Kursus turnitin di psz

Hari ini hadir ke kursus turnitin yang dianjurkan oleh perpustakaan di utm. Belajar menggunaka perisian ini untuk menyemak tugasan pelajar dan tesis. Ia boleh membantu menyemak status original satu2 dokumen tersebut.

Something that we should know

“Turnitin doesn’t detect plagiarism but it actually compare students paper with the collection of data within its database. You as instructor must use own judgement to decide whether your students plagiarise or not.”


Kursus disampaikan oleh fasilitator daripada ACCESS DUNIA yang menjadi wakil untuk turnitin di Malaysia.

Kursus professiona image building

Attending the Professional Image Building organize by CALPD UTMLead today.

Interesting course for personal improvement.


The course facilitator is Mr Bon Zainal…


Very excited to learn something far from my general knowledge… ^_^

Motivasi 26

I told You: Iโ€™m in trouble…..
You said: โ€˜Do not despair of the mercy of Allahโ€™ QUR’AN[39:53]

I told You: I am depressed…..
You said: โ€˜Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find restโ€™ …
