogische Beitrage journal ISSN 01730339 Q4 Germany
1040 10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, EWME 2014 conference and proceeding United States
1041 Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies journal ISSN 10784950, 15325822 Q4 United States
1042 International Journal of Diversity in Education journal ISSN 23270020 Q4 United States
1043 International Journal of Learning journal ISSN 14479540, 14479494 Q4 United States
1044 Recherches en Didactiques des Sciences et des Technologies journal ISSN 21106460 Q4 France
1045 Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia journal ISSN 16756061 Q4 Australia
1046 Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts fur Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universitat Potsdam conference and proceeding ISSN 21911665 Germany
1047 Second Language Learning and Teaching journal ISSN 21937648 Q4 United States
1048 CISCI 2014 – Decima Tercera Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernetica e Informatica, Undecimo Simposium Iberoamericano en Educacion, Cibernetica e Informatica, SIECI 2014 – Memorias conference and proceeding United States
1049 Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies journal ISSN 13087711 Q4 Turkey
1050 International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning journal ISSN 23286318, 23286296 Q4 Australia
1051 15th Annual General Assembly International Association of Maritime Universities, IAMU AGA 2014 – Looking Ahead: Innovation in Maritime Education, Training and Research conference and proceeding Australia
1052 International Journal of Literacies journal ISSN 2327266, 23270136 Q4 United States
1053 2014 International Conference on Web and Open Access to Learning, ICWOAL 2014 conference and proceeding United States
1054 Gymnasium journal ISSN 03425231 Q4 Germany
1055 Journal of Science Education journal ISSN 01245481 Q4 Colombia
1056 International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities journal ISSN 23270128, 23272627 Q4 United States
1057 Advances in Educational Administration book serie ISSN 14793660 Q4 United Kingdom
1058 IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine journal ISSN 1942065, 1942065X Q4 United States
1059 CLA Journal journal ISSN 00078549 Q4 United States
1060 Word of Mouth journal ISSN 10483950 Q4 United Kingdom
1061 Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference conference and proceeding United States
1062 International Journal of Learning in Higher Education journal ISSN 23278749, 23277955 Q4 United States
1063 Conference on Nuclear Training and Education 2013, CONTE 2013: An International Forum for Discussion of Issues Facing Nuclear Energy Training and Education conference and proceeding United States
1064 Astra Salvensis journal ISSN 23441887, 23934727 Q4 Romania
1065 Milli Egitim journal ISSN 13025600 Q4 Turkey
1066 Education Division 2013 – Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future conference and proceeding United States

Get the full list

Senarai Jurnal Q3 Dalam Bidang Pendidikan untuk Tahun 2016 (List of Q3 Journals in the Field of Education for 2016)

The following is a list of Q3 journals in the field of education for 2016

Rank Title Type Issn SJR SJR Quartile Country
494 Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice journal ISSN 19496605 0.328 Q3 United Kingdom
495 Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology journal ISSN 16995880, 16962095 0.327 Q3 Spain
496 International Journal of Early Childhood journal ISSN 00207187 0.326 Q3 United States
497 Journal for nurses in professional development journal ISSN 21699798, 2169981 0.326 Q3 United States
498 Revista Brasileira de Educacao journal ISSN 14132478, 1809449 0.325 Q3 Brazil
499 GMS Journal for Medical Education journal ISSN 23665017 0.324 Q3 Germany
500 Improving Schools journal ISSN 13654802, 14757583 0.324 Q3 United Kingdom
501 International Journal of Information and Learning Technology journal ISSN 20564880, 20564899 0.324 Q3 United Kingdom
502 Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities journal ISSN 0735004, 0735004X 0.323 Q3 United Kingdom
503 Narrative Inquiry journal ISSN 13876740 0.323 Q3 Netherlands
504 Teacher Educator journal ISSN 08878730 0.322 Q3 United Kingdom
505 International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education journal ISSN 14676370 0.32 Q3 United Kingdom
506 Journal for nurses in staff development : JNSD : official journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization journal ISSN 15389049, 10987886 0.319 Q3 United States
507 Infancia y Aprendizaje journal ISSN 15784126, 02103702 0.318 Q3 United Kingdom
508 Asia Pacific Education Review journal ISSN 15981037 0.317 Q3 South Korea
509 Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action journal ISSN 15570541, 1557055 0.317 Q3 United States
510 Revista Eureka journal ISSN 1697011, 1697011X 0.317 Q3 Spain
511 Journal of Education Finance journal ISSN 00989495 0.315 Q3 United States
512 Australian Journal of Education journal ISSN 00049441 0.315 Q3 Australia
513 Education Economics journal ISSN 09645292, 14695782 0.315 Q3 United Kingdom
514 Journal of Veterinary Medical Education journal ISSN 0748321X, 0748321 0.314 Q3 United States
515 International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling journal ISSN 01650653, 15733246 0.313 Q3 Netherlands
516 ICER 2014 – Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research conference and proceeding 0.313 United States
517 Tertiary Education and Management journal ISSN 13583883 0.313 Q3 United Kingdom
518 Talent Development and Excellence journal ISSN 18690459 0.312 Q3 Saudi Arabia
519 Journal of Media Practice journal ISSN 14682753 0.311 Q3 United Kingdom
520 International Studies in Catholic Education journal ISSN 19422539, 19422547 0.31 Q3 United Kingdom
521 Journal of Geography in Higher Education journal ISSN 14661845, 03098265 0.31 Q3 United Kingdom
522 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education journal ISSN 10382046 0.309 Q3 United Kingdom
523 Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties journal ISSN 19404158, 19404166 0.309 Q3 United Kingdom
524 Journal of Applied School Psychology journal ISSN 15377911, 15377903 0.309 Q3 United States
525 Roeper Review journal ISSN 02783193 0.308 Q3 United Kingdom
