MYRA Internal Audit for RMC Project Monitoring Division

Before Ramadhan, I was involved with the Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) UTM MYRA internal audit. But today, I was wearing a different hat. I am now attending another MYRA internal audit but wearing a hat as the Deputy Director of Research Management Centre (RMC) UTM, as a team that handles all project and monitoring.

That day our team consisted of Hani, Sapiah, Mazlan, Tariq and Illani. The auditor was PM Dr. Juhana from AMTEC, appointed by KPT.

New Challenge, New Responsibility

I hope to give the best I can for UTM and the Ummah. I seek everyone’s cooperation and assistance in my new role. May Allah ease the work and process.

Effective on the 23rd of April 2023, I was appointed as the new Deputy Director of the Research Management Centre (RMC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). I will be handling the Management and Monitoring of Projects portfolio.

It was very unfortunate that I can’t lead the Center for Engineering Education (CEE) anymore. However, I am still a CEE research fellow and will do my best as well to support and uplift Engineering Education to its peak.

Thanks to all CEE members and staff for all the support and help given during my tenure as UTM CEE Director for the past 2 years.

Majlis Kesyukuran CEE dan Majlis Persaraan Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof

Pendidikan Kejuruteraan (CEE), UTM telah mengadakan Majlis Kesyukuran CEE pada 21 Mac 2023 bertempat di ruang pejabat Centre for Engineering Education, Aras 2, Blok C09, UTM Johor Bahru.
Majlis Kesyukuran CEE ini diadakan bersamaan dengan Majlis Persaraan YBhg. Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof, felo penyelidik CEE juga yang merupakan Pengasas dan Mantan Pengarah CEE di peringkat CEE. Sambutan ini juga diadakan bagi meraikan pelbagai kejayaan CEE sehingga ke hari ini dan perpindahan masuk CEE ke ruang baharu di Blok C09 UTM Johor Bahru.
Dalam ucapan oleh Prof. Dr. Khairiyah, beliau mengimbau kembali penubuhan dan usaha-usaha dalam pembangunan pendidikan kejuruteraan serta cabaran yang dihadapi bersama rakan-rakan. Beliau juga mengajak hadirin supaya bekerja bersama-sama dalam mencapai matlamat. Tegas beliau, “Big problems will never be solved alone, great things will only be achieved when u work together“.
CEE merakamkan penghargaan melalui Pengarah CEE, YBrs. Prof. Madya Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria dan mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Prof. Dr. Khairiyah atas sumbangan jasa bakti yang ditaburkan ke atas CEE khususnya, bermula dari penubuhan CEE dan membawa nama CEE sehingga dikenali di serata dunia termasuk di negara-negara Eropah, Afrika, Amerika Syarikat, Timur Tengah, dan di rantau Asia khususnya sebagai perunding dan pakar rujuk dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan.
Turut hadir adalah felo-felo dan staf CEE, rakan-rakan pensyarah yang telah banyak bekerjasama dengan CEE, pelajar PhD dan post-doctoral bagi memeriahkan majlis dan meraikan YBhg. Prof. Dr. Khairiyah.
Pautan untuk kisah dan gambar boleh di dapati di sini – KLIK SINI.

AIP Conference Proceeding for RCEE2020 & RHeD2020 Successfully Published

Alhamdulillah, after a long wait, the proceeding for Regional Conference on Engineering Education 2020 (RCEE2020) and Research in Higher Education 2020 (RHeD2020) has successfully been published 2 days ago (26th October 2022). There are 51 papers in the theme of engineering education and STEM that were published in this Scopus Indexed Conference Proceeding.

Personally for me, I have 3 papers published in this conference proceeding as co-author, as shown below. Alhamdulillah. The links are:

RCEE2020 & RHeD2020 was organized by Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) UTM and Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM) and conducted virtually. InsyaAllah RCEE2022 will be conducted by UNDIP and UNS in Indonesia with UTM CEE as main partner.


