Anugerah Kebolehpasaran Graduan UTM Tahun 2023

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Menganugerahkan Anugerah Kebolehpasaran Graduan Tahun 2023

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) telah menganugerahkan Anugerah Kebolehpasaran Graduan bagi tahun 2023. Pengumuman tersebut memaparkan senarai penerima anugerah yang telah menunjukkan prestasi cemerlang dalam bidang masing-masing.

Antara penerima Anugerah Graduate Employability (GE) UTM adalah daripada Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik, manakala Anugerah Khas diberikan kepada Sariana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal daripada Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal. Bagi kategori Anugerah Kebolehpasaran Graduan Prasiswazah, penerima adalah dari Bidang Kejuruteraan (Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik-Elektronik), Bidang Sains & Teknologi (Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer Kejuruteraan Data), serta Bidang Alam Bina & Sains Sosial (Sarjana Muda Perakaunan). Sementara itu, bagi kategori Pascasiswazah, penerima adalah dari Bidang Kejuruteraan (Sarjana Kejuruteraan Komputer dan Sistem Mikroelektronik), Bidang Sains & Teknologi (Sarjana Sains Aplikasi dan Kepintaran Perniagaan), serta Bidang Alam Bina & Sains Sosial (Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan).

Penganugerahan ini dianjurkan oleh Pusat Kerjaya, Jabatan Timbal Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Pengiktirafan ini mencerminkan kualiti dan kebolehpasaran graduan UTM yang sentiasa berusaha untuk menghasilkan modal insan berkualiti tinggi yang dapat menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara.

Peranan AI dalam Pembangunan Perisian dan Aplikasi

Ai coding

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin

Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) kini menjadi salah satu teknologi teras dalam pembangunan perisian dan aplikasi, membawa revolusi dalam cara perisian dibina, diuji, dan diselenggara. Dengan kemajuan terkini dalam pembelajaran mesin, automasi, dan pemprosesan bahasa semula jadi (NLP), AI membantu mempercepatkan pembangunan kod, meningkatkan kecekapan pengujian perisian, dan memudahkan integrasi analitik pintar ke dalam aplikasi. Namun, penggunaan teknologi ini juga datang dengan cabaran, termasuk isu keselamatan, kebergantungan pada platform tertentu, dan potensi risiko kebergantungan kepada alat AI yang terlalu tinggi. Artikel ini akan mengupas bagaimana AI membantu dalam proses pembangunan perisian serta alat-alat terkini yang boleh digunakan, dengan memberi fokus kepada kelebihan, keburukan, risiko, dan cara mengatasi isu-isu tersebut.

AI dalam Penulisan Kod Automatik

Salah satu kegunaan AI yang paling meluas dalam pembangunan perisian adalah penulisan kod automatik. Contoh utama ialah GitHub Copilot, yang menggunakan model Codex, satu varian daripada GPT-3 yang dibangunkan oleh OpenAI. GitHub Copilot membantu pengaturcara dengan mencadangkan barisan kod semasa mereka menaip, berdasarkan konteks yang diberikan, serta memberikan penyelesaian kepada masalah sintaks atau logik yang mungkin dihadapi. Ini mempercepatkan pembangunan, terutamanya bagi pengaturcara yang baru mempelajari bahasa pengaturcaraan baru atau yang bekerja dalam projek besar yang memerlukan pengoptimuman masa. Namun, terdapat kebimbangan dari segi hak cipta kerana Copilot menggunakan data kod dari repositori terbuka, yang mungkin menyebabkan penggunaan kod tanpa izin (OpenAI, 2022).

Selain itu, perisian seperti Replit Ghostwriter turut menawarkan kemampuan penulisan kod automatik dengan membantu dalam melengkapkan kod dan debugging. Alat ini sesuai untuk pemula yang ingin mempercepatkan proses pembelajaran mereka dengan bantuan AI. Kelebihan terbesar perisian seperti ini adalah ia mempercepatkan proses pembangunan dan mengurangkan jumlah kesilapan kod semasa proses penulisan. Namun begitu, risiko yang signifikan adalah kebergantungan yang tinggi kepada cadangan AI tanpa pengaturcara memahami asas logik atau struktur kod tersebut, yang boleh membawa kepada pembinaan kod yang tidak cekap atau rentan (Replit, 2023).

AI dalam Ujian Perisian Automatik

Ujian perisian merupakan fasa kritikal dalam pembangunan, dan AI telah membuktikan peranannya dalam mempercepatkan proses ini. Alat seperti Testim menggunakan kecerdasan buatan untuk mencipta dan menjalankan ujian automatik. Alat ini bukan sahaja mengurangkan masa yang diperlukan untuk ujian, tetapi juga mengadaptasi dirinya mengikut perubahan dalam perisian. Selain itu, ia membantu dalam pengujian regresi dan memastikan perisian tetap stabil walaupun selepas banyak perubahan dibuat. Walaupun AI menawarkan cara yang lebih pantas dan lebih konsisten untuk menguji perisian, kelemahan utamanya adalah AI mungkin gagal mengesan beberapa isu kompleks yang hanya dapat dilihat melalui pengujian manual (Testim, 2023).

Perisian lain seperti Mabl turut menonjol sebagai alat ujian automatik yang dibantu AI. Mabl mampu mengenal pasti bug dan menjalankan analisis mendalam mengenai prestasi perisian. Kelebihannya ialah Mabl boleh digunakan untuk pengujian berterusan, memastikan kualiti perisian dipantau sepanjang kitaran pembangunan. Namun, satu cabaran yang timbul ialah kebergantungan kepada pengujian automatik boleh membawa kepada pengabaian pengujian manual yang lebih menyeluruh, terutama untuk aplikasi kompleks yang memerlukan ujian secara empirik (Mabl, 2023).

AI untuk Analitik dan Pembelajaran Mesin

Dalam domain pembelajaran mesin dan analitik, alat seperti TensorFlow telah menjadi pilihan utama bagi pembangunan model pembelajaran mesin dan pembelajaran mendalam (deep learning). TensorFlow adalah rangka kerja sumber terbuka yang menyokong pelbagai tugas seperti pemprosesan bahasa semula jadi, penglihatan komputer, dan analitik ramalan. Kelebihan utama TensorFlow ialah kebolehannya untuk menyokong model berskala besar yang memerlukan pemprosesan data yang kompleks. Ini menjadikan TensorFlow amat sesuai untuk aplikasi seperti pengenalan gambar, ramalan trend perniagaan, atau pengelasan data teks. Walaupun begitu, TensorFlow mempunyai keluk pembelajaran yang agak curam, menjadikannya lebih sesuai untuk pembangun yang mempunyai latar belakang yang kuat dalam AI dan pembelajaran mesin (TensorFlow, 2022).

Selain TensorFlow, Hugging Face menjadi platform utama bagi pemprosesan bahasa semula jadi (NLP). Hugging Face menyediakan model pra-latihan seperti GPT, BERT, dan RoBERTa, yang membolehkan pembangun membina aplikasi berasaskan teks dengan cepat dan cekap. Aplikasi NLP seperti chatbots, analisis sentimen, dan penerjemahan bahasa menjadi lebih mudah dengan bantuan model ini. Kelebihan utama alat ini adalah kemampuannya untuk menyesuaikan model-model sedia ada dengan data khusus tanpa memerlukan latihan model dari awal. Namun, satu cabaran yang mungkin dihadapi ialah model AI pra-latihan tidak selalu serasi sepenuhnya dengan semua jenis data, memerlukan penalaan lanjut bagi mencapai prestasi optimum (Hugging Face, 2023).