526 Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations book serie ISSN 10854622 0.308 Q3 United Kingdom
527 Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training journal ISSN 18776345, 18776337 0.307 Q3 United States
528 Journal of Children and Poverty journal ISSN 10796126 0.307 Q3 United Kingdom
529 Arts and Humanities in Higher Education journal ISSN 14740222 0.307 Q3 United Kingdom
530 Canadian Journal of Education journal ISSN 03802361 0.307 Q3 Canada
531 Journal of Physician Assistant Education journal ISSN 19419430, 19419449 0.303 Q3 United States
532 International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning journal ISSN 19418647 0.302 Q3 United States
533 Journal of Baltic Science Education journal ISSN 16483898 0.302 Q3 Lithuania
534 Knowledge Management and E-Learning journal ISSN 20737904 0.302 Q3 China
535 Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education journal ISSN 14926156, 19424051 0.301 Q3 United States
536 Proceedings – 2014 3rd GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop, GREE 2014 conference and proceeding 0.298 United States
537 Porta Linguarum journal ISSN 16977467 0.296 Q3 Spain
538 Engineering Economist journal ISSN 0013791, 0013791X 0.296 Q3 United Kingdom
539 Ethics and Education journal ISSN 17449650, 17449642 0.295 Q3 United Kingdom
540 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work journal ISSN 15313204 0.293 Q3 United States
541 International Education Journal journal ISSN 14431475 0.291 Q3 Australia
542 Journal of College Counseling journal ISSN 10990399 0.29 Q3 United States
543 ITICSE 2014 – Proceedings of the 2014 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Conference conference and proceeding 0.29 United States
544 Journal of Educators Online journal ISSN 1547500, 1547500X 0.29 Q3 United States
545 Zeitschrift für Padagogik (Beiheft) journal ISSN 05142717 0.289 Q3 Germany
546 Egitim ve Bilim journal ISSN 13001337 0.289 Q3 Turkey
547 Communication Teacher journal ISSN 17404622, 17404630 0.288 Q3 United Kingdom
548 Journal of Geoscience Education journal ISSN 10899995 0.288 Q3 United States
549 Teaching Sociology journal ISSN 0092055X, 0092055 0.287 Q3 United States
550 Revista Espanola de Orientacion y Psicopedagia journal ISSN 11397853, 19897448 0.286 Q3 Spain
551 Prospects journal ISSN 00331538 0.286 Q3 France
552 British Journal of Special Education journal ISSN 09523383 0.285 Q3 United Kingdom
553 Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse journal ISSN 1067828, 1067828X 0.285 Q3 United States
554 Advances in Engineering Education journal ISSN 19411766 0.282 Q3 United States
555 Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning journal ISSN 17595150 0.281 Q3 United Kingdom
556 Revista Espanola de Pedagogia journal ISSN 00349461 0.28 Q3 Spain
557 International Journal of Training Research journal ISSN 14480220 0.279 Q3 United Kingdom
558 Education for Health journal ISSN 13576283, 14695804 0.277 Q3 United Kingdom
559 Zygon journal ISSN 05912385, 14679744 0.276 Q3 United Kingdom
560 Qualitative Report journal ISSN 10520147 0.276 Q3 United States
561 English Teaching journal ISSN 11758708 0.275 Q3 United Kingdom
562 International Quarterly of Community Health Education journal ISSN 15413519, 0272684, 0272684X 0.275 Q3 United States
563 Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching journal ISSN 17501229, 17501237 0.275 Q3 United Kingdom
564 Qualitative Research Journal journal ISSN 14480980, 14439883 0.274 Q3 United Kingdom
565 Statistics Education Research Journal journal ISSN 15701824 0.274 Q3 New Zealand
566 PRIMUS journal ISSN 10511970 0.273 Q3 United Kingdom
567 Education, Citizenship and Social Justice journal ISSN 17461987, 17461979 0.272 Q3 United States
568 Educational Research for Policy and Practice journal ISSN 15702081 0.27 Q3 Netherlands
569 Children and Schools journal ISSN 15328759 0.268 Q3 United States
570 International Journal of Construction Education and Research journal ISSN 15578771, 15503984 0.268 Q3 United Kingdom
571 North American Journal of Psychology journal ISSN 15277143 0.267 Q3 United States
572 Phi Delta Kappan journal ISSN 00317217 0.267 Q3 United States
573 Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention journal ISSN 19411251, 19411243 0.266 Q3 United Kingdom
574 Pastoral Care in Education journal ISSN 02643944, 14680122 0.265 Q3 United States
575 Journal of Teaching in International Business journal ISSN 08975930 0.265 Q3 United States
576 Research in Comparative and International Education journal ISSN 17454999 0.265 Q3 United Kingdom
577 Journal of Criminal Justice Education journal ISSN 17459117, 10511253 0.264 Q3 United Kingdom
578 International Journal of Instruction journal ISSN 13081470, 1694609, 1694609X 0.264 Q3 Turkey
579 International Journal of Innovation and Learning journal ISSN 17418089, 14718197 0.263 Q3 United Kingdom
580 London Review of Education journal ISSN 14748460 0.263 Q3 United Kingdom
581 Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network journal ISSN 19395256, 10928235 0.263 Q3 United States
582 Astronomy Education Review journal ISSN 15391515 0.262 Q3 United States
583 Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research journal ISSN 21579288 0.26 Q3 United States
584 Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat journal ISSN 17362563 0.26 Q3 Estonia
585 Journal of Legal Education journal ISSN 00222208 0.259 Q3 United States
586 Career Development for Exceptional Individuals journal ISSN 08857288, 15575047 0.258 Q3 United States
587 OCLC Systems and Services journal ISSN 1065075, 1065075X 0.256 Q3 United Kingdom
588 International Journal of Children’s Spirituality journal ISSN 1364436X, 1364436 0.255 Q3 United Kingdom
589 Exceptionality journal ISSN 15327035, 09362835 0.255 Q3 United States
590 Perspectives in Education journal ISSN 02582236 0.255 Q3 South Africa
591 Australasian Journal of Special Education journal ISSN 18336914, 10300112 0.255 Q3 Australia
592 International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education journal ISSN 13079298 0.253 Q3 Turkey
593 Cadernos de Pesquisa journal ISSN 01001574 0.253 Q3 Brazil
594 New Directions for Evaluation journal ISSN 10976736 0.253 Q3 United States
