EXTENDED CFP (2017-09-04) for IEEE Sponsored IConDA 2017, Kuching, Sarawak

Call for Paper: Int’l Conf. on Computer and Drone Applications (IConDA) 2017
Conference Date: November 9th – 11th 2017,
Conference Venue:  Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Submission Due: 4th September 2017 (Extended)
Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 to 6 pages long PDF or DOC manuscripts of their research work at IConDA 2017 paper submission link: http://www.sarawak.uitm.edu.my/iconda17/openconf/
Papers are invited in broad areas of (but not limited to):
Computer Application
Artificial Intelligence; Bio-Tech & Medical Applications; Computer and Mathematical Modelling, Cyber Security and Strategies; E-Commerce Applications; Data & Information Mining; E-Government & E-Governance; E-Learning; Internet of Things (IoT); Machine Learning; Parallel & Distributed Systems; Smart, Adaptive & Intelligent Systems Technologies; Social Networks; Web & Content Management Applications; Virtual Environments & Games Applications and Emerging Computer Applications.
Drone System
Automation& Robotics; Communication Standards; Embedded & Real-Time Systems; Processor Architectures; Wireless & Mobile Network
Drone Application
Image and Signal Processing; Information Retrieval & Knowledge Management; Remote Sensing & GIS; Surveillance and Reconnaissance; and Other Emerging Drones Applications.
The advancement in computer and drones applications is beyond human imagination, affecting and transforming the society, both structurally and socially. Exploitation of computer and drone technology is crucial to humankind in the futuristic world.  IConDA-2017 provides an exceptional value platform for sharing and networking among scientists, academicians, policy makers and stakeholders from government institutions, universities, Non-Government Organizations as well as industry or private sector.
– All the papers will be peer-reviewed.
– Peer-reviewed accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE for consideration to be included in IEEExplore.
– Selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to be published in SCOPUS indexed journal.
For Important Dates, Paper submission instructions, Keynote & Invited Speakers, Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities, and updates on extended deadline for paper submission, kindly visit: http://www.sarawak.uitm.edu.my/iconda17/
For further enquiries, kindly contact us at:
   Tel: +60-82-678289 / +6082 6788344 / +6082 678305