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2022 Day 56 Task – Strategic Planning Centre for Engineering Education 2022 (SPC'22) - Online | Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria Official Page

2022 Day 56 Task – Strategic Planning Centre for Engineering Education 2022 (SPC’22) – Online

Alhamdulillah, after a long time, finally we managed to start with first day of CEE Strategic Planning.

We can only plan but Allah decides. We plan for a 3 days 2 night retreat for the strategic planning but due to sudden spike of omicron positive cases, we have to opt for an online workshop. The workshop is not over yet. We have to break it down into smaller segments due to online limitations (difficulty to focus long duration of time in front of laptop).

We believe that we are heading in the right direction,

In Syaa Allah. Towards a more quality engineering program and quality engineers in Malaysia…

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