595 International Journal of Multicultural Education journal ISSN 19345267 0.252 Q3 United States
596 Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education journal ISSN 15595692 0.252 Q3 United States
597 Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada journal ISSN 18465412 0.251 Q3 Croatia
598 Australian Journal of Environmental Education journal ISSN 08140626 0.251 Q3 United Kingdom
599 International Journal of Web Based Communities journal ISSN 17418216, 14778394 0.25 Q3 United Kingdom
600 Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies journal ISSN 10714413, 15563022 0.25 Q3 Switzerland
601 Africa Education Review journal ISSN 17535921, 18146627 0.249 Q3 United Kingdom
602 Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri journal ISSN 13030485 0.248 Q3 Turkey
603 International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning journal ISSN 18334105 0.248 Q3 United Kingdom
604 International Journal of Art and Design Education journal ISSN 14768062 0.247 Q3 United Kingdom
605 Aula Abierta journal ISSN 02102773, 23412313 0.246 Q3 Spain
606 Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning journal ISSN 14699745, 13611267 0.245 Q3 United States
607 Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research journal ISSN 23221291 0.244 Q3 Iran
608 Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia journal ISSN 19435916, 10558896 0.244 Q3 United States
609 Education Therapeutique du Patient journal ISSN 21000808, 21000816 0.242 Q3 France
610 Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling journal ISSN 10372911 0.242 Q3 United Kingdom
611 Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education journal ISSN 20507003, 17581184 0.24 Q3 United Kingdom
612 NASSP Bulletin journal ISSN 19301405, 01926365 0.239 Q3 United States
613 Journal of Transformative Education journal ISSN 15413446, 15527840 0.238 Q3 United States
614 Journal of Statistics Education journal ISSN 10691898 0.238 Q3 United Kingdom
615 Educacion Quimica journal ISSN 0187893X, 18708404, 0187893 0.238 Q3 Mexico
616 Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice journal ISSN 17556228, 20428707 0.238 Q3 United Kingdom
617 Movimento journal ISSN 19828918, 0104754X, 0104754 0.237 Q3 Brazil
618 International Journal of Game-Based Learning journal ISSN 21556849, 21556857 0.236 Q3 United States
619 Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education journal ISSN 15442896 0.236 Q3 United States
620 Chemical Research in Chinese Universities journal ISSN 10059040 0.235 Q3 China
621 Journal of Entrepreneurship Education journal ISSN 10988394, 15282651 0.235 Q3 United States
622 Journal of Continuing Higher Education journal ISSN 19484801, 07377363 0.234 Q3 United States
623 Journal of International Education in Business journal ISSN 2046469X, 18363261 0.233 Q3 United Kingdom
624 Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik journal ISSN 01735322 0.233 Q3 Germany
625 Journal of Children’s Services journal ISSN 17466660 0.232 Q3 United Kingdom
626 Journal of Turkish Science Education journal ISSN 13046020 0.232 Q3 Turkey
627 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education journal ISSN 23256540, 10963758 0.231 Q3 United Kingdom
628 Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education journal ISSN 11752882 0.231 Q3 New Zealand
629 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning journal ISSN 17415055, 15604624 0.23 Q3 United Kingdom
630 American Journal of Sexuality Education journal ISSN 15546136, 15546128 0.23 Q3 United States
631 Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Padagogische Psychologie journal ISSN 00498637 0.229 Q3 Germany
632 Curriculo sem Fronteiras journal ISSN 16451384 0.229 Q3 Portugal
633 Journal of Social Science Education journal ISSN 16185293 0.229 Q3 Germany
634 Intervention in School and Clinic journal ISSN 15384810, 10534512 0.229 Q3 United States
635 New Review of Information Networking journal ISSN 17407869, 13614576 0.228 Q3 United Kingdom
636 Child Care in Practice journal ISSN 13575279 0.228 Q3 United Kingdom
637 Journal of Asia TEFL journal ISSN 17383102 0.228 Q3 South Korea
638 Teoria de la Educacion journal ISSN 11303743 0.228 Q3 Spain
639 Compendium (Yardley, PA) journal ISSN 01931903, 19408307 0.227 Q3 United States
640 Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE conference and proceeding ISSN 1942647X, 1942647 0.227 United States
641 Educacion Medica journal ISSN 15751813 0.227 Q3 Spain
642 Physics Education journal ISSN 00319120 0.227 Q3 United Kingdom
643 International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning journal ISSN 17535263, 17535255 0.226 Q3 Switzerland
644 Changing English journal ISSN 1358684, 1358684X 0.225 Q3 United States
645 Management in Education journal ISSN 08920206 0.225 Q3 United States
646 History of Education Quarterly journal ISSN 00182680 0.225 Q3 United States
647 Journal of Research in Education Sciences journal ISSN 2073753, 2073753X 0.224 Q3 Taiwan
648 Journal of School Choice journal ISSN 15582159, 15582167 0.223 Q3 United Kingdom
649 Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education journal ISSN 13026488 0.223 Q3 Turkey
650 Teaching Theology and Religion journal ISSN 13684868, 14679647 0.222 Q3 United Kingdom
651 Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning journal ISSN 20423896 0.222 Q3 United Kingdom
652 Proceedings – CSERC 2014: Computer Science Education Research Conference conference and proceeding 0.222 United States
653 Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis journal ISSN 18906990, 15046893 0.222 Q3 Norway
654 International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments journal ISSN 19478526, 19478518 0.222 Q3 United States
655 2014 International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2014 conference and proceeding 0.222 United States
656 Research in Dance Education journal ISSN 14701111, 14647893 0.221 Q3 United Kingdom
657 Frontiers of Education in China journal ISSN 1673341X, 16733533, 1673341 0.221 Q3 China
658 Science of Gymnastics Journal journal ISSN 18557171 0.221 Q3 Slovenia
659 Language Learning Journal journal ISSN 09571736 0.22 Q3 United Kingdom
660 Constructivist Foundations journal ISSN 1782348, 1782348X 0.22 Q3 Belgium
661 Proceedings – 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012 conference and proceeding 0.22 United States