AI No-Code: Revolusi Pembangunan Aplikasi

Perkembangan AI juga telah mendorong kebangkitan platform no-code dan low-code, di mana sesiapa sahaja boleh membangunkan aplikasi tanpa perlu menulis kod. Platform seperti Bubble membolehkan pengguna membina aplikasi web interaktif dengan cepat dan mudah tanpa memerlukan pengalaman teknikal yang mendalam. AI diintegrasikan dalam platform ini untuk membantu pengguna menyesuaikan antaramuka pengguna (UI) dan mengotomasi beberapa proses pembangunan. Kelebihan no-code ialah ia membuka pintu kepada lebih ramai pembangun bukan teknikal untuk mencipta aplikasi, sekali gus mengurangkan halangan kemasukan ke dalam dunia pembangunan perisian (Bubble, 2023).

Walau bagaimanapun, no-code datang dengan beberapa kekangan. Platform no-code seperti OutSystems menawarkan kawalan terhad terhadap logik dalaman aplikasi, menjadikannya kurang sesuai untuk aplikasi yang memerlukan pengendalian data atau logik kompleks. Selain itu, masalah penguncian vendor (vendor lock-in) juga timbul kerana pengguna mungkin sukar untuk memindahkan aplikasi mereka ke platform lain jika terdapat keperluan untuk mengubah teknologi atau memperluasnya (OutSystems, 2023).

Kebaikan, Keburukan, dan Risiko Penggunaan AI dalam Pembangunan

Kebaikan utama penggunaan AI dalam pembangunan perisian adalah peningkatan kecekapan dan kelajuan. AI membantu mempercepatkan penulisan kod, mengurangkan masa pengujian perisian, dan membolehkan pembangunan aplikasi yang lebih pintar dan adaptif. Penggunaan AI dalam no-code juga membolehkan pengguna tanpa latar belakang teknikal untuk membangunkan aplikasi, sekali gus meningkatkan aksesibiliti dalam pembangunan perisian. Namun, keburukan utama yang berkaitan dengan AI adalah kebergantungan terlalu tinggi kepada sistem AI, yang boleh menyebabkan kehilangan kawalan terhadap kualiti dan keselamatan perisian. Pengguna mungkin gagal memahami logik asas yang diperlukan untuk pembangunan perisian yang cekap kerana terlalu bergantung kepada cadangan AI yang diberikan secara automatik (Rahwan et al., 2023).

Risiko keselamatan juga menjadi isu utama, terutama apabila AI digunakan dalam ujian perisian atau pembangunan no-code. Aplikasi yang dibangunkan mungkin mempunyai kerentanan yang tidak dikesan atau kod yang tidak dioptimumkan dengan baik. Penguncian vendor dalam platform no-code juga boleh menyulitkan proses migrasi aplikasi atau integrasi dengan sistem lain, menghalang skalabiliti jangka panjang aplikasi tersebut (Benfield, 2023).

Cadangan dan Penutup

Bagi mengatasi isu dan risiko yang dikaitkan dengan penggunaan AI dalam pembangunan perisian, beberapa pendekatan boleh diambil. Pertama, adalah penting untuk mengimbangi penggunaan AI dengan pengujian manual dan audit keselamatan yang ketat. Pembangun perlu memastikan bahawa aplikasi yang dibangunkan diuji secara teliti untuk sebarang kelemahan yang mungkin tidak dapat dikesan oleh AI. Kedua, platform no-code perlu dipilih dengan berhati-hati, dan sebaiknya yang menyokong API terbuka untuk memudahkan migrasi dan integrasi di masa hadapan. Ketiga, latihan dan pendidikan mengenai teknologi AI perlu diperluas supaya pengguna dapat memahami kekangan dan kelebihan AI, sekali gus mengelakkan kebergantungan sepenuhnya terhadap alat ini tanpa memahami asas pembangunan perisian (Hoffman, 2022).

Dengan pendekatan yang berhati-hati, AI berpotensi menjadi salah satu alat yang paling kompetitif dalam pembangunan perisian dan aplikasi, namun ia memerlukan penggunaan yang bijaksana untuk mengelakkan risiko yang berkaitan.


Benfield, J. (2023). AI in software testing: The new frontierJournal of Software Engineering, 14(2), 99-112.

Bubble. (2023). No-code app development platform

GitHub Copilot. (2022). AI-assisted coding

Hoffman, A. (2022). Securing AI-driven software development: Challenges and solutions. AI & Society, 19(1), 54-72.

Hugging Face. (2023). Transformers for NLP applications

Mabl. (2023). AI-powered continuous testing platform

OpenAI. (2022). AI models and their use in code completion

Algoritma Boids: Pemodelan Tingkah Laku Kolektif dalam Sistem Multi-Agen


Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin

1. Pengenalan

Algoritma Boids, yang diperkenalkan oleh Craig Reynolds pada tahun 1986, adalah model simulasi yang direka untuk meniru tingkah laku kawanan burung, ikan, atau entiti lain yang bergerak secara koheren dalam kumpulan besar. Algoritma ini menjadi salah satu contoh utama bagaimana tingkah laku kompleks dapat muncul dari peraturan yang mudah, dengan setiap individu dalam kumpulan mengikuti peraturan tempatan tertentu tanpa keperluan untuk koordinasi pusat.

2. Prinsip Asas Algoritma Boids

Pada asasnya, algoritma Boids beroperasi berdasarkan tiga peraturan utama yang mengawal tingkah laku setiap individu (atau “boid”) dalam kumpulan. Peraturan-peraturan ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahawa setiap boid menghindari perlanggaran, menyesuaikan arah pergerakan mereka untuk sejajar dengan boid lain, dan mengekalkan keutuhan kumpulan. Ketiga-tiga peraturan ini adalah:

  • Pemisahan (Separation): Setiap boid mengelakkan terlalu dekat dengan boid lain dalam kejiranan sekelilingnya. Ini dilakukan dengan mengira vektor yang menjauh dari boid lain yang berdekatan, yang kemudiannya mempengaruhi arah pergerakan boid tersebut.
  • Kesejajaran (Alignment): Setiap boid menyesuaikan arah pergerakan mereka untuk sejajar dengan arah purata boid lain dalam kejiranannya. Ini memastikan bahawa semua boid dalam kumpulan bergerak dalam arah yang sama, menghasilkan tingkah laku yang koheren.
  • Pengumpulan (Cohesion): Setiap boid bergerak ke arah pusat purata kedudukan boid lain dalam kawasan sekitarnya. Ini membantu mengekalkan integrasi kumpulan, mengelakkan boid daripada tersasar terlalu jauh dari kumpulan.

