Day 236 Task – Completing ECE Paper Review

I received invitation from an editor in ECE journal last week. The main challenge was that the editor gave me 2 manuscript simultaneously to review. Wow!!! I felt quite overwhelm because at the same time I have many things to do and accomplish.

Alhamdulillah, I managed to squeezed in some time and reviewed one of the manuscript. It was an interesting manuscript and I must say every-time I review a paper or journal, I will learn something new and fresh. That’s why even though I am quite hectic, I did not reject the invitation to review.

I will continue reviewing the second ECE paper tomorrow. InsyaAllah.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 


  1. […] I decided to work on to review another  Education for Chemical Engineer (ECE) manuscript. As mentioned earlier,  I was invited to review 2 ECE manuscript simultaneously last week. Today I worked on the second […]