662 Journal of Leadership Studies journal ISSN 1935262, 19352611 0.219 Q3 United Kingdom
663 New Educational Review journal ISSN 17326729 0.219 Q3 Poland
664 Revista Cubana de Educacion Medica Superior journal ISSN 08642141 0.219 Q3 Cuba
665 Horizons journal ISSN 20508557, 03609669 0.219 Q3 United States
666 Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica journal ISSN 01024744 0.219 Q3 Brazil
667 Teaching English with Technology journal ISSN 16421027 0.219 Q3 Poland
668 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning journal ISSN 18688799, 18630383 0.218 Q3 Germany
669 Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology journal ISSN 13036521 0.218 Q3 Turkey
670 Visual Communication Quarterly journal ISSN 15551393 0.218 Q3 United Kingdom
671 Engineering Studies journal ISSN 19378629 0.217 Q3 United Kingdom
672 Data in Brief journal ISSN 23523409 0.216 Q3 Netherlands
673 The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh journal ISSN 14782715 0.216 Q3 United Kingdom
674 Proceedings – IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2014 conference and proceeding 0.216 United States
675 Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen journal ISSN 18659217 0.216 Q3 Netherlands
676 International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education journal ISSN 22004270 0.216 Q3 Australia
677 Journal of Extension journal ISSN 10775315 0.216 Q3 United States
678 Action Learning: Research and Practice journal ISSN 14767333, 14767341 0.215 Q3 United Kingdom
679 Elementary Education Online journal ISSN 13053515 0.215 Q3 Turkey
680 Policy Futures in Education journal ISSN 14782103 0.215 Q3 United Kingdom
681 Intangible Capital journal ISSN 20143214, 16979818 0.215 Q3 Spain
682 Educational Leadership journal ISSN 00131784 0.215 Q3 United States
683 New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies journal ISSN 00288276 0.215 Q3 New Zealand
684 Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology journal ISSN 14465442 0.215 Q3 Australia
685 World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education journal ISSN 14462257 0.213 Q3 Australia
686 Psychology Learning and Teaching journal ISSN 14757257 0.212 Q3 United Kingdom
687 Journal of Jewish Education journal ISSN 15244113, 1554611 0.212 Q3 United Kingdom
688 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education journal ISSN 00207209 0.212 Q3 United Kingdom
689 International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning journal ISSN 21557136 0.211 Q3 United States
690 ICER 2013 – Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research conference and proceeding 0.211 United States
691 Analise Psicologica journal ISSN 08708231 0.21 Q3 Portugal
692 Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism journal ISSN 15313220 0.21 Q3 United States
693 Proceedings – 2013 2nd GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop, GREE 2013 conference and proceeding 0.209 United States
694 International Journal of Environmental and Science Education journal ISSN 13063065 0.209 Q3 Turkey
695 Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa journal ISSN 16074041 0.208 Q3 Mexico
696 Pedagogische Studien journal ISSN 01650645 0.208 Q3 Netherlands
697 Girlhood Studies journal ISSN 19388209, 19388322 0.208 Q3 United States
698 Sodobna Pedagogika journal ISSN 00380474 0.208 Q3 Slovenia
699 Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability journal ISSN 16914147, 16915534, 14078724 0.207 Q3 Germany
700 International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education journal ISSN 17543266, 17543274 0.207 Q3 United States
701 Teaching Mathematics and its Applications journal ISSN 02683679 0.207 Q3 United Kingdom
702 Research in Drama Education journal ISSN 13569783, 1470112 0.206 Q3 United States
703 Formacion Universitaria journal ISSN 07185006 0.206 Q3 Chile
704 Egitim Arastirmalari – Eurasian Journal of Educational Research journal ISSN 1302597X, 1302597 0.206 Q3 Turkey
705 Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje journal ISSN 19328540 0.206 Q3 United States
706 Support for Learning journal ISSN 02682141 0.206 Q3 United States
707 Education 3-13 journal ISSN 14757575, 03004279 0.206 Q3 United States
708 Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching journal ISSN 02199874 0.204 Q3 Singapore
709 Odgojne znanosti/Educational Sciences journal ISSN 18485189, 18461204 0.203 Q3 Croatia
710 International Journal of Aviation Psychology journal ISSN 10508414, 15327108 0.202 Q3 United States
711 Nordic Studies in Education journal ISSN 18915914, 18915949 0.201 Q3 Norway
712 Resonance journal ISSN 09718044 0.2 Q3 India
713 Christian Higher Education journal ISSN 15363759 0.199 Q3 United Kingdom
714 International Journal of Management in Education journal ISSN 1750385X, 17503868, 1750385 0.199 Q3 Switzerland
715 English in Australia journal ISSN 0046208X, 01552147 0.199 Q3 Australia
716 Paideia journal ISSN 0103863X, 19824327, 0103863 0.199 Q3 Brazil
717 KEDI Journal of Educational Policy journal ISSN 17394341 0.198 Q3 South Korea
718 Journal of Social Studies Education Research journal ISSN 13099108 0.197 Q3 Turkey
719 Estudios Pedagogicos journal ISSN 0716050, 0716050X 0.197 Q3 Chile
720 Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice journal ISSN 2165316, 21653151 0.197 Q3 United States
721 Journal of International Students journal ISSN 21663750, 21623104 0.197 Q3 United States
722 The Journal of Negro Education journal ISSN 00222984 0.196 Q3 United States
723 Profesorado journal ISSN 1138414, 1138414X 0.196 Q3 Spain
724 Religion and Education journal ISSN 15507394, 19498381 0.195 Q3 United Kingdom
725 IEEE Potentials journal ISSN 02786648 0.194 Q3 United States
726 Zeitschrift für Evaluation journal ISSN 16195515 0.194 Q3 Germany
727 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education journal ISSN 15501337, 15501876 0.193 Q3 United States
728 American Biology Teacher journal ISSN 00027685 0.193 Q3 United States
729 Law Teacher journal ISSN 03069400 0.193 Q3 United Kingdom
730 Chemistry journal ISSN 08619255 0.192 Q3 Bulgaria
731 Journal of Information Technology Education:Research journal ISSN 15479714, 15393585 0.192 Q3 United States
732 Catholic University Law Review journal ISSN 00088390 0.192 Q3 United States