3. Proses Operasi Algoritma Boids

Langkah-langkah berikut menerangkan bagaimana algoritma Boids beroperasi dalam setiap kitaran simulasi:

  • Inisialisasi: Pada permulaan simulasi, setiap boid diberikan posisi dan kelajuan awal dalam ruang simulasi. Parameter penting seperti jarak penglihatan (range) dan kekuatan vektor (weight) untuk setiap peraturan juga ditetapkan.
  • Pemisahan: Untuk setiap boid, algoritma mengira jarak kepada boid lain yang berada dalam lingkungan penglihatan mereka. Jika jarak ini lebih kecil daripada jarak minimum yang telah ditetapkan, vektor yang menjauh dari boid lain dikira dan ditambah kepada kelajuan boid tersebut. Vektor ini memastikan bahawa boid menghindari perlanggaran dengan boid lain.
  • Kesejajaran: Algoritma kemudian mengira arah purata pergerakan semua boid dalam lingkungan penglihatan. Vektor arah purata ini ditambah kepada kelajuan boid, yang menyebabkan boid menyesuaikan arah pergerakannya agar sejajar dengan boid lain di sekitarnya.
  • Pengumpulan: Pusat purata lokasi bagi semua boid dalam lingkungan penglihatan dikira. Vektor yang menuju ke pusat ini ditambah kepada kelajuan boid, menarik boid ke arah kumpulan dan mengekalkan keutuhan kumpulan.
  • Kemaskini Posisi: Setelah semua vektor hasil daripada peraturan pemisahan, kesejajaran, dan pengumpulan digabungkan, posisi setiap boid dikemaskini berdasarkan kelajuan akhir yang telah dikira.
  • Ulangi Proses: Proses ini diulang pada setiap langkah masa dalam simulasi, menghasilkan pergerakan kolektif yang kompleks di antara boid.

4. Pengaruh Parameter dalam Algoritma Boids

Algoritma Boids sangat sensitif kepada parameter-parameter yang ditetapkan, yang boleh mempengaruhi tingkah laku keseluruhan kumpulan:

  • Jarak Penglihatan (Range): Mengawal sejauh mana setiap boid boleh melihat boid lain di sekelilingnya. Jarak penglihatan ini penting dalam menentukan sejauh mana boid boleh berinteraksi antara satu sama lain. Jarak yang lebih jauh membolehkan boid bertindak balas kepada lebih banyak boid lain, sementara jarak yang lebih pendek menghadkan interaksi mereka.
  • Kekuatan Vektor (Weight): Setiap peraturan dalam algoritma Boids boleh diberikan berat (weight) yang berbeza, yang mempengaruhi seberapa kuat peraturan tersebut mempengaruhi kelajuan boid. Contohnya, jika kekuatan untuk peraturan pemisahan lebih tinggi, boid akan lebih cepat menghindari perlanggaran, tetapi mungkin kurang sejajar dengan arah pergerakan kumpulan.

5. Kes Kesan Emergent dalam Algoritma Boids

Tingkah laku emergent merujuk kepada corak kompleks dan koheren yang timbul daripada interaksi antara elemen-elemen sederhana dalam sistem. Dalam algoritma Boids, tingkah laku emergent berlaku apabila peraturan-peraturan mudah yang diikuti oleh setiap boid menghasilkan tingkah laku kolektif yang kompleks. Contoh kesan emergent termasuk:

  • Kawanan Burung: Boid cenderung membentuk formasi yang dikenali seperti “V” atau bergerak bersama-sama secara harmoni tanpa ada individu tertentu yang berfungsi sebagai pemimpin.
  • Sekolah Ikan: Ikan-ikan yang diwakili oleh boid kelihatan bergerak dalam kumpulan besar, membuat pergerakan serentak yang pantas dan tajam, serta mengubah arah dengan cepat tanpa berlanggar antara satu sama lain.

6. Aplikasi Algoritma Boids

Algoritma Boids mempunyai pelbagai aplikasi yang melangkaui simulasi tingkah laku haiwan:

  • Animasi dan Filem: Algoritma Boids digunakan dalam industri animasi untuk mencipta pergerakan kawanan burung, sekolah ikan, atau kumpulan makhluk yang bergerak secara koheren dalam filem dan permainan video.
  • Robotik: Algoritma ini diaplikasikan dalam kawalan sekumpulan robot autonomi, di mana mereka perlu bergerak secara kooperatif dalam ruang tertentu, seperti dalam misi pencarian dan penyelamatan.
  • Simulasi Ekologi: Dalam kajian ekologi, algoritma Boids digunakan untuk mensimulasikan tingkah laku sosial haiwan dan pergerakan mereka dalam habitat semula jadi.
  • Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS): Dalam GIS, algoritma ini dapat digunakan untuk model pergerakan entiti yang berkelompok atau interaksi dinamik antara entiti bergerak dalam ruang geografi.

7. Aplikasi Algoritma Boids dalam GIS

  • Pemodelan Pergerakan Hidupan Liar: Algoritma Boids boleh digunakan untuk memodelkan dan mensimulasikan pergerakan kumpulan haiwan, seperti kawanan burung atau sekumpulan ikan dalam habitat mereka. Dengan menggunakan data GIS, model ini boleh mencerminkan interaksi antara haiwan dan persekitaran mereka, seperti reaksi terhadap halangan semula jadi (contohnya, gunung atau sungai) atau kawasan yang mempunyai kepadatan populasi yang berbeza.
  • Simulasi Evakuasi dan Pergerakan Orang Ramai: Dalam kajian perancangan bandar atau pengurusan bencana, algoritma Boids boleh membantu dalam simulasi pergerakan orang ramai semasa situasi kecemasan, seperti kebakaran atau banjir. Model ini boleh menunjukkan bagaimana orang ramai akan bergerak melalui ruang yang terhad atau bagaimana mereka akan bertindak balas terhadap halangan atau laluan tertentu dalam kawasan bandar.
  • Pemodelan Penyebaran Penyakit: Algoritma Boids boleh digunakan untuk memodelkan penyebaran penyakit melalui populasi manusia atau haiwan dalam ruang geografi. Setiap “boid” dalam model ini boleh mewakili individu atau kumpulan yang berpotensi menyebarkan penyakit, dan interaksi antara mereka boleh membantu memahami dinamika penyebaran di kawasan tertentu.
  • Pengoptimuman Laluan dan Logistik: Dalam GIS, algoritma Boids boleh diterapkan dalam pengoptimuman laluan dan logistik, seperti pemodelan laluan kenderaan autonomi atau dron yang bergerak dalam persekitaran yang dinamik. Boids boleh membantu mengelakkan perlanggaran, mengoptimumkan penggunaan ruang, dan menyesuaikan pergerakan berdasarkan perubahan dalam persekitaran secara real-time.
  • Pemodelan Mobiliti dalam Bandar: Algoritma Boids juga boleh digunakan untuk memodelkan aliran trafik atau pergerakan penduduk dalam bandar. Ini termasuk simulasi kenderaan di jalan raya atau pergerakan pejalan kaki di kawasan sibuk. Dengan menggunakan data GIS, model ini boleh membantu dalam merancang infrastruktur yang lebih baik dan mengurangkan kesesakan.

8. Kesimpulan

Algoritma Boids adalah satu contoh yang menunjukkan bagaimana tingkah laku kompleks dapat muncul dari peraturan yang mudah dan tempatan. Keupayaan algoritma ini untuk menghasilkan tingkah laku emergent yang mirip dengan tingkah laku sosial yang dilihat dalam alam semula jadi menjadikannya alat yang berkuasa dalam pelbagai bidang, dari animasi hingga robotik dan simulasi ekologi. Dengan menyesuaikan parameter dan peraturan asas, algoritma ini dapat disesuaikan untuk meniru pelbagai jenis tingkah laku kolektif dalam sistem multi-agen.

