Yes, another working weekend. It has appeared to be a default setting for me. Today was really tricky. At the beginning of the day, 2 of my daughters felt sick. One tested positive another have to wait for Covid test kit as we ran out of stock in the morning. Imagine, there are so many test kids already in used in the house because there are many people in the house who have been checking their status on a daily basis (or sometimes twice a day).
I have a scheduled Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for Engineering Deans in Malaysia under Malaysia Council of Engineering Deans (MCED) research program that takes place from 9am to 1pm. My role was as a note taker in the second group. Well, I have to take note as accurate as possible although we also have the session zoom recorded, but having it written will be easier to refer after that.
At the same time, at 9am, I have to attend the first Malaysia Zeolite Association (MyZA) Annual Grand Meeting. It’s so tricky to be in 2 virtual meetings, but luckily MyZA meeting ended slightly after 10am. Alhamdulillah, So then after that I can focus on the MCED FGD meeting.
Other tasks of the day:
- Blog update
- EREKA jurying in progress
- Global Engineering Capability Review (GECR) 2019 – (RAE) – Read the documents for the meeting this coming 7th March.
- AJEE Editorial Role
- SWOT CEE planning