733 Industrial and Commercial Training journal ISSN 00197858 0.191 Q3 United Kingdom
734 International Perspectives on Higher Education Research book serie ISSN 14793628 0.191 Q3 United Kingdom
735 OCNOS journal ISSN 1885446X, 1885446 0.191 Q3 Spain
736 Youth Theatre Journal journal ISSN 08929092 0.19 Q3 United Kingdom
737 L@S 2015 – 2nd ACM Conference on Learning at Scale conference and proceeding 0.19 United States
738 TECHNE journal ISSN 22390243 0.19 Q3 Italy
739 Journal of Pedagogy journal ISSN 13382144, 13381563 0.19 Q3 Germany
740 Religious Education journal ISSN 00344087, 15473201 0.189 Q3 United States
741 Journal of Latinos and Education journal ISSN 15348431 0.189 Q3 United States
742 English Language Teaching journal ISSN 19164742, 19164750 0.189 Q3 Canada
743 ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Belgium) journal ISSN 17831490, 00190829 0.188 Q3 Belgium
744 Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury journal ISSN 00403601 0.188 Q3 Russian Federation
745 Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies journal ISSN 20510969, 17402743, 20510959 0.188 Q3 United Kingdom
746 Bolema – Mathematics Education Bulletin journal ISSN 0103636, 19804415, 0103636X 0.187 Q3 Brazil
747 International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches journal ISSN 18340806 0.186 Q3 Australia

Get the full list Q3 Journals in Education 2016

Senarai Jurnal Q2 Dalam Bidang Pendidikan untuk Tahun 2016 (List of Q2 Journals in the Field of Education for 2016)

The following is a list of Q2 journals in the field of education for 2016

Rank Title Type ISSN SJR SJR Quartile H index Country
245 Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy journal ISSN 1891943, 1891943X 0.655 Q2 5 Norway
246 International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction journal ISSN 22128689 0.653 Q2 8 Netherlands
247 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability journal ISSN 18748597 0.649 Q2 21 Germany
248 American Annals of the Deaf journal ISSN 15430375, 0002726X, 0002726 0.648 Q2 34 United States
249 European Journal of Psychology of Education journal ISSN 02562928 0.648 Q2 38 Portugal
250 Australian Journal of Language and Literacy journal ISSN 10381562 0.648 Q2 11 Australia
251 Curriculum Journal journal ISSN 09585176, 14693704 0.646 Q2 12 United Kingdom
252 Innovative Higher Education journal ISSN 07425627 0.646 Q2 28 United States
253 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies journal ISSN 17401461, 17401453 0.645 Q2 13 United Kingdom
254 Technology, Knowledge and Learning journal ISSN 22111662, 22111670 0.639 Q2 10 United States
255 Anthropology and Education Quarterly journal ISSN 01617761, 15481492 0.638 Q2 35 United States
256 Research Papers in Education journal ISSN 02671522 0.638 Q2 13 United Kingdom
257 International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation journal ISSN 1746725X, 1746725 0.637 Q2 15 Switzerland
258 Mind, Brain, and Education journal ISSN 17512271, 1751228 0.635 Q2 23 United Kingdom
259 Learning Environments Research journal ISSN 13871579, 15731855 0.632 Q2 25 Netherlands
260 International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship journal ISSN 1548923X, 1548923 0.629 Q2 25 Germany
261 Mathematics Education Research Journal journal ISSN 10332170 0.627 Q2 20 Australia
262 Symbolic Interaction journal ISSN 01956086 0.625 Q2 37 United States
263 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education journal ISSN 15604292, 15604306 0.624 Q2 20 Netherlands
264 International Journal of Stress Management journal ISSN 10725245 0.624 Q2 47 United States
265 International Journal of Human Computer Studies journal ISSN 10715819, 10959300 0.621 Q2 99 United States
266 School Psychology International journal ISSN 01430343 0.62 Q2 41 United States
267 American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research journal ISSN 08935394 0.618 Q2 19 United States
268 Innovations in Education and Teaching International journal ISSN 14703297, 14703300 0.616 Q2 39 United Kingdom
269 Journal of Educational Computing Research journal ISSN 07356331, 15414140 0.614 Q2 47 United States
270 Quality in Higher Education journal ISSN 14701081, 13538322 0.614 Q2 23 United Kingdom
271 Social Work Education journal ISSN 14701227, 02615479 0.609 Q2 19 United Kingdom
272 High Ability Studies journal ISSN 1469834, 13598139 0.609 Q2 25 United Kingdom
273 Higher Education Quarterly journal ISSN 02639769, 09515224 0.608 Q2 18 United Kingdom
274 Quality Assurance in Education journal ISSN 09684883 0.606 Q2 30 United Kingdom
275 Learning and Motivation journal ISSN 00239690, 10959122 0.605 Q2 38 United States
276 American Journal of Evaluation journal ISSN 10982140 0.603 Q2 42 Netherlands
277 Studies in Continuing Education journal ISSN 1470126, 0158037X, 0158037 0.602 Q2 19 United Kingdom
278 Assessment for Effective Intervention journal ISSN 15345084 0.602 Q2 13 United States
279 Educational Review journal ISSN 00131911, 14653397 0.6 Q2 36 United Kingdom
280 Learning Organization journal ISSN 09696474 0.6 Q2 34 United Kingdom
281 Mathematical Thinking and Learning journal ISSN 10986065 0.595 Q2 13 United States
282 Revista de Investigacion Educativa journal ISSN 02124068, 19899106 0.593 Q2 7 Spain
283 For the Learning of Mathematics journal ISSN 02280671 0.591 Q2 7 Canada
284 Journal of Philosophy of Education journal ISSN 14679752, 03098249 0.589 Q2 30 United Kingdom
285 Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy journal ISSN 10813004 0.588 Q2 35 United States
286 Anthrozoos journal ISSN 08927936 0.587 Q2 36 United Kingdom
287 Women’s Studies International Forum journal ISSN 02775395 0.585 Q2 45 United Kingdom
288 Theory into Practice journal ISSN 15430421, 00405841 0.584 Q2 43 United States
289 European Journal of Cultural Studies journal ISSN 13675494 0.584 Q2 25 United States
290 Issues in Accounting Education journal ISSN 07393172, 15587983 0.582 Q2 15 United States
291 Applied Measurement in Education journal ISSN 15324818, 08957347 0.582 Q2 34 United States
292 Gender and Education journal ISSN 09540253, 13600516 0.58 Q2 50 United Kingdom
293 Nurse Educator journal ISSN 03633624 0.576 Q2 33 United States
294 British Journal of Educational Studies journal ISSN 00071005, 14678527 0.575 Q2 36 United Kingdom