Lessons from Corporate Decisions and the Power of Perseverance

In the dynamic world of business and innovation, decisions made by companies and individuals often shape their destinies. The stories of Nokia, Yahoo, and Kodak, on one hand, and Facebook, Grab, Colonel Sanders, Jack Ma, and Lamborghini on the other, provide valuable insights into the importance of embracing change, seizing opportunities, and the relentless pursuit of success.

Stories of Missed Opportunities

One of the most striking examples of a missed opportunity is the story of Nokia. Once a global leader in mobile phones, Nokia had the chance to adopt Android as its operating system. However, it chose to stick with its own Symbian OS and later Windows OS. This decision, coupled with a rapidly evolving smartphone market, led to Nokia’s dramatic decline. Nokia’s reluctance to embrace Android significantly contributed to its loss of market dominance.

Similarly, Yahoo had the opportunity to buy Google for a mere $1 billion in the early 2000s. Dismissing the potential of Google’s search engine, Yahoo missed out on what would become one of the most profitable companies in history. This decision is often cited as one of the biggest missed opportunities in the tech industry.

Kodak’s story is equally compelling. Despite being a pioneer in photography and inventing the digital camera, Kodak chose to suppress this innovation, fearing it would cannibalize their film business. This reluctance to adapt ultimately led to its downfall in the face of the digital revolution. Kodak’s failure to embrace the very technology it created serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of resisting change.

These stories teach us several key lessons. Firstly, taking chances is crucial in the business world. The corporate landscape rewards those willing to take calculated risks. Nokia, Yahoo, and Kodak’s stories underscore the perils of playing it safe in a rapidly evolving market. Secondly, embracing change is essential for success. Companies must continuously evolve to stay relevant. Lastly, the failure to innovate and adapt can render even the most established companies obsolete.

Stories of Strategic Dominance

In contrast to the stories of missed opportunities, the strategic moves by Facebook and Grab illustrate the power of dominance through acquisition. Facebook’s acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram were masterstrokes in its bid to dominate social media. By turning potential competitors into allies, Facebook secured its position as a leader in the industry. These acquisitions not only expanded Facebook’s user base but also diversified its revenue streams, solidifying its market dominance.

Similarly, Grab’s acquisition of Uber’s operations in Southeast Asia was a strategic move that eliminated a major competitor and solidified Grab’s dominance in the market. This move not only expanded Grab’s market share but also allowed it to consolidate resources and streamline operations in a highly competitive environment.

The lessons from these stories are clear. Firstly, power through alliances can be a highly effective strategy. By acquiring competitors, companies can consolidate power and secure market dominance. Secondly, eliminating competition through strategic acquisitions can effectively remove threats and create a monopoly in the market. Lastly, continuous innovation is crucial to maintain dominance. Even after achieving market leadership, companies must keep innovating to stay ahead of potential competitors.

Stories of Late Bloomers and Perseverance

The stories of Colonel Sanders and Jack Ma highlight the importance of perseverance and the fact that success can come at any age. Harland Sanders, known as Colonel Sanders, founded Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) at the age of 65 after numerous business failures. His perseverance and unique fried chicken recipe turned KFC into a global fast-food giant. Colonel Sanders’ story is a testament to the idea that it is never too late to pursue your dreams.

Jack Ma’s journey is equally inspiring. Facing numerous rejections, including failing to secure a job at KFC, Jack Ma founded Alibaba, which grew into a global e-commerce powerhouse. Jack Ma retired at 55, leaving behind a legacy of innovation and success. His story underscores the importance of persistence and the willingness to keep trying despite facing setbacks.

The key lessons from these stories are that age is just a number and should not be a barrier to success. Success can come at any age, and it is never too late to pursue your dreams. Additionally, persistence pays off. Continuous effort and resilience are key to overcoming failures and achieving success.

An Unlikely Story of Revenge and Success

The story of Lamborghini’s birth from an insult by Ferrari founder Enzo Ferrari is a powerful example of turning adversity into success. Ferruccio Lamborghini, originally a tractor manufacturer, was insulted by Enzo Ferrari when he complained about Ferrari’s cars. Fueled by this slight, Lamborghini founded his own sports car company, which has become a symbol of luxury and performance. This story highlights the importance of never underestimating anyone, as everyone has the potential to achieve greatness.

From Lamborghini’s story, we learn several valuable lessons. Firstly, never underestimate anyone. Dismissing someone can lead to unexpected competition. Secondly, hard work and wise investment are essential for success. Dedication and strategic investment of time and resources are crucial. Lastly, embracing failure as a stepping stone to success is important. Learning from setbacks and persevering is key to achieving long-term success.


These stories illustrate that success in business and life often comes from taking risks, embracing change, and persevering in the face of adversity. Whether it’s adapting to new technologies, making strategic acquisitions, or pursuing dreams regardless of age, the key is to stay resilient, innovative, and never underestimate the potential within oneself and others. By learning from the experiences of these companies and individuals, we can better navigate our own paths to success.

Evaluating and Enhancing UTM’s Geoinformatics Programme Learning Outcome

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


The Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics program at the University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is designed to equip students with a diverse skill set, ensuring they are well-prepared to excel in the dynamic field of geoinformatics. At the heart of this educational endeavor are the 11 Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs). These PLOs serve as the guiding principles, setting clear benchmarks for student achievement and shaping the future of geospatial professionals. In this review, we will explore these 11 PLOs, highlighting the program’s commendable strengths and areas where improvement is needed.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  1. Knowledge & Understanding (KW): The ability to demonstrate knowledge in the geospatial field.
  2. Cognitive Skill (CG): The ability to apply knowledge in the form of theory and skill in the geospatial field.
  3. Practical Skill (PS): The ability to manage and analyze related data and information for specific purposes in the geospatial field.
  4. Interpersonal Skills (IPS): The ability to adapt to different situations in geospatial-based industrial needs.
  5. Communication Skill (CS): The ability to communicate effectively, delivering geospatial technical information.
  6. Digital Skills (TH): The ability to use related technology and software for geospatial information and application in a competent manner.
  7. Numeracy Skills (DS): The ability to analyze numerical information for making accurate decisions and conclusions.
  8. Personal Skills (PRS): The ability to work in a multidisciplinary team for nurturing leadership skills.
  9. Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility Skills (LAR): The ability to independently grasp the new development of the geospatial field by adapting to the latest technology.
  10. Entrepreneurial Skills (ENT): The ability to identify and apply business opportunities and entrepreneurial skills in geospatial-related projects.
  11. Ethics And Professionalism Skills (ETS): The ability to act professionally and according to the correct ethical skills in dealing with current and global issues.

Favorable Aspects

PLO1: Knowledge & Understanding (KW): UTM stands as a beacon of excellence in providing its students with a formidable theoretical foundation. The graduates of this program consistently exhibit an impressive depth of knowledge in the geospatial field, a trait discernible in their coursework and project contributions. This wealth of knowledge serves as a solid bedrock upon which their future success in the industry is built.