2022 Day 47 Task – 1st SEEM Meeting of the Year

Last time we had SEEM meeting was somewhere in November 2021, and that meeting was joined with Philippine Association of Engineering Schools (PAES). Today’s meeting (2.30pm-4.30pm) was participated by as usual committees from UTM, USM, UTM, UPM, Xiamen University, freelance and also retired educators.

Various activities concerning engineering education in Malaysia context as well as empowerment of the society membership was discussed. We hope that SEEM can grow and establish itself to be a reputable society that could enhance the progress and development of engineering education in Malaysia.

Other tasks of the day:

  • ITE Meeting – Learning Portfolio and Stage 3 Discussion – 9am
  • Completed marking Reflection #4
  • Commenced marking Meta-Reflection
  • Checked, signed and stamped PSM student’s thesis and logbook
  • Discussed thermodynamic modelling paper with PL.

2021 Day 222 Task – RGEE Workshop: Writing How to Get Published in Engineering Education Journals

Participants are able to apply good academic writing practices to enhance publication acceptance and citation potential.

1) The publication journey: Decisions and commiments
2) Journal selection: Match making between what you can “afford” and what is being “offered”
3) Making the writing work: Content (relevance – increasing potential acceptance, reads and cites), writing style (convincing language and grammar, presentations (graphics, statistics, tables), citations and references, formatting

Dr. Maizam Alias
Professor (Retired)
Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education
Former Dean (Research and Development)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

2021 Day 176 Task – CEE Coffee Table Book Project

This is a wonderful Saturday and I took the opportunity to complete my CEE Coffee Table book write up for my part which is my Bio-Profile and also my Opening Words as CEE Director. It’s hope that soon the CEE Coffee Table Book will be finalized and published and hence can be a strong marketing tool for CEE UTM. InsyaAllah.

Bio-Profile of Ir. Dr. Ts. Zaki Yamani Zakaria

Zaki Yamani Zakaria has been with the School of Chemical & Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) since 2008. He acquired his first degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Bradford, UK in 1999; Chemical Engineering Master Degree & PhD from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2004 and 2013, respectively. His main research interests are in engineering education, catalytic reaction engineering, and safety, health & environment (SHE). Before joining the faculty, he has been practicing as a Project/Chemical Engineer (2003-2005) and Process Engineer (2005-2008). Dr. Zaki became a Professional Engineer (BEM) and Chartered Engineer (IChemE) in 2010. He was appointed as a Professional Technologist in 2018 by Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT). He was appointed as Research Fellow under Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) in 2019 and in February 2021, he was appointed as the Director of CEE. He has actively been involved in engineering education since 2014 in the area of Active Learning (AL), Cooperative Learning (CL) and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). Dr. Zaki has been involved in numerous AL, CL, PBL courses and workshop as co-trainer and facilitator since 2017. He is also an Editor for ASEAN Journal for Engineering Education (AJEE) and a member of Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM) since 2020, besides once in a while delivers talk related to Engineering Education Experiential sharing.

Dr. Zaki presently supervises more than 10 postgraduate students and mentors several lecturers and engineers for professional development program. He has published his research works in various reputable journals, international conferences, book chapters (including Wiley Publisher) and others. In 2018 he published his own book, “Ramblings of a Chemical Engineer”, which has been well received by fellow chemical engineers from Malaysia and around the globe. Dr. Zaki actively shares chemical engineering related information in his Chemical Engineering Facebook Page ( which up till now has 44k followers. His first blog, Chemical Engineering World (, was selected as the Top 10 Chemical Engineering Blogs in the internet in 2019. He was with CEE team that won Gold Medal in 2019 International Conference and Exposition on Invention by Institution of Higher Learning (Pecipta 2019) in UTHM, Gold Medal in New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI 2019) and Best NALI 2019 Award in UTM for various innovations in student-centred-learning approach. In the context of engineering education research (EER), Dr. Zaki has deep interest in exploring the development of engineering identity among engineering students.