295 Australian Educational Researcher journal ISSN 03116999 0.573 Q2 22 Germany
296 Higher Education Policy journal ISSN 17403863, 09528733 0.572 Q2 31 United Kingdom
297 Critical Inquiry in Language Studies journal ISSN 15427587 0.572 Q2 6 United Kingdom
298 Early Years journal ISSN 14724421, 09575146 0.569 Q2 13 United States
299 International Journal of Educational Research journal ISSN 08830355 0.567 Q2 48 United Kingdom
300 Simulation in Healthcare journal ISSN 1559713, 15592332 0.567 Q2 38 United States
301 International Journal of Educational Management journal ISSN 0951354X, 0951354 0.567 Q2 36 United Kingdom
302 Behavioral Disorders journal ISSN 01987429 0.564 Q2 37 United States
303 Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research journal ISSN 15549178 0.561 Q2 28 United States
304 College and Research Libraries News journal ISSN 00990086 0.556 Q2 17 United States
305 Journal of Social Work Education journal ISSN 10437797 0.551 Q2 41 United Kingdom
306 International Journal of Testing journal ISSN 15305058, 15327574 0.55 Q2 12 United Kingdom
307 Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education journal ISSN 14738376 0.549 Q2 15 United Kingdom
308 Education Policy Analysis Archives journal ISSN 10682341 0.548 Q2 36 United States
309 Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning journal ISSN 14729679, 17540402 0.548 Q2 9 United Kingdom
310 Journal of Music Teacher Education journal ISSN 10570837, 19450079 0.547 Q2 7 United States
311 Journal of Social Studies Research journal ISSN 0885985, 0885985X 0.546 Q2 4 United States
312 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education journal ISSN 02735024, 15432769 0.544 Q2 43 United States
313 British Journal of Music Education journal ISSN 14692104, 02650517 0.544 Q2 10 United Kingdom
314 Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice journal ISSN 0969594X, 1465329, 0969594 0.544 Q2 14 United States
315 International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education journal ISSN 20466854, 20466862 0.543 Q2 9 United Kingdom
316 Journal of Political Science Education journal ISSN 15512177, 15512169 0.54 Q2 10 United Kingdom
317 Merrill-Palmer Quarterly journal ISSN 0272930X, 0272930, 15350266 0.539 Q2 58 United States
318 Accounting Education journal ISSN 09639284, 14684489 0.53 Q2 20 United Kingdom
319 Journal of LGBT Youth journal ISSN 19361653 0.525 Q2 16 United States
320 Technology in Society journal ISSN 0160791, 0160791X 0.524 Q2 37 Netherlands
321 American Journal of Distance Education journal ISSN 08923647, 15389286 0.522 Q2 11 United States
322 Child Language Teaching and Therapy journal ISSN 02656590 0.521 Q2 22 United States
323 International Journal of Technology and Design Education journal ISSN 15731804, 09577572 0.52 Q2 26 Netherlands
324 European Journal of Dental Education journal ISSN 16000579, 13965883 0.516 Q2 31 United Kingdom
325 International Journal of Music Education journal ISSN 02557614, 1744795 0.516 Q2 19 United States
326 Journal of College Student Development journal ISSN 08975264, 15433382 0.514 Q2 55 United States
327 Learning, Culture and Social Interaction journal ISSN 22106561 0.513 Q2 10 Netherlands
328 International Journal of Bilingualism journal ISSN 13670069 0.511 Q2 24 United Kingdom
329 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment journal ISSN 07342829 0.51 Q2 35 United States
330 Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education journal ISSN 13058223, 13058215 0.51 Q2 21 Turkey
331 Counselor Education and Supervision journal ISSN 00110035 0.508 Q2 13 United States
332 Academic Psychiatry journal ISSN 10429670, 15457230 0.508 Q2 35 United States
333 Language Awareness journal ISSN 09658416 0.504 Q2 14 United Kingdom
334 Education and Urban Society journal ISSN 00131245 0.502 Q2 28 United States
335 European Journal of Engineering Education journal ISSN 03043797, 14695898 0.501 Q2 22 United Kingdom
336 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education journal ISSN 15536467, 00029459 0.499 Q2 44 United States
337 Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education journal ISSN 00109894 0.499 Q2 11 United States
338 Educational Assessment journal ISSN 10627197, 15326977 0.498 Q2 20 United States
339 Early Childhood Education Journal journal ISSN 10823301 0.497 Q2 28 United States
340 Sex Education journal ISSN 14720825, 14681811 0.497 Q2 23 United Kingdom
341 Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics journal ISSN 15562646 0.496 Q2 19 United States
342 Gerontology and Geriatrics Education journal ISSN 15453847, 02701960 0.496 Q2 17 United States
343 International Review of Economics Education journal ISSN 14773880 0.491 Q2 13 United Kingdom
344 The International Journal of Qualitative Methods journal ISSN 16094069 0.489 Q2 9 United States
345 Pedagogy, Culture & Society journal ISSN 14681366 0.488 Q2 16 United Kingdom
346 Literacy journal ISSN 17414350 0.488 Q2 18 United Kingdom
347 Education and Treatment of Children journal ISSN 07488491 0.485 Q2 29 United States
348 Education and Information Technologies journal ISSN 13602357 0.485 Q2 25 United Kingdom
349 Journal of Vocational Education and Training journal ISSN 13636820, 17475090 0.484 Q2 11 United Kingdom
350 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal journal ISSN 1350293, 1350293X, 17521807 0.48 Q2 17 United Kingdom
351 Training and Education in Psychology journal ISSN 19313918 0.48 Q2 21 United States
352 Children and Society journal ISSN 10990860, 09510605 0.475 Q2 34 United States
353 Proceedings – 2013 Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, LaTiCE 2013 conference and proceeding 0.474 5 United States
354 Mind, Culture, and Activity journal ISSN 10749039 0.472 Q2 39 United Kingdom
355 Asia Pacific Journal of Education journal ISSN 02188791 0.472 Q2 14 United Kingdom
356 International Journal of Training and Development journal ISSN 14682419, 13603736 0.469 Q2 18 United Kingdom
357 Education as Change journal ISSN 16823206 0.467 Q2 8 United Kingdom
358 Research Studies in Music Education journal ISSN 1321103X, 18345530, 1321103 0.467 Q2 18 United Kingdom
359 Zeitschrift für Padagogik journal ISSN 00443247 0.466 Q2 16 Germany
360 Educacion XX1 journal ISSN 1139613, 1139613X 0.466 Q2 8 Spain
