
We will not go down (song for Gaza) by Micheal Heart

A blinding flash a white lightLit up the sky over Gaza tonightPeople running for coverNot knowing whether they’re dead or alive They came with their tanks and their planesWith ravaging fiery flamesAnd nothing remainsJust a voice rising up in the smoky haze We will not go downIn the night, without a fightYou can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schoolsBut our spirit will never die We will not go downIn Gaza tonight […]

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Perjuangan Rakyat Palestin

Palestin adalah sebuah tanah yang kaya dengan sejarah dan budaya yang berusia berabad-abad, tetapi juga menjadi pusat konflik yang berterusan selama puluhan tahun. Rakyat Palestin telah menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam usaha mereka untuk mempertahankan martabat mereka, hak ke atas tanah air mereka, serta untuk mencapai kemerdekaan dan negara mereka sendiri. Sejarah perjuangan Palestin berakar pada akhir abad ke-19 ketika kawasan ini berada di bawah pemerintahan Kesultanan Uthmaniyyah. Walau bagaimanapun, setelah berakhirnya Perang Dunia Pertama, Palestin

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Keris Malela Tulang Belud: Karya Seni Pusaka Warisan Melayu

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Keris, senjata tradisional yang sangat istimewa dalam kebudayaan Melayu, telah menjadi bahagian tak terpisahkan dari sejarah dan budaya Melayu selama berabad-abad. Salah satu jenis keris yang amat dihargai dan penuh dengan keunikan adalah Keris Malela Tulang Belud. Keris ini mempunyai ciri-ciri yang memukau dan kecantikan yang menjadikannya sebagai salah satu karya seni yang amat dihargai dalam warisan budaya Melayu. Artikel ini akan mengulas dengan terperinci tentang Keris Malela Tulang Belud, dengan memberi

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Hakikat Mati Sebelum Mati

Kesufian adalah sebuah aliran kerohanian yang mendalam, penuh dengan makna-makna tersembunyi dan pemahaman mendalam tentang hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan. Dalam aliran ini, ada satu konsep yang sangat penting yang dikenal sebagai “mati sebelum mati.” Istilah ini merujuk pada perubahan batiniah yang sangat dalam yang dialami oleh seorang Sufi dalam perjalanan kerohanian mereka. Mati sebelum mati bukanlah kematian jasad, tetapi lebih merupakan proses perubahan dalam pemikiran dan perasaan. Ini adalah pemahaman bahawa hidup kita di dunia

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A Light-hearted Quest to Locate the Elusive Parking Spot of a Blue Beetle Car

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Imagine embarking on a quirky adventure, where you’re on a mission to locate a peculiar parking spot – the place where a Blue Beetle car is casually chilling near a highway. Our goal? To uncover the coordinates of this enigmatic spot. But fret not, this quest is not to be taken too seriously. We’re about to explore how a bit of math and a touch of imagination can lead us to

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Assess Your GIS Early Career Potential with the GIS Career Assessment Quiz

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Are you considering a career in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or looking to evaluate your potential in this exciting field? Look no further! The GIS Career Assessment Quiz is here to help you gauge your skills, knowledge, and experience to determine the most suitable GIS career path for you. GIS, a technology that combines geography with information technology, has a wide range of applications across industries such as environmental science, urban

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Batasan Antara Kerja dan Rumah; Majikan dan Pekerja

Dalam dunia pekerjaan, hubungan yang baik antara majikan dan pekerja adalah kunci kejayaan sesebuah organisasi. Di dalam artikel ini, kita akan melihat situasi yang sering berlaku di tempat kerja dan di rumah yang melibatkan interaksi antara bos dan pekerja. Di Tempat Kerja Seringkali, majikan dan pekerja berinteraksi dalam situasi yang memerlukan profesionalisme dan tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada kerja. Contoh yang sering berlaku adalah apabila bos menasihatkan pekerjanya dengan berkata, “Hal di rumah jangan dibawa ke pejabat…”

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Kolam Gajah, Gunung Ledang

In a world dominated by screens and hectic schedules, it becomes imperative to acknowledge the rejuvenating influence of nature. Within the Gunung Ledang forest, specifically at Kolam Gajah, where picturesque lakes and the simple yet captivating act of observing fish reside, a profound opportunity unfolds for individuals to reconnect with both themselves and the natural world. Whether one seeks relief from stress, aims to embrace mindfulness, yearns for emotional healing, or seeks the spark of

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iPhone 13 Pro Screen Issue: A Seamless Solution

By Shahabuddin Amerudin On September 10th, 2023, my trusty iPhone 13 Pro, now nearly 21 months old and beyond its warranty period, threw me an unexpected curveball with a perplexing screen problem. To my dismay, the screen began flickering erratically, causing not only concern but also significant inconvenience. Determined to find a solution, I scoured the depths of online forums and blogs, hoping for a quick fix through software updates or adjusted settings. Regrettably, my

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Stereotaip dalam Filem Aksi dan Kejahatan

