Citing This Blog

Citing a Blog in Harvard and APA Referencing Styles

Blogs have become a popular source of information for academic research. When citing a blog, it is essential to follow the appropriate referencing style to give credit to the author and avoid plagiarism. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to cite a blog in the Harvard and APA referencing styles.

Harvard Referencing Style

The Harvard referencing style requires the following information to be included in the reference list:

  1. Author’s/Authors’ names
  2. The year the site was published or last updated (in round brackets)
  3. Title of the web page (in italics)
  4. Available at: URL (Accessed: date)

In-text citation: To cite a blog in-text using the Harvard referencing style, include the author’s surname and year of publication in brackets. For examples, (Amerudin, 2023) made his argument quite clear stating… or Amerudin (2023) made his argument quite clear stating…

Reference list: To create a reference list, follow this format:

Author’s Surname, First initial. (Year of publication). Title of the web page. [Online] Available at: URL (Accessed: date)

For example: 

Amerudin, S. (2023). Geospatial Data Analytics and Decision Making. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2023).

APA Referencing Style

The APA referencing style requires the following information to be included in the reference list:

  1. Author’s/Authors’ names
  2. Year of publication
  3. Month and date of publication
  4. Article title (in plain text)
  5. Name of the blog (in italics)
  6. URL

In-text citation: To cite a blog in-text using the APA referencing style, include the author’s surname and year of publication in brackets. For examples, (Amerudin, 2023) made his argument quite clear stating… or Amerudin (2023) made his argument quite clear stating…

Reference list: To create a reference list, follow this format:

Author’s Surname, First initial. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Blog Name. URL

For example: 

Amerudin, S. (2023, March 13). Geospatial Data Analytics and Decision Making. Shahabuddin Amerudin @ UTM.


Citing a blog using the appropriate referencing style is essential in academic writing. The Harvard and APA referencing styles require different information to be included in the reference list, so it’s important to follow the correct guidelines. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can easily and accurately cite any article in this blog in your research papers.