PLO4: Interpersonal Skills (IPS): Notably, the program places substantial emphasis on the cultivation of interpersonal skills, marking it as a standout feature. Graduates emerging from UTM are not only technically adept but also well-prepared to work collaboratively and seamlessly adapt to the diverse contexts encountered within the geospatial industry. This nurturing of teamwork and innovative spirit is highly coveted in the dynamic landscape of geoinformatics.

PLO9: Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility Skills (LAR): One cannot ignore the culture of continuous learning and adaptability that UTM instills in its students. Graduates exhibit an enviable ability to independently embrace the latest developments in the geospatial field, ensuring their enduring relevance in an industry that is constantly evolving and reinventing itself.

Aspects Requiring Improvement

PLO5: Communication Skill (CS): While UTM excels in equipping students with a strong technical foundation, there exists room for improvement in the realm of communication skills. Effective communication of geospatial information to a diverse array of audiences remains a challenge for some graduates, impeding their capacity to bridge the critical gap between technical experts and non-experts.

For example, UTM can introduce specialized courses in technical communication, providing students with practical experience in conveying complex geospatial information to various audiences. Additionally, encouraging participation in public speaking and presentation competitions can foster confidence and proficiency in communicating technical concepts effectively.

PLO6: Digital Skills (TH): The program’s dedication to imparting technology and software proficiency is commendable. However, it is essential to recognize that the geospatial technology landscape is characterized by rapid evolution. As such, some graduates may find it challenging to stay abreast of the latest tools and software, warranting a continuous commitment to adaptability.

To address this, UTM can establish partnerships with industry leaders, ensuring that students have access to cutting-edge technology and software. Additionally, instituting a structured system for continuous professional development, encompassing both current students and alumni, can facilitate ongoing skill updates. Encouraging self-directed learning can empower students to explore emerging technologies independently, further enhancing their adaptability.

PLO10: Entrepreneurial Skills (ENT): While the program introduces students to the world of entrepreneurial skills, there exists an opportunity for greater practical exposure. Providing students with opportunities to apply these entrepreneurial skills in real-world geospatial-related projects could significantly enhance their preparedness for entrepreneurial endeavors upon graduation.

For instance, UTM can collaborate with local businesses and startups to facilitate internships and hands-on entrepreneurial experiences. Additionally, offering courses or workshops focused on business development and project management, tailored to geospatial applications, can provide a solid foundation for graduates interested in entrepreneurship. Creating a mentorship program that connects students with successful geospatial entrepreneurs can also offer invaluable guidance and insights.

PLO11: Ethics And Professionalism Skills (ETS): While ethics and professionalism are acknowledged and emphasized, there remains room for more profound internalization of these principles among graduates. An intensified emphasis on ethical decision-making and professionalism throughout the program’s duration could better equip students to navigate the complex web of ethical dilemmas they may encounter in their careers.

To enhance this aspect, UTM can integrate ethical case studies and scenarios into coursework, encouraging students to analyze and make ethical decisions in practical contexts. Developing a comprehensive code of ethics for geospatial professionals and incorporating it as a recurring topic in relevant courses can instill a strong ethical foundation. Furthermore, encouraging student involvement in geospatial professional organizations can foster ethical discussions and practices.


In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and global challenges, the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics program at UTM holds a pivotal position at the intersection of knowledge and practice. Recognizing the profound importance of continuous improvement and bearing in mind the central role of key PLOs, UTM can further bolster its standing as a vanguard in geoinformatics education.

The strategies discussed in this article, ranging from augmenting communication skills to embracing cutting-edge technology and nurturing ethical professionalism, constitute pivotal steps towards shaping graduates who are not only technically proficient but also remarkably adaptable, innovative, and profoundly attuned to ethical responsibilities within the realm of geoinformatics. By unwaveringly committing to these enhancements, UTM can sustain its legacy of delivering a transformative education that empowers students to not just succeed but to excel in the ever-evolving field of geoinformatics. In doing so, UTM continues to contribute significantly to the betterment of our world through the education of exceptional geospatial professionals.

A Review of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) for the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours at University Teknologi Malaysia

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


In the dynamic field of geoinformatics, the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours program at University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) strives to prepare graduates with a diverse skill set. This in-depth review explores the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) of the program based on the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) Second Edition. Each PLO is examined in detail, shedding light on how UTM equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in the geospatial industry.


Geoinformatics, a multidisciplinary field that merges geography, geospatial technology, and information science, is at the forefront of innovation in today’s data-driven world. With increasing demand for skilled professionals in this domain, the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours program at UTM has developed a comprehensive set of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) to guide student learning and achievement. This review delves into each PLO, providing an in-depth analysis of its significance and impact.

PLO1: Knowledge & Understanding (KW)

The first PLO serves as the bedrock upon which students build their geoinformatics expertise. It requires students to develop a deep and nuanced understanding of the geospatial field, encompassing foundational concepts, principles, and theories. This knowledge equips graduates with the confidence to tackle complex geospatial challenges and fuels their ability to innovate in the field.

PLO2: Cognitive Skill (CG)

Building upon their knowledge, PLO2 focuses on developing students’ cognitive skills to apply theoretical concepts to practical geospatial problems. Graduates are not only expected to analyze and synthesize information but also to devise innovative solutions and implement them effectively. This cognitive agility is crucial in adapting to the evolving geospatial landscape.

PLO3: Practical Skill (PS)

In the modern geospatial industry, the ability to manage and analyze data is paramount. PLO3 ensures that students gain practical skills in data handling, analysis, and interpretation. Graduates are well-prepared to make data-driven decisions, a skill highly valued in both research and industry settings.

PLO4: Interpersonal Skills (IPS)

Effective collaboration is the cornerstone of success in the geospatial sector. PLO4 underscores the importance of interpersonal skills, enabling students to adapt to diverse geospatial industrial contexts. Graduates excel not only as individual contributors but also as valuable team members, fostering synergy and innovation.

PLO5: Communication Skill (CS)

In a field teeming with technical jargon, PLO5 hones students’ ability to communicate complex geospatial information effectively. Graduates emerge as adept communicators, capable of translating technical knowledge into accessible language for diverse audiences, including policymakers and the general public.

PLO6: Digital Skills (TH)

PLO6 acknowledges the centrality of technology in geoinformatics. It ensures that students are proficient in using the latest geospatial software and technology. Graduates can leverage these tools to manipulate, analyze, and visualize geospatial data efficiently, staying competitive in a tech-driven industry.

PLO7: Numeracy Skills (DS)

Geospatial professionals often encounter complex numerical data. PLO7 equips students with advanced numeracy skills to analyze numerical information rigorously. This proficiency empowers graduates to make informed decisions and draw accurate conclusions from data.

PLO8: Personal Skills (PRS)

The geospatial industry thrives on teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration. PLO8 fosters personal skills such as leadership, adaptability, and effective communication within diverse teams. Graduates emerge as versatile professionals who can navigate complex group dynamics while nurturing leadership qualities.

PLO9: Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility Skills (LAR)

The geospatial field evolves rapidly with technological advancements. PLO9 encourages students to embrace lifelong learning and adapt independently to the latest developments. Graduates exhibit the ability to lead and drive innovation within their organizations or research endeavors.

