Expanding the OER Community by Showcasing a Development Model that Works (Paper proceeding)

UTM has participated in Opencourseware Consortium since 2010.On 8-10 May 2013, the Opencourseware Global Conference was held in Bali, Indonesia with their theme Learning Beyond Borders โ€“ Delivering quality education to your fingertips. Deputy Director of Center for Teaching and Learning and myself had an opportunities to shares our experience in promoting OCW dan other OER product in UTM. We present our paper entitle “Expanding the OER Community by Showcasing a Development Model that Works”

DSCN2664Sharing session.


Myself, in front of the conference Banner.

Abstract of the paper is as follows:

The concept of open educational resources was relatively new among public universities in Malaysia. In 2011 only two universities were registered as a member of the OpenCourseWare Consortium and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was one of them. However, in a
period of less than one year after becoming a member of the consortium, UTM managed to publish 70 courses in its ocw website and this was achieved without any monetary reward given to the course authors. The process used to develop the courses started by selecting potential courses from the university e-learning portal. Authors of the courses were invited to workshops especially designed to assist them in converting the lecture notes into OCW publication materials. The normal procedure in OCW development that is checking for copyright and other issues, identifying figures to be redrawn and designing the course for online publication took place during the workshop. Later, individual graphic designers were assigned to each course to assist the author in recreating the figures, if necessary. The software used as the in the ocw website is the same software used as e-learning platform. Next, the IP of the published material was assigned to the respective authors. As a results of this success story, other universities in Malaysia are now looking at their own potential as contributors to OER and the initiative is now seen as one way to contribute to the society and not as a mere branding exercise. OER development is now is becoming a national project and public universities in Malaysia have agreed in principle to form a national OER consortium. By having a consortium, instead of competing with each other and recreating established courses, the universities will focus on the development of courses related to their niche areas. Based on this positive development, it is hoped universities in Malaysia will become major contributors to the global repository of open educational resources.

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How to assign subreviewer in Easychair

As we know, the LATICE in conjunction with RCEERHed 2014 reviewing process has started. Each Program Comittee has been assign at least 8 paper to be reviewed.

In order to help us doing the reviewing process, the paper can be send to subreviewer among our colleague that we know their skills and research interest. Please follow the steps below.

1. Log into www.easychair.org
2. Click on LATICE 2014 tab and select Change Role. Click on PC Members of Full Papers.

3. Then, select Reviews Tab and Click on My Papers. All papers that have been assign to you as PC will be listed.

4. Click on the Contact subreviewer icon on the paper that you want to give to your colleague. Then, fill in their information.

5. Please insert the following information in the Email Text section. You can change some of the text such as name of the sender.


Dear [*FIRST-NAME*],

I am a PC member of LaTiCE 2014. Could you please write
a review for me on the following paper submitted to LaTiCE 2014:

Number: [*NUMBER*]
Title: [*TITLE*]

The instructions on how to access the submission, accept or decline this
review request, and submit your review can be found at the bottom of
this letter.

There are three categories, research, practice, and work in progress, and the review criteria are slightly different. When reviewing a work in progress paper you should expect a shorter manuscript, under 8 pages, and the requirement for experimental data and significant contribution to the field is of lesser significance. Please indicate in the comments to the Chairs field if you think a paper that cannot be accepted as a full paper might be acceptable as a WiP paper, since that will help us make the final acceptance decisions.

Practice papers are more focused on practitioner stories and examples of successful practice in higher education. Such papers will be more descriptive in nature, and will also not offer the same level of experimental design as the pure research paper.

Please consider all papers for publication for both research and practice categories as well as Work in Progress as you review and make an appropriate recommendation.

I need to receive the review by 10th December 2013

If you cannot review this paper, could you please suggest names and email addresses of 2-3 possible reviewers?

Best regards,
Norah Md Noor, Fakulti Pendidikan, UTM

Hope this tutorial can help you with the reviewing process. Best regards.

ICEED 2013 telah selesai

Alhamdulillah, selesai dah seminar ICEED 2013. Banyak yang telah ku pelajari sepanjang 2 hari di sini. Tentang kajian, proses akreditasi, OBE, HCI, User Interface, Creative Learning Model, dan… banyaklah.

