The main task I would like to highlight today is the proofreading task and improvement of the manuscript that I co-author that is planned to be published at Polymer MDPI Journal. Polymers is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of polymer science published semimonthly online by MDPI. Belgian Polymer Group (BPG), European Colloid & Interface Society (ECIS), The Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) and National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM) are affiliated with Polymers and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.
I started proof reading and did some minor review and minor correcting since the morning. Luckily the manuscript was not that bad. It’s considered quite good, Alhamdulillah. I am glad with this collaboration with Anwar, my ex-MKKH. This is our 3rd project together.

Synopsis :
Teaching and learning at distance can be very challenging due to absence of social presence and teacher’s presence that could impact students’ cognitive presence (Shea, 2006). The presence of these 3 elements; teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence termed as Community of Inquiry is very important to ensure a meaningful online learning environment that improves students’ metacognition (Akyol & Garrison, 2011). Although an ODL environment is properly designed, lecturers have to be equipped with the necessary skills to deliver teaching and learning that include facilitation skills, scaffolding and not to forget to pay attention to students’ affectivity.
This workshop will guide lecturers to facilitate online learning which includes the best practices for online teaching for meaningful learning experience.
Other Highlighted Tasks of the Day:
- Delivering ODL Programs – Viewed the online training. The UTM ODL system.
- Checking and commenting on LOG BOOK LI Q1 (15/02/2021 – 14/05/2021) belong to Dr. Mohd Dinie Muhaimin Bin Samsudin.
- Followed up on the AIP proceeding manuscripts.
- Discussed with Dr. Syed on the Global Engineering Education Conference.
- Completing the review for International Journal of Energy Research, for a review paper on catalyst and biodiesel.
- Checked PSM Student progress. One of my PSM student 2nd paper maybe submitted to a Q1 journal next week or next 2 weeks. InsyaAllah.
- Re-adjust my letter of award (LOA) for the Contract Research grant awarded to me by CEE / UTIM. Submitted the amendment to UTIM but they can only give me next week since now it is WFH.
- Followed up, tried to contact, call, message my PA student many times to help and understand his situation. I hope he will respond to me soon.. Amin… and improve.. get better. See… Lecturer also has this responsibility as Academic Advisor (Penasihat Akademik).