PLO10: Entrepreneurial Skills (ENT)

Recognizing the potential for entrepreneurial ventures within geospatial projects, PLO10 empowers students to identify and seize business opportunities. Graduates are equipped not only to contribute as employees but also to initiate and manage geospatial-related projects, fostering innovation and economic growth.

PLO11: Ethics And Professionalism Skills (ETS)

In an era marked by global challenges, PLO11 underscores the significance of ethical conduct and professionalism in the geospatial domain. Graduates are not only technically proficient but also ethically responsible professionals, equipped to address pressing global issues with integrity.


The Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours program at University Teknologi Malaysia stands as a paragon of excellence in geospatial education. The Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are meticulously designed to equip students with a multifaceted skill set, ensuring their preparedness for a dynamic and demanding geospatial industry. These PLOs foster a deep understanding of the field, nurture critical thinking and practical skills, promote effective communication, and emphasize ethical and professional conduct. Graduates of this program emerge as well-rounded geospatial professionals, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

Proprietary GIS Software in the Age of Openness

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and geospatial software have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many businesses and organizations relying on them for critical decision-making processes. While proprietary software has long been the dominant force in this industry, the rise of free and open-source software (FOSS) has caused many developers to re-think their strategies and make changes to stay competitive.

The Challenges of FOSS

FOSS has several key advantages over proprietary software, including cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and the ability to modify the software to fit specific needs. These advantages have led to a growing community of FOSS users, and many developers have begun to explore FOSS as a viable alternative to proprietary software.

However, there are also several challenges associated with FOSS that developers must address in order to remain competitive. These challenges include:

  • Lack of support: FOSS is typically developed and maintained by a community of volunteers, which can make it difficult for businesses and organizations to get the support they need to effectively use the software.
  • Limited features: FOSS may not have all the features and capabilities of proprietary software, which can limit its usefulness in certain contexts.
  • Compatibility issues: FOSS may not be compatible with other software tools and systems, making it difficult to integrate into existing workflows and processes.
  • Training requirements: FOSS may require specialized training and expertise to use effectively, which can be a barrier for many businesses and organizations.

Addressing the Challenges of FOSS

In order to address these challenges and remain competitive, many GIS and geospatial software developers have taken a variety of actions. Some of the most common strategies include:

  • Embracing FOSS: Rather than seeing FOSS as a threat, some developers have embraced it and started incorporating FOSS technologies into their own products. This can help to address issues of compatibility and functionality, while also leveraging the benefits of FOSS.
  • Providing support: In order to address concerns about support, many developers have begun offering support services for their proprietary software products. This can help to ensure that businesses and organizations have the help they need to effectively use the software.
  • Investing in development: In order to stay competitive, many developers have increased their investment in software development. This can help to ensure that their products continue to offer the latest features and capabilities, while also addressing issues of compatibility and integration.
  • Focusing on niche markets: Rather than trying to compete with FOSS in all areas, some developers have focused on specific niches where their proprietary software can offer unique value. This can help to differentiate their products and ensure that they remain competitive in those specific areas.

Examples of Developers Tackling FOSS Challenges

Several GIS and geospatial software developers have already taken steps to address the challenges of FOSS and remain competitive in the industry. Here are a few examples:

  • Esri: Esri, one of the largest GIS software developers in the world, has taken a multi-faceted approach to addressing the challenges of FOSS. This has included investing in FOSS technologies like Python and contributing to FOSS projects like GeoJSON. They have also developed ArcGIS Online, a cloud-based GIS platform that offers a range of features and capabilities that are difficult to replicate with FOSS.
  • Autodesk: Autodesk, a leading provider of geospatial software, has embraced FOSS by offering support for FOSS technologies like OpenStreetMap and the PostGIS database. They have also developed Autodesk InfraWorks, a cloud-based GIS platform that offers advanced features like 3D modeling and visualization.
  • Trimble: Trimble, a provider of geospatial hardware and software, has invested heavily in the development of their proprietary software offerings. This has included the development of Trimble Connect, a cloud-based collaboration platform that integrates with other Trimble software products. They have also acquired several companies that offer complementary geospatial software solutions, allowing them to expand their offerings and remain competitive in the market.

    The Benefits of FOSS and Proprietary Software Integration

    While FOSS and proprietary software can be seen as competing approaches to GIS and geospatial software development, there are also benefits to integrating the two. FOSS technologies can offer cost-effective solutions for specific needs, while proprietary software can offer advanced features and capabilities that are difficult to replicate with FOSS. By integrating the two, developers can offer a more comprehensive suite of software tools that can meet a wider range of user needs.

    Additionally, FOSS can serve as a proving ground for new ideas and technologies that can later be incorporated into proprietary software offerings. This can help to keep proprietary software offerings on the cutting edge of the industry and ensure that they remain competitive over the long term.


    The rise of FOSS has caused many GIS and geospatial software developers to re-think their strategies and make changes to remain competitive in the industry. While there are challenges associated with FOSS, including lack of support, limited features, compatibility issues, and training requirements, there are also strategies that developers can use to address these challenges. By embracing FOSS, providing support, investing in development, and focusing on niche markets, developers can remain competitive and offer users a comprehensive suite of software tools that meet their needs.

    The integration of FOSS and proprietary software can also offer benefits by allowing developers to offer cost-effective solutions for specific needs while also providing advanced features and capabilities that are difficult to replicate with FOSS. By taking a nuanced approach to software development that incorporates both FOSS and proprietary software, developers can ensure that they remain competitive in the GIS and geospatial software industry for years to come.


    • Cheng, Y., & Zhu, X. (2018). Research on the development of FOSS GIS software. In 2018 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) (pp. 72-75). IEEE.

    • Foerster, T., & Jeske, T. (2017). The role of open source in geospatial software development. In Intelligent Decision Technologies 2017 (pp. 337-345). Springer.

    • Hsu, C. L., & Lin, J. C. (2019). An Exploratory Study of Open Source GIS Software Utilization. Sustainability, 11(17), 4704.

    • Jia, Y., Liu, C., Guo, J., & Yang, J. (2020). Analysis of Geospatial Software Development Based on Open Source Code. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 496.

    • Obe, R., & Hsu, L. (2018). PostGIS in Action. Manning Publications.

    • Yang, M., & Zhang, L. (2017). Study on the integration of open source software and proprietary software in GIS application. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 80, No. 1, p. 012021). IOP Publishing.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Proprietary GIS Software in the Age of Openness. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2023).

The Best Desktop Configuration for A GIS Professional

The best desktop computer configuration for a GIS professional depends on their specific needs and the types of GIS applications they use. Generally speaking, a GIS professional requires a powerful desktop computer with high processing power, memory, storage, and advanced graphics capabilities.

Here are some specific recommendations for a GIS professional desktop configuration:

  1. Processor: Look for a powerful multi-core processor, such as an Intel Core i7 or i9 or an AMD Ryzen 7 or 9. A minimum of 4 cores is recommended, but 6 or 8 cores would be better.

  2. Memory (RAM): At least 16GB of RAM is recommended, but 32GB or 64GB would be better. This will allow for faster data processing and the ability to work with large data sets.

  3. Storage: It is recommended to have at least 500GB of storage, with a solid-state drive (SSD) for faster read/write speeds. However, if the GIS professional works with large data sets, they may require multiple hard drives or a network-attached storage (NAS) system.