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Mengapa selalu dalam filem, apabila ada adegan dua kumpulan penjahat yang ingin menjalankan urusan dadah, mereka selalu berjumpa di gudang, pelabuhan, atau landasan kapal terbang? Semuanya jelas, tanpa gangguan daripada polis. Malah, satu pun tidak ada penjagaan kawasan oleh pihak berkuasa. Selain itu, kebiasaannya akan ada bos dalam kumpulan penjahat, iaitu Geng A dan Geng B. Kedua-dua kumpulan ini akan membawa kereta T20 yang mahal. Bos tidak banyak bercakap dan memberikan arahan

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A Guide for School Students Interested in Pursuing a GIS Program

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Are you a high school student with a keen interest in geography, maps, and technology? Do you find yourself drawn to the idea of using spatial data to solve real-world problems? If so, a career in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) might be the perfect fit for you. This guide is designed to help school students explore their passion for GIS and make informed decisions about pursuing a GIS program. Discovering Your Interest

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Exploring the Relationship Between Question Difficulty and Student Performance in GIS Software System Examinations

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This paper investigates the intriguing relationship between question difficulty and student performance in GIS Software System examinations. Utilizing data from 33 students who undertook the SBEG3583 GIS Software System course, we delve into the intricate dynamics of question difficulty, student backgrounds, teaching strategies, and study habits. Employing correlation coefficients and statistical analysis, we examine whether challenging questions are indeed correlated with higher student performance. 1. Introduction In the realm of academia,

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Overcoming Challenges in GIS Software System Course: Lessons from Semester 2, 2022/2023

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Hello, exceptional students! As we reflect on Semester 2, 2022/2023 in the GIS Software System course, it’s crucial to recognize the challenges we faced and the valuable lessons we’ve learned. These challenges have provided us with insights that can guide incoming students, helping them avoid repeating the same issues in the upcoming semesters. In this article, we’ll delve into these challenges in more detail, provide concrete examples, and outline how we

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Challenges in the GIS Software System Course – A Semester 2, 2022/2023 Session Perspective

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction The Semester 2, 2022/2023 session of the GIS Software System course has presented both students and instructors with a unique set of challenges. While the course offers exciting opportunities to delve into the world of geospatial technology, it has become apparent that many students are grappling with several issues that extend beyond the technical aspects of the subject matter. In this article, we will explore some of the key challenges faced

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Wujud Ke Dimensi Kelima?

Kenyataan ini merujuk kepada konsep dimensi kelima dalam konteks fizik dan ilmu pengetahuan kuantum. Penjelasan yang diberikan mengenai dimensi kelima dan konsep dimensi tinggi adalah sebahagian daripada spekulasi dan perbincangan yang berterusan dalam komuniti sains. Dimensi Empat: Kenyataan ini bermula dengan penerangan mengenai dimensi empat yang merupakan dimensi ruang dan masa yang kita kenali dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Ia merangkumi tiga dimensi ruang (x, y, z) dan satu dimensi masa (waktu). Dalam dimensi ini, kita

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Artikel: Konsep Nur Muhammad

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep Nūr Muhammad dalam pemikiran sufi serta hubungannya dengan kosmologi fizik dan nilai-nilai ketuhanan. Ia merangkumi kajian perbandingan antara perspektif agama dan sains, khususnya dalam konteks kosmologi fizik yang sering kali kurang menekankan aspek ketuhanan. Dalam kajian ini, penulis ingin menghubungkan pemahaman Nūr Muhammad dan pemikiran sufi dengan sains modern, khususnya kosmologi fizik. Artikel ini menyoroti pentingnya keterhubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan melalui konsep Nūr Muhammad. Ia mencuba menjelaskan bagaimana

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Balancing Programming Education in Geoinformatics: Striking the Right Chord for Student Success

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article delves into a pressing issue within the realm of Geoinformatics education at UTM, namely, the divergence between the comprehensive programming curriculum provided to undergraduate students and their challenges in applying programming skills to practical scenarios. Geoinformatics undergraduates are mandated to undertake an array of programming courses as part of their academic journey, yet they often encounter obstacles and exhibit reluctance when confronted with coding tasks. This article explores the

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The Evolution of Undergraduate Degree Choices in the United States: A Decade-Long Analysis (2011–2021)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the shifting landscape of undergraduate degree choices in the United States over the past decade, specifically from 2011 to 2021. We draw upon meticulously collected and analyzed data sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), as presented in the insightful article authored by Kashish Rastogi, “The Shifting Landscape of U.S. Undergraduate Degrees: A Decade in Review,” published on September 3, 2023.

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The Decline in Enrollment in GIS Master’s Programs: Unraveling the Complex Challenges

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article delves into a pressing issue that has been plaguing GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Master’s programs in recent years, with a particular focus on the situation at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The alarming decrease in enrollment numbers has raised critical questions about the program’s viability and the underlying problems leading to this decline. Through an exploration of the multifaceted challenges faced, we aim to stimulate critical thinking and encourage readers

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Enhancing GIS Master’s Programs: Strategies for Attracting Students in Malaysia

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In recent years, the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has witnessed significant growth and transformation. As GIS technology becomes increasingly essential in various industries, the demand for skilled GIS professionals is on the rise. However, some universities, including institutions like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), have faced challenges in attracting students to their GIS Master’s programs. In this article, we will delve into the strategies universities can employ to address these

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