2021 Day 161 Task – Checking My EER PhD Student’s Proposal

I spent my Friday morning and afternoon checking and providing comments on my PhD EER Student who is very far far away at UAE or Sudan or United States (yes, he lives in all those places and travel a lot in between those locations). Prior to reading the report and progress, I also read several more completed PhD EER projects by previous CEE students. It’s quite different from the normal chemical engineering research… I can say it is more directed to the social sciences approach. But, I finally written down my comments and passed it to the Co-SVs.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Discussed about BCREC paper Chapter 4 – Nazlina, already pending due to submit correction.
  • Went through some EXCEL reports from my PA students – verified and approved their activities.

2021 Day 143 Task – Proof Read New Polymer MDPI Manuscript

The main task I would like to highlight today is the proofreading task and improvement of the manuscript that I co-author that is planned to be published at Polymer MDPI Journal. Polymers is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of polymer science published semimonthly online by MDPI. Belgian Polymer Group (BPG), European Colloid & Interface Society (ECIS), The Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) and National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM) are affiliated with Polymers and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.

I started proof reading and did some minor review and minor correcting since the morning. Luckily the manuscript was not that bad. It’s considered quite good, Alhamdulillah. I am glad with this collaboration with Anwar, my ex-MKKH. This is our 3rd project together.

Synopsis :

Teaching and learning at distance can be very challenging due to absence of social presence and teacher’s presence that could impact students’ cognitive presence (Shea, 2006). The presence of these 3 elements; teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence termed as Community of Inquiry is very important to ensure a meaningful online learning environment that improves students’ metacognition (Akyol & Garrison, 2011). Although an ODL environment is properly designed, lecturers have to be equipped with the necessary skills to deliver teaching and learning that include facilitation skills, scaffolding and not to forget to pay attention to students’ affectivity.

This workshop will guide lecturers to facilitate online learning which includes the best practices for online teaching for meaningful learning experience.

Other Highlighted Tasks of the Day:

  • Delivering ODL Programs – Viewed the online training. The UTM ODL system.
  • Checking and commenting on LOG BOOK LI Q1 (15/02/2021 – 14/05/2021) belong to Dr. Mohd Dinie Muhaimin Bin Samsudin.
  • Followed up on the AIP proceeding manuscripts.
  • Discussed with Dr. Syed on the Global Engineering Education Conference.
  • Completing the review for International Journal of Energy Research, for a review paper on catalyst and biodiesel.
  • Checked PSM Student progress. One of my PSM student 2nd paper maybe submitted to a Q1 journal next week or next 2 weeks. InsyaAllah.
  • Re-adjust my letter of award (LOA) for the Contract Research grant awarded to me by CEE / UTIM. Submitted the amendment to UTIM but they can only give me next week since now it is WFH.
  • Followed up, tried to contact, call, message my PA student many times to help and understand his situation. I hope he will respond to me soon.. Amin… and improve.. get better. See… Lecturer also has this responsibility as Academic Advisor (Penasihat Akademik).

2021 Day 142 Task – Contract Grant Research Proposal – Finally Complete

I have been dragging to do this Contract Research Proposal due to my stubborn procrastination trait since end of last year. It is something that I need to do and I must do… Especially that I need the money for Article Processing Cost (APC) to submit to IJET which cost quite a fortune. This is a Contract Research for me to study about Identity of An Engineer… A topic, a research that is quite interesting for me to do.

Nowadays, most of the students I taught seems not interested to be an engineer and it is imperative to seek for the main reason behind this. Some of them just listen to their parents, follow their friends, love chemistry – hence they opted for chemical engineering – which is misleading, some not sure… just select and took the course but have no passion at all for chemical engineering – they just go with the flow and many more weird reasons.

But I still can say that there are still if I can estimate 50-60% of students who really have the desire to be practicing chemical engineer. InsyaAllah.. Hence this is going to be my main study soon… Pray for me…

Other highlighted task of the day:

  • Checking my PDP student team progress.
  • Meeting with my PDP student.
  • Received invitation to review manuscript from International Journal of Energy Research. Pre-reviewed it. To be continued tomorrow.
  • Conducted 2nd CEO interview with Practicing Engineer – Audrey Then.
  • Updated SEEM website with 2 new contents – RCEE2021 and AJEE.
  • Edited CEO-001 Video – Haseeb and CEO-002 Video -Audrey a bit.