RCEE2021 is almost just around the corner. The theme program has already been decided 3 or 4 months ago but the detail title of the whole program remain undecided yet. I have prepared a draft of title for the program with a little help from some of the committee members. This morning we finally discussed and decided the whole Keynote, Plenary, Special Session and others and I felt relief.
I know I need to learn, grasp and comprehend engineering education as fast as possible after becoming the Director. I am doing my best to learn. It does require time and process to be up there. I appreciate and still need the mentorship of the previous Director and also the support of all fellows and colleagues.
The Big guru, as one of my ex-student said, Richard Felder, who co-authored Elementary of Chemical Processes, a highly referred chemical engineering text book, started his venture into Engineering Education and STEM in his 40s. Now, in his 80s, he is still devoting his time and expertise to solidify engineering education to its best. He’s the top person in the business. Everyone in the industry knows, referred and respected him.
In Syaa Allah, I’ll do my best to learn and relearn.