Completed Reseach Projects

Conceptual Design of Malaysia Geopostcode System

This research attempts to investigate and develop a conceptual design of new Malaysia geopostcode system. A postcode is the fundamental and essential element of a modern address with numeric and/or alphanumeric characters. It is a series of numbers representing specific areas within a country. In Malaysia, postcodes are now a series of five numbers and it is non-geographical postcode and cannot be used for precise navigation and very limited to social science and economic purposes. Due to the growing demand in navigation devices, smartphone users and also other applications, a geographical postcode should be implemented in Malaysia. Addresses such as “No 1, Jalan Tembaga, Taman Sri Skudai, 81310 Skudai, Johor Bahru” are still being used for addressing. These require local knowledge and slow up courier companies and emergency services. To support the demand for more precise addressing from industries dependent on vehicle navigation and Location Based Services, a new addressing system should be developed based on spatial location. By implementation of this geopostcode, time consuming for searching the address will be reduced and increase the preciseness of the location database. It is can be more flexible, easy to understand, easy to implement and promote data consistency in economic and social developments, and governance. This new geopostcode hope will achieve greater usability need to make the postcode as familiar to the person as their telephone and car plate numbers as well as it is more likely to be remembered. The research is needed to understand the local problems in geopostcode addressing in Malaysia by categorizing between states, districts, mukims, housing area and street levels of addresses before adopting a new geopostcode system.

New Unified Model for 3D Surface and Subsurface Spatial Objects

Three-dimensional (3D) geographical information systems (GIS) are gradually gaining grounds, with 3D data models at the heart of viewing earth realism. Applications such as urban or city planning, disaster management and shortest route planning are being explored and implemented for various cities around the globe. The topological unification of surface and subsurface 3D models has also been explored in the areas of urban features with subsurface data such as borehole, geological and geotechnical data. The subsurface usually considers natural features such as geology, geotechnical and geophysical considerations. Research into subsurface data models for such natural features has been reported extensively but minimal research for man-made subsurface objects. This research will seek to provide a unified data model for modelling city objects with both surface and subsurface man-made features and inventory such objects. An algorithm for the topological unification model will be implemented using Microsoft Visual C++ Version 2010 and tested with appropriate data. The expected outcome of this research will be the combined spatial data model capable of providing answers to typical 3D GIS events of the objects.

Original Project Start : 01/04/2011
Original Project End : 31/07/2012
Original Project Duration : 16  Month(s)


Floodplain Modelling due to Dam Break

Floodplain inundation is a major environmental hazard that needs to have precaution. Predicton of flood extent is necessary to reduce losses especially lives and properties. It is, therefore, essential to have an accurate idea where flooding may occur to a certain area. Such the 1991 Water Resources Act lays down a statutory requirement to provide flood extent maps for many river reaches in order to aid decisions and for flood warning purposes. Similarly for flood control structures such as an embankment, where its failure is a worldwide phenomenon. Studies have shown, breaching embankment has becoming essential in the role of water management, particularly for emergency planning (Wahl, 2009; Chinnarasri et al., 2003; Coleman et al., 2002; Morris, 2001; Temple and Hanson, 2001; and Hanson et al., 2005). Embankment dams have a potential to breach and overtopping is one of the mechanisms that may trigger the collapse, rather than piping and seepage (Powledge et al. 1989). Due to this reason, it is crucial to determine the amount of water discharging through a breach leading to a floodplain innundation at the sorrounding areas. The nature of the embankment failure has a significant impact on the breach discharge, the variation of reservoir water levels, and the resulting water levels in the downstream valley to create the floodplain.Thus, a modelling approach in the present study to predict the extent of flood propagation due to breaching dam is of interest and needs to be investigated.

Original Project Start : 01/04/2011
Original Project End : 30/09/2012
Original Project Duration : 18  Month(s)


Genetic Algorithm-Aided Routing for 3D Dynamic Networks using RFID based Positioning

This research attempts to investigate and develop a genetic algorithm for shortest path dynamic networks and performs network analysis based on the developed algorithm. Improving the efficiency of the developed algorithm is also part of the experiment in this research. Positioning system using RFID technology, photo frame serials of the network will be generated and integrated into geospatial database are part of the investigation. This piece of work also intends to address the realistic lightweight 3D navigation environment for mobile devices using the generated photo frames. Finally, human navigation on the implemented network analysis and positioning system are also will be investigated.

Original Project Start : 01/04/2011
Original Project End : 31/03/2013
Original Project Duration : 24  Month(s)