Mengatasi “Kecenderungan Tidur” di dalam Kuliah Universiti

Pengenalan Kita semua pernah mendengar satu jenaka mengenai bagaimana seorang ibu mampu menidurkan seorang anak dengan mudah, tetapi seorang pensyarah boleh menidurkan sebahagian pelajar kelas dalam satu kuliah universiti. Namun, bagaimanakah kita boleh mengatasi masalah ini? Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi “Kecenderungan Tidur” dalam Kuliah: Cara Mengatasi “Kecenderungan Tidur” dalam Kuliah: Kesimpulan Dengan sedikit panduan ini, kita boleh mengatasi masalah “kecenderungan tidur” dalam kuliah di universiti. Ingat, pensyarah dan pelajar juga manusia, dan sedikit sentuhan jenaka ini boleh membuat pengalaman pembelajaran lebih menyeronokkan. Jadi, mari kita bersama-sama hadapi tidur dalam kuliah dengan senyuman!

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Mapping of Social Media

Software companies are integrating geographic information systems (GIS) technology and social media to map people’s tweets and other social media platforms with geospatial data. This pairing has been helpful in disaster response and crisis management. In the wake of the January 12th, 2010 earthquake in Haiti, a free phone number was established to allow people to text their requests for medical care, food, water, security, and shelter. According to the Mission 4636 report, “Tireless workers and volunteers translated, geolocated and categorized the messages via online crowdsourcing platforms which sorted the information by need and priority, and distributed it to various

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Microsoft and FOSS

Microsoft loved it when people in China pirated Windows, because that removed a lot of potential users for free alternatives, and so hobbled their development, and something very similar is happening in the geo world. Open geocoding alternatives would be a lot further along if crowds of frustrated geeks were diving in to improve them, rather than ignoring them.

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