361 Journal of Hispanic Higher Education journal ISSN 15381927 0.465 Q2 14 United States
362 Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research journal ISSN 00313831, 14701170 0.465 Q2 24 United Kingdom
363 Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao journal ISSN 14143283 0.461 Q2 13 Brazil
364 Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension journal ISSN 1389224, 17508622, 1389224X 0.46 Q2 12 United Kingdom
365 Journal of Writing Research journal ISSN 20301006 0.458 Q2 9 Belgium
366 Research in Science and Technological Education journal ISSN 02635143, 14701138 0.455 Q2 9 United Kingdom
367 International Journal of Inclusive Education journal ISSN 13603116, 14645173 0.455 Q2 35 United Kingdom
368 Journal of Education and Work journal ISSN 13639080 0.451 Q2 23 United Kingdom
369 College English journal ISSN 00100994 0.449 Q2 17 United States
370 Journal of Language, Identity, and Education journal ISSN 15348458 0.448 Q2 11 United Kingdom
371 Educational Research and Evaluation journal ISSN 13803611 0.446 Q2 26 United Kingdom
372 Journal of Research in Childhood Education journal ISSN 02568543 0.446 Q2 15 United Kingdom
373 South African Journal of Education journal ISSN 02560100, 20763433 0.445 Q2 16 South Africa
374 Cultura y Educacion journal ISSN 11356405, 15784118 0.444 Q2 10 United Kingdom
375 Irish Educational Studies journal ISSN 03323315, 17474965 0.444 Q2 14 United Kingdom
376 Journal of Early Childhood Research journal ISSN 1476718, 1476718X 0.444 Q2 17 United States
377 Medical Education Online journal ISSN 10872981 0.443 Q2 13 United Kingdom
378 Studies in Philosophy and Education journal ISSN 00393746 0.442 Q2 20 Netherlands
379 Literacy Research and Instruction journal ISSN 19388063, 19388071 0.44 Q2 17 United States
380 Ethnography and Education journal ISSN 17457823 0.44 Q2 9 United Kingdom
381 European Journal of Special Needs Education journal ISSN 1469591, 08856257 0.439 Q2 31 United Kingdom
382 Computers in the Schools journal ISSN 07380569, 15287033 0.438 Q2 15 United States
383 Journal of Research in International Education journal ISSN 14752409 0.437 Q2 15 United States
384 International Journal of Lifelong Education journal ISSN 02601370, 1464519 0.436 Q2 24 United Kingdom
385 Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy journal ISSN 15728633, 13867423 0.436 Q2 32 Netherlands
386 Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning journal ISSN 15415015 0.436 Q2 4 United States
387 Teaching of Psychology journal ISSN 00986283, 15328023 0.433 Q2 36 United States
388 Computer Applications in Engineering Education journal ISSN 10990542, 10613773 0.428 Q2 20 United States
389 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology journal ISSN 0020739X, 0020739 0.428 Q2 18 United States
390 International Journal of Leadership in Education journal ISSN 13603124 0.428 Q2 28 United Kingdom
391 Australian Educational Computing journal ISSN 08169020 0.427 Q2 9 Australia
392 Australian Journal of Teacher Education journal ISSN 03135373 0.427 Q2 17 Australia
393 International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education journal ISSN 23659440 0.425 Q2 9 Netherlands
394 Electronic Journal of e-Learning journal ISSN 14794403 0.424 Q2 9 United Kingdom
395 Informatics in Education journal ISSN 23358971, 16485831 0.424 Q2 13 Lithuania
396 Journal of Management Education journal ISSN 10525629, 15526658 0.423 Q2 26 United States
397 The Interpreter and Translator Trainer journal ISSN 1750399X, 1750399 0.42 Q2 7 United Kingdom
398 International Review of Education journal ISSN 00208566 0.419 Q2 25 Netherlands
399 College and Undergraduate Libraries journal ISSN 15452530, 10691316 0.419 Q2 14 United States
400 Journal of Mixed Methods Research journal ISSN 15586898 0.418 Q2 24 United States
401 Educational Philosophy and Theory journal ISSN 00131857 0.418 Q2 22 United Kingdom
402 Language Resources and Evaluation journal ISSN 1574020X, 1574020 0.417 Q2 34 Germany
403 Educational Action Research journal ISSN 09650792, 17475074 0.417 Q2 18 United Kingdom
404 British Journal of Religious Education journal ISSN 17407931, 01416200 0.416 Q2 18 United Kingdom
405 Theory and Research in Education journal ISSN 17413192, 14778785 0.414 Q2 15 United Kingdom
406 Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft journal ISSN 1434663, 1434663X, 18625215 0.413 Q2 12 Germany
407 History of Education journal ISSN 0046760X, 14645130, 0046760 0.413 Q2 13 United Kingdom
408 IEEE SSCI 2014 – 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence – CIEL 2014: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Ensemble Learning, Proceedings conference and proceeding 0.412 3 United States
409 Australian Journal of Indigenous Education journal ISSN 13260111, 20497784 0.412 Q2 7 United Kingdom
410 Journal of Dental Education journal ISSN 19307837, 00220337 0.408 Q2 53 United States
411 European Journal of International Management journal ISSN 17516757, 17516765 0.407 Q2 13 United Kingdom
412 Social Work with Groups journal ISSN 15409481, 01609513 0.406 Q2 13 United States
413 Ensaio journal ISSN 01044036 0.405 Q2 7 Brazil
414 Journal of Humanistic Counseling journal ISSN 21590311, 21611939 0.405 Q2 10 United Kingdom
415 Journal of Chemical Education journal ISSN 19381328, 00219584 0.405 Q2 63 United States
416 Education and Training journal ISSN 00400912 0.404 Q2 36 United Kingdom
417 Educational Research journal ISSN 14695847, 00131881 0.404 Q2 41 United Kingdom
418 Revista Brasileira de Educacao Especial journal ISSN 14136538 0.403 Q2 7 Brazil
419 Equity & Excellence in Education journal ISSN 10665684 0.402 Q2 17 United Kingdom
420 Educacao e Sociedade journal ISSN 01017330 0.399 Q2 13 Brazil
421 Accountability in Research journal ISSN 08989621 0.397 Q2 21 United Kingdom
422 Communication Reports journal ISSN 08934215 0.395 Q2 14 United Kingdom
423 International Journal of Doctoral Studies journal ISSN 15568881, 15568873 0.395 Q2 11 United States
424 Canadian Modern Language Review journal ISSN 00084506 0.394 Q2 33 Canada
425 Asia-Pacific Education Researcher journal ISSN 01195646 0.394 Q2 16 Philippines
426 Educacao e Pesquisa journal ISSN 15179702 0.393 Q2 9 Brazil
427 Education for Chemical Engineers journal ISSN 17497728 0.393 Q2 13 United Kingdom