  4. Graphics card: A high-end graphics card is important for rendering and visualizing GIS data. Look for a dedicated graphics card with at least 4GB of memory, such as an Nvidia GTX or RTX series or an AMD Radeon RX series.

  5. Display: A high-resolution monitor is essential for working with GIS data. Look for a monitor with at least a 1920 x 1080 resolution, and consider a dual-monitor setup if the GIS professional needs to work with multiple windows or applications at the same time.

  6. Operating system: The choice of operating system depends on the specific GIS software used. Most GIS software is compatible with Windows or Mac OS, so choose the one that the GIS professional is most comfortable with.

  7. Other considerations: A reliable Internet connection is important for accessing online GIS data and services. A comfortable keyboard and mouse, and a backup power supply are also recommended.

Overall, the best desktop configuration for a GIS professional is one that offers high processing power, memory, storage, advanced graphics capabilities, and a high-resolution display. It should be tailored to their specific needs and the types of GIS applications they use.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). The Best Desktop Configuration for A GIS Professional. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 9 April 2023).

Which is the best way to cheat in an exam?

By Jeff Erickson, CS professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

I remember this one kid who pulled the absolutely perfect scam.

First, he got a copy of the book that the class was based on, since he knew from past students that the exam would cover material directly from that book. Then, every other day, starting at the very beginning of the semester, he would sneak into the room where the professor was teaching and take notes. Occasionally, he would even ask questions! Then later that same day, he would review his notes to make sure he understood everything.

At least once a week he would actually go to office hours and ask the professor questions. And the amazing thing was, the professor would just straight-up answer his questions, telling this kid directly how to do the things that would later be on the final!

Oh, and I almost forgot—this is the really unbelievable part—when the professor would assign homework problems, this kid would actually do them, and then the professor would actually tell him what he got right and wrong, before the exam! This idiot professor just gave everything away, all semester long! All the kid had to do was practice and listen.

When the final exam came around, the kid didn’t even have to cram for it; he had so completely cheated the system that he actually got a full night’s sleep before the exam, and then just walked in and took it. And unlike all the poor honest schmucks who walked in off the street not knowing what the exam would cover, he just sailed straight to an A. It was awesome to behold.

I was never brave enough as a student to do this myself, of course; I was way too scared that I’d get caught. I always stuck with the tried-and-true technique of slacking off the entire semester and then trying to cram everything into my brain at the last minute. Didn’t do much for my grades, of course, but at least I can live with myself for not cheating.

source: unknown

A young man named Ahmad [Part 10]

As Ahmad approaches the end of his career as an academician and GIS researcher, he feels a mix of emotions. On one hand, he is proud of all that he has accomplished and the impact that he has made in the field of GIS. On the other hand, he is tired from the years of hard work and dedication that he has put into his profession.

Ahmad reflects on all the people who have helped him along the way. He is grateful to his family, friends, and colleagues who have supported him through the years. He is also grateful to the students who have passed through his classes and who have been a source of inspiration to him. He is humbled by the impact that he has made on the lives of so many people.

As Ahmad gets ready for retirement, he knows that it is time for him to step back and let the next generation take over. He is ready to hand over the reigns and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. He wants to spend more time with his family and friends, to travel and to explore new places, and to live a life that is free from the stresses of work.

But at the same time, Ahmad doesn’t want to completely disconnect from the GIS community and he wants to continue to contribute to the development of the country. He wants to use his knowledge and experience to help others, to mentor young professionals and to share his insights with the next generation.

Ahmad knows that the future is uncertain, but he is at peace with that. He trusts that Allah will guide him on the path that is right for him. He is grateful for the opportunity to have lived a fulfilling life and to have made a difference in the world. May Allah put him in heaven with all good peoples and God’s blessing. InshaAllah.

The End.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 9]

Despite the challenges he faces as an academician, Ahmad remains determined to follow his passion and do what he loves. He knows that writing books will be a lot of work, but he is willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen. He doesn’t care what other people say, he is going to do what he wants.

Ahmad is fortunate to have the support of his family. They have always been there for him, encouraging him to pursue his dreams and follow his passions. With their encouragement, he knows that he can achieve anything he sets his mind to. He is grateful for their support, and it gives him the confidence to keep pushing forward.

Ahmad’s dedication and passion for GIS is admirable. He is determined to make a difference in the field and to share his knowledge and experience with others. His family’s support and encouragement will be a big help for him as he embarks on this new journey of writing books on GIS related topics. He is excited to see where this new venture will take him, and he is ready to face any challenges that come his way.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 8]

Despite the challenges he faces as an academician, Ahmad remains deeply committed to his work. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience with others, and he sees writing books as a natural way to do so. He plans to write a series of books that cover a wide range of topics related to GIS and related fields, such as systems analysis and design, the development of web map servers and mobile applications, location-based services, programming, GIS data conversion, and GIS software systems.

By writing these books, Ahmad hopes to provide a valuable resource for both students and professionals in the field. He wants to share his expertise and insights in a way that is accessible, engaging, and informative. He also hopes that his books will help to inspire the next generation of GIS professionals, and encourage them to pursue their own research and development projects.

Ahmad knows that writing books will take a lot of time and effort, but he is excited about the opportunity to share his knowledge and experience with others. He is determined to make a positive impact on the field of GIS, and he believes that writing these books is a step in the right direction.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 7]

As an academician, Ahmad’s challenges have grown over the years. One of the biggest challenges he faces is securing funding for his research projects. With limited resources and increasing competition for grants, it can be difficult to secure the funding he needs to conduct the research he is passionate about.

Another challenge Ahmad faces is finding and recruiting the right team members for his research projects. With the high demand for skilled professionals in the field of GIS, it can be difficult to find individuals who have the right skills and experience to contribute to his projects.

Ahmad also faces challenges with the students he works with. Lack of good students from undergraduate to do their undergraduate project, lack of capable postgraduate students to do master and phd study. This can make it difficult for him to carry out his research and teaching responsibilities to the best of his abilities.

Despite these challenges, Ahmad remains determined to continue pursuing his passion for GIS research and education. He knows that it will take hard work, determination, and a willingness to adapt to overcome these obstacles. He also knows that by building a strong team, mentoring the next generation of GIS professionals, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, he can continue to make meaningful contributions to the field of GIS and make a positive impact on the lives of his students and colleagues.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 6]

Ahmad began to notice a change in the attitude of his students. They seemed less engaged in class, less motivated to complete their assignments, and more inclined to challenge his authority as a lecturer. He could sense a lack of respect from many of them, and it was starting to weigh on him.

He knew that the world of technology was changing rapidly, and that students were increasingly exposed to new forms of learning and new ways of interacting with information. He also realized that this was affecting the way students approached their education, and that they were no longer responding to traditional teaching methods as well as they used to.

Ahmad knew that something had to be done to address this issue. He didn’t want to be seen as an out-of-touch lecturer who couldn’t connect with his students. He knew that he needed to adapt to the changing times and find new ways to reach and engage his students.

He spent a lot of time researching new teaching methods, and experimenting with different approaches to the curriculum. He started incorporating more interactive and hands-on activities into his lessons, and he began to use technology more effectively in the classroom. He also started to give students more autonomy and choice in their learning, and he started to provide more feedback and support to help them achieve their goals.