Sambil2 dengar, sambil memikirkan kesesuaian dengan diri… apa kajian lanjutan yang mungkin boleh dilaksanakan tahun depan. kuperhatikan juga tingkahlaku sesetengah Pembentang yang sangat defensive terhadap kajian yang dijalankan…

Teman buat tahan mengantuk… Cappucino

Majlis penutup yang ringkas.

Takda dinner, jamuan keraian, lawatan… betul2 fokus pada perkongsian ilmu.

Letih tapi berbaloi.

Selepas 2 kali terlibat dengan Seminar Antarabangsa Anjuran CTL dan CEE, rasa sangat berterima kasih pada jawatankuasa kerja yang bertugas sepanjang seminar ICEED 2013 dijalankan. Mudah2 an, kertas kerja yang dihantar ke seminar ini akan diterima oleh SCOPUS untuk diindekskan… Aminnnn.

LCCT Airport…. Selamat tinggal Subang Jaya…

Lepas ni, kena menyediakan diri untuk seminar antarabangsa LATICE & RCEERHed 2014 yang kami anjurkan, kerjasama Fakulti Pendidikan, SPS dan CTL di Sarawak pula.

paper presented in ICEED 2013

As i inform earlier in my previous post that I attend ICEED 2013 conference to present my paper. For your information, all paper presented in this conference will be indexed in IEE Explore which is included in SCOPUS and ISI.

My paper presented during this conference is “The framework for Learning using Video on Cognitive Load Theory among Visual Learners” written by Me and my students, Noor ‘Izzati Hamizan and Radhiah Ab Rahim.

Abstract for my paper is as follows:

Using video for learning is no longer extraordinary in the world of education. Many researchers have shown that visual learners enjoy the use of video. However, which video will best grab their attention? This research was conducted to investigate the best framework for learning using video among visual learners. In order to do so, three different videos embedded with Cognitive Load Theory were selected by researchers. Then, 23 students from varied faculties at University Technology Malaysia (UTM) were selected to answer the Visual, Audio and Kinaesthetic (VAK) Learning Style Test. Nine visual learners were then identified among these respondents and invited to answer the questionnaire on perception of learning using video based on cognitive load theory. Data were analyzed using qualitative measures and content analysis. The findings show that visual learners love videos with less than six minutesโ€™ duration, high definition visual quality, simple delivery language and a slow delivery method. All of the visual learners preferred to use video before entering class, which synchronizes with the flip classroom strategy. Hopefully, this framework can be used by educators to develop their own video-based learning materials.

This paper can be found in IEEE Explore,
IEEE Catalog Number :CFP1368H-CDR
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-1-4799-2333-5
DOI : 978-1-4799-2332-8/13

Some suggestion on how the research can be improved by the fellow collegue during my presentation were as follow:

1. Use another group (kinaestetic or Auditory learners) as the control group to see the differences and similarity using the same assesment tools.
2. Should also look into bacground of the learners such as gender, course, etc that might influence the results.
3. Try to look into the psycology aspect on the Cognitive Load of the learners and their performance.

2013 International Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED 2013)

On 4-5 December 2013, University Teknologi Mara and IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity had organize the ICEED 2013 Conference at Hotel Grand Dorset, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

This is the 5th year of the conference series and the theme for the past conference has evolved from embracing the challenges in engineering education to acknowledging that engineering education is the way forward.

Some paper presented in this conference

Lecture Notes on A Linear Form of Power Spectral Density Estimation in signal Processing by Prof Qun Wan from China.

Using Air Temperature Data of All the Prefectural Capitals in Japan as Teaching Material for Introductory Data-MIning Classes by Prof Akio Imazawa from Japan.

Introducing Process Competences in a PBL-Based Engineering Course by Dr Jose Soler from Denmark.

Inventiveness of Students in an Intnational Program of Engineering Educatiob – Initial Study by Prof. Eleazar Jimenez Serrano from Mexico.

The conference really give many information regarding education, research and engineering education that currently need to be considered and concern. The most hot topic during the session is EAC and OBE as well as soft skill of the Engineering Education Students. I hope that I can join this conference again next year, InsyaAllah.

Apa tu Index citation, ISI, SCOPUS, Index Proceeding, Impact Factor …?