428 Asian Journal of Communication journal ISSN 01292986 0.392 Q2 14 United States
429 College Composition and Communication journal ISSN 0010096X, 0010096 0.391 Q2 27 United States
430 School Leadership and Management journal ISSN 13632434, 13642626 0.39 Q2 33 United Kingdom
431 Revista Mexicana de Investigacion Educativa journal ISSN 14056666 0.39 Q2 4 Mexico
432 Journal of Further and Higher Education journal ISSN 14699486, 0309877X, 0309877 0.389 Q2 11 United States
433 Adult Education Quarterly journal ISSN 15523047, 07417136 0.389 Q2 36 United States
434 European Journal of Training and Development journal ISSN 20469012 0.388 Q2 30 United Kingdom
435 Research in Post-Compulsory Education journal ISSN 17475112, 13596748 0.387 Q2 12 United Kingdom
436 International Journal of Engineering Education journal ISSN 0949149, 0949149X 0.386 Q2 37 Ireland
437 Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education journal ISSN 15375137, 23263296 0.385 Q2 3 United States
438 Open Learning journal ISSN 02680513 0.384 Q2 13 United Kingdom
439 Journal of Medical Licensure and Discipline journal ISSN 1547481, 1547481X 0.384 Q2 6 United States
440 International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance journal ISSN 02512513, 15731782 0.382 Q2 18 Netherlands
441 Revista de Educacion journal ISSN 00348082, 1988592 0.382 Q2 13 Spain
442 RELC Journal journal ISSN 00336882, 1745526 0.378 Q2 20 United Kingdom
443 Educational Theory journal ISSN 00132004 0.378 Q2 32 United States
444 Journal of Teaching in Social Work journal ISSN 08841233, 15407349 0.377 Q2 13 United States
445 Pedagogies journal ISSN 1554480X, 1554480 0.376 Q2 10 United Kingdom
446 Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics journal ISSN 16118014 0.376 Q2 15 Germany
447 Educational Forum journal ISSN 19388098, 00131725 0.371 Q2 10 United Kingdom
448 Deafness and Education International journal ISSN 14643154 0.371 Q2 16 United Kingdom
449 Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education journal ISSN 15404595, 15404609 0.37 Q2 11 United Kingdom
450 ITiCSE-WGR 2014 – Working Group Reports of the 2014 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Conference conference and proceeding 0.369 2 United States
451 Journal for the Education of the Gifted journal ISSN 01623532 0.368 Q2 23 United States
452 Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Ensemble Learning, CIEL 2013 – 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013 conference and proceeding 0.368 3 United States
453 Journal of Technical Writing and Communication journal ISSN 00472816, 15413780 0.367 Q2 13 United States
454 Peabody Journal of Education journal ISSN 15327930, 0161956X, 0161956 0.366 Q2 22 United Kingdom
455 Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied journal ISSN 00223980 0.364 Q2 45 United States
456 Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs journal ISSN 14713802 0.363 Q2 18 United Kingdom
457 Revista Complutense de Educacion journal ISSN 11302496, 19882793 0.361 Q2 6 Spain
458 The Clinical Supervisor journal ISSN 1545231, 07325223 0.36 Q2 13 United States
459 Visitor Studies journal ISSN 10645578, 19347715 0.36 Q2 11 United Kingdom
460 Ensenanza de las Ciencias journal ISSN 02124521 0.358 Q2 8 Spain
461 Educational Gerontology journal ISSN 15210472, 03601277 0.357 Q2 39 United Kingdom
462 Educational Studies journal ISSN 03055698, 14653400 0.356 Q2 31 United Kingdom
463 Digital Education Review journal ISSN 20139144 0.356 Q2 7 Spain
464 International Journal of Disability, Development and Education journal ISSN 1034912, 1465346, 1034912X 0.355 Q2 27 United Kingdom
465 Journal of Peace Education journal ISSN 17400201, 1740021 0.353 Q2 6 United Kingdom
466 Journal of Academic Ethics journal ISSN 15701727 0.352 Q2 11 Netherlands
467 Unterrichtswissenschaft journal ISSN 03404099 0.351 Q2 5 Germany
468 Bioscience Education journal ISSN 14797860 0.35 Q2 3 United Kingdom
469 Reading and Writing Quarterly journal ISSN 10573569, 15210693 0.349 Q2 17 United Kingdom
470 International Journal of Research and Method in Education journal ISSN 1743727, 1743727X 0.349 Q2 18 United Kingdom
471 European Educational Research Journal journal ISSN 14749041 0.347 Q2 20 United Kingdom
472 Journal of Music, Technology and Education journal ISSN 17527074, 17527066 0.346 Q2 6 United Kingdom
473 Journal of Scholarly Publishing journal ISSN 11989742 0.345 Q2 12 Canada
474 Estudios Sobre Educacion journal ISSN 15787001 0.345 Q2 5 Spain
475 Journal of Economic Education journal ISSN 00220485 0.344 Q2 38 United States
476 SIGCSE 2013 – Proceedings of the 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education conference and proceeding 0.343 12 United States
477 Community College Journal of Research and Practice journal ISSN 10668926 0.342 Q2 8 United States
478 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development journal ISSN 07481756 0.341 Q2 38 United States
479 Computer Science Education journal ISSN 08993408, 17445175 0.34 Q2 13 United Kingdom
480 Intercultural Education journal ISSN 14698439, 14675986 0.34 Q2 10 United Kingdom
481 Studying Teacher Education journal ISSN 17425964, 17425972 0.339 Q2 10 United Kingdom
482 Journal of Educational Administration and History journal ISSN 00220620 0.339 Q2 11 United Kingdom
483 E-Learning journal ISSN 17418887 0.337 Q2 9 United Kingdom
484 Reading Psychology journal ISSN 02702711, 15210685 0.337 Q2 23 United Kingdom
485 Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood journal ISSN 14639491 0.335 Q2 15 United Kingdom
486 International Journal of Management Education journal ISSN 14728117 0.333 Q2 7 Netherlands
487 Paedagogica Historica journal ISSN 00309230 0.331 Q2 11 United Kingdom
488 Journal of Interactive Online Learning journal ISSN 15414914 0.331 Q2 26 United States
489 Performance Improvement Quarterly journal ISSN 08985952, 19378327 0.33 Q2 12 United States
490 Computers and Composition journal ISSN 87554615 0.33 Q2 28 Netherlands
491 International Studies in Sociology of Education journal ISSN 09620214, 17475066 0.329 Q2 15 United Kingdom
492 Journal of Beliefs and Values journal ISSN 13617672 0.329 Q2 9 United Kingdom
493 Issues in Educational Research journal ISSN 03137155, 18376290 0.328 Q2 15 Australia

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