Boys to Man…

4 years challenging, interesting, productive, character building journey begins now. We will educate and guide you to be a sound and indispensable chemical engineer, serving the nation with pride and dignity. We will help and teach you to be a matured human being with sensible and wise judgement.

For the new batch of students under my academic advisory program (Penasihat Akademik), I will take care of you. Please do your very best. Establish your academic and technical capability, enrich yourself with soft skills and immaculate attitude, eventually be a balanced human being.

In conjunction with addressing the new students to our School of Chemical & Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

To date, more than 160 pure chemical engineering students registered in our school. There are hundreds more from Chemical Engineering (Gas), Chemical Engineering (Bioprocess-polymer), Petroleum Engineering and Nuclear Engineering.

All the best!