I had a online meeting with Shams and Eliya, our new team for few paper writing projects. Both of them are very energetic and highly enthusiastic students that just completed their bachelor degree from UTM and now in pursue of their post graduate studies overseas. I am very fortunate to have them because they wanted to be guided for journal publications. It is imperative to note that both of them are not presently my official active students. Both are just 2 person that have completed their study but want to learn and publish their research work.
It’s easier to coach, mentor and guide those who wants to publish journal paper compared to those who are not willing to do it. I am also fortunate because my present and passed PSM are very driven and wanted to write and publish. As a Supervisor, our task is to expose, explain to them the importance and spirit behind paper publication, guide, mentor and coach them the best that we can.
I always make it a point to provide feedback to their weekly progress, so the students know what they should improve. By doing this, they also will feel happy and appreciative because they know that their SV is really going through their work and they will always want to do their best. In Syaa Allah.