Ahmad’s efforts paid off. His students started to respond more positively to his teaching, and he noticed an improvement in their engagement and motivation. They began to show more respect for him as a lecturer, and he could see that they were becoming more invested in their own learning. Ahmad realized that by being open to change and willing to adapt, he was able to continue to make a positive impact on his students’ lives, even in the face of the rapidly changing technological landscape.

A young man named Ahmed [Part 5]

As a senior lecturer, Ahmad became increasingly involved in departmental management and administrative tasks. While he found these responsibilities challenging and rewarding, he began to realize that they were taking up a significant portion of his time and energy, and that he was missing the aspects of his job that he loved the most: teaching, research, and development.

He missed being in the classroom, interacting with students, and sharing his passion for GIS. He missed the thrill of discovering new insights and solving problems through research. And he missed the satisfaction of developing new tools and techniques that could help people and organizations make better use of their spatial data.

Despite his busy schedule, Ahmad made a conscious effort to carve out more time for teaching, research, and development. He started to take on fewer management responsibilities, and instead focused on mentoring his students and developing new research projects. He also began to collaborate with colleagues on multidisciplinary projects that brought together his expertise in GIS with other fields such as environmental science, urban planning, and disaster management.

Through his hard work and dedication, Ahmad was able to strike a balance between his management duties and his passion for teaching, research and development. He was able to continue making a positive impact in the field of GIS and in the lives of his students. He felt fulfilled and content with his work, and was grateful for the opportunity to continue making a difference in the world.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 4]

After several years of working as a consultant, Ahmad decided to transition into an academic role at a local university. He found that he enjoyed teaching and mentoring students, and wanted to make a more lasting impact on the field of GIS. He began teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in GIS, and quickly established himself as a popular and effective teacher.

In addition to teaching, Ahmad also became a supervisor for Master’s and Ph.D. students. He was excited to work with the next generation of GIS professionals and help them develop their skills and knowledge. He supervised students working on a wide range of research topics, including flood modeling, postcode mapping, data conversion, and system development.

Ahmad also continued to do research and development of his own, focusing on applied GIS projects that had a direct impact on the community. He developed a flood modeling system that helped local authorities predict and prepare for floods, as well as a postcode mapping system that improved mail delivery and emergency services. He also worked on data conversion projects that helped organizations and government agencies make better use of their GIS data.

As an academician, Ahmad’s research and publications in the field of GIS have been well-received by the academic community and have been widely cited. He was also invited to speak at conferences and workshops all over the world. He had published several books and articles in various journals. He was proud of his contributions to the field of GIS and was excited to see how his research would continue to impact the community. He was also proud to see his students and supervised students had succeeded in their careers and making a positive impact in the field of GIS.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 3]

With his passion for GIS and desire to continue learning, Ahmad decided to apply for a scholarship to further his studies abroad. After much hard work and dedication, he was awarded a scholarship to complete his Master’s and Ph.D. in GIS.

During his Master’s program, Ahmad focused on developing a web map server. He wanted to create a platform that would make GIS data more accessible and user-friendly for a wider audience. He spent countless hours researching and experimenting, and finally succeeded in creating a state-of-the-art web map server.

For his Ph.D. program, Ahmad decided to focus on mobile navigation. He was fascinated by the potential of using GIS technology in mobile devices to improve navigation and location-based services. He spent several years researching and developing new algorithms for mobile navigation, and his work was well-received by the academic community.

Ahmad’s Ph.D. thesis was well-received and widely cited in the academic community. He was proud to have made a significant contribution to the field of GIS and was grateful for the opportunity to study abroad.

With his new degrees, Ahmad returned to his home country, eager to apply his new knowledge and skills to real-world projects. He continued to work as a GIS consultant, now with a renewed focus on mobile navigation and web mapping. He also planned to teach at the university, sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation of GIS professionals.

Ahmad’s hard work and dedication had paid off and he was now recognized as a leading expert in GIS, particularly in the field of mobile navigation and web mapping. He knew that his journey in GIS was far from over and was excited to see what the future held for him and the field of GIS.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 2]

As time passed, Ahmad’s expertise in GIS grew, and he quickly climbed the ranks within his company. His colleagues and clients respected him for his thorough understanding of GIS concepts and his ability to clearly communicate his findings.

Ahmad was also active in community projects, using his skills to help with environmental conservation, sustainable urban planning and disaster management. He was particularly passionate about using GIS to help improve the lives of those in underprivileged communities.

Ahmad’s hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed and soon he was offered a senior analyst position at a global GIS consulting firm. He was thrilled at the opportunity to work on large-scale projects and make an even greater impact in the world.

From that point on, Ahmad’s career continued to soar as he worked on projects all over the world, using GIS to solve problems and improve the lives of people in various communities. His passion for GIS never waned, and he was always eager to learn about new developments in the field.

Ahmad knew that GIS was more than just a job for him, it was his calling. He was grateful for the opportunity to make a real difference in the world and was excited to see what the future held for GIS and the impact it would have on our world.

A young man named Ahmad [Part 1]

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Ahmad who was fascinated by geography and technology. He decided to study Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics at a local university. Ahmad was determined to excel in his studies and put his knowledge and skills to good use.

After completing his studies, Ahmad began searching for a job in the field of GIS. After a few months of searching, he finally landed a job as a GIS system analyst at a private company in Kuala Lumpur.

At his new job, Ahmad was responsible for creating and analyzing maps and GIS data for various clients. He used GIS software to collect and analyze data, create maps and even make 3D visualizations. He was amazed at how much information could be gathered and analyzed using GIS technology.

One day, Ahmad was given a project to work on for a government agency. They wanted to know how they could improve the public transportation system in the city. Using GIS, Ahmad was able to analyze data on population density, current transportation routes, and even traffic patterns. He then used this information to create maps and simulations that helped the government agency make informed decisions on how to improve the transportation system.

Thanks to his skills and knowledge of GIS, Ahmad was able to make a real difference in his community. He was proud of the work he had done and knew that GIS would play a crucial role in shaping the future of our world.

And so, Ahmad’s career in GIS continued to flourish as he worked on more and more projects that helped to improve the lives of people in his community and beyond. He realized that his passion for geography and technology have led him to a meaningful career where he could make a real impact in the world.

Location Privacy

Beresford and Stajano define location privacy as “the ability to prevent other parties from learning one’s current or past location.” This definition specifies that the data subject—or the person whose location data is affected—should have control over the use and subsequent use of their data, which can be viewed as an extension of the previously presented definition of privacy.

The device’s physical location can be determined using one of three methods: (1) satellite navigation systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS), (2) mobile carrier antennas, and (3) wireless networks.

A device can use any combination of these three methods to determine its most accurate location. A combination of methods improves positioning accuracy but consumes more power, reducing the device’s battery life (Zhang et. al., 2020).

When the equipment to be identified is outside, satellite navigation systems, which provide a mechanism for autonomous geographical location, allow positions to be calculated with an accuracy of just a few centimetres (European Space Agency, 2016). The accuracy for free access public use is presently approximately one metre radius (Dardari et. al., 2015). When the signal is obstructed by obstacles such as mountains or buildings, the accuracy falls, and it lowers dramatically in inside conditions (Dardari et. al., 2015).

Sources: Maija Elina Poikela (2020). Perceived Privacy in Location-Based Mobile System.