Masih tak berapa faham apa itu ISI Jurnal, Scopus Listed Paper, Index Proceeding, impact factor dan pelbagai lagi terma yang berkaitan dengan penulisan kertas kerja ke?

Ok, disini saya senaraikan link yang menerangkan hal-hal di atas.

Semoga perkongsian ilmu ini dapat lebih memahamkan lagi saya dan anda semua.

1.What is difference between impact factor and impact index of journals?


2. Index citation, ISI, SCOPUS, Impact Factor tu amende bro? oleh Dr OTT


3. Comparing Open Access Journal with ISI Journals by UTM Library Research Support Team


4. Jurnal Ranking by UTM Library Research Support Team


5. Understanding Journal Impact Factor (part 1 and part 2)

6. Scimago Journal and Country Rank (SJR), as an alternative to Thomson Reutersโ€™s Impact Factor and EigenFactor.



Kisah Ainul Mardhiah

Muzammil seperti tidak percaya dengan apa yang dilihatnya. Terasa seperti mahu menangis pon ada.

Mahu melarikan diri, sudah terlambat. Mahu memungkiri janji, masakan dia tergamak berbuat begitu?

Haadza min fadhli rabbi. Aku tidak tahu sama ada ini nikmat atau bala bencana, namun aku bersangka baik dengan Allah.

Sambungan dia? Klik kat sini

Ainul Mardhiah Bahagian 1

Ainul Mardhiah Bahagian 2

Ainul Mardhiah Bahagian 3

Ainul Mardhiah Bahagian 4

Ainul Mardhiah Bahagian Akhir

Best ๐Ÿ™‚

Journal Berwasit dalam senarai ISI Web of Knowledge

Seperti yang saya kongsi dalam artikel sebelum ini tentang bagaimana nak semak samada jurnal adalah diindeks oleh ISI atau SCOPUS, kali ni saya nak cerita macamana nak tahu impact factor jurnal tersebut pula.

Untuk ini, kita perlu pergi ke laman ISI menerusi laman web perpustakaan masing-masing. Tak boleh suka-suka hati je nak tengok tau. Kena berdaftar.

Bagi pelajar UTM, boleh klik pada online database daripada laman berikut


Anda perlukan ACID id untuk akses online database ni tau.

Kemudian, cari Web Of Science dan anda akan dibawa ke link ISI web of science.


Kemudian pilih tab > Additional Resources dan klik Journal Citation Reports


Pilih tahun laporan dan kemudian anda boleh teruskan mencari nama Jurnal yang anda ingin tahu.

Contohnya : Journal Adult Education Quarterly

Anda akan dipaparkan dengan maklumat berikut.


Artikel ni untuk peringatan diri sendiri yang setiap kali nak cari impact factor, asyik-asyik tanya pakcik google. Mudah-mudahan masalah saya ni akan membantu rakan-rakan dan pelajar saya dikemudian hari nanti.


Senarai Jurnal Scopus dan ISI

Sebagai pensyarah di UTM yang merupakan salah satu Universiti Penyelidikan di Malaysia, kami dah tak tak digalakkan lagi menghantar kertas kerja penyelidikan di jurnal-jurnal yang tiada berwasit (impact factor). Malah, kalau nak hantar ke seminar pun kalau boleh proceeding akan diindekskan oleh pengkalan data ISI atau SCOPUS

Tapi… macamana nak tahu samada jurnal tu tersenarai atau tidak dalam SCOPUS atau ISI?


Untuk ISI atau Web Of Science Directory, klik pada link berikut


Kemudian, masukkan no ISSN atau nama jurnal yang dicari. Kalau ada tersenarai dalam ISI ni, InsyaAllah akan keluarlah maklumat lengkap jurnal tersebut. Kalau takda? Faham-faham ajalah yek.


Kalau nak cari di SCOPUS pula, klik link berikut


Lepas tu, sama juga, masukkan nama jurnal atau no ISSN atau publisher. Yang ni lagi lengkap tau, siap ada statistik sepanjang 3 tahun. Kemudian, langkah seterusnya adalah… hantar kertas kerja, review, betulkan, hantar balik dan seterusnya ๐Ÿ™‚

Kalau nak tahu Impact Factor journal dibawah senarai ISI pulak macamana? lepas ni saya share… tunggu.