It’s another weekend and an official rest day, but as usual, there are several official works to do. In the morning today, I have 2 back to back meeting. The first is the Consortium Grant Discussion Meeting between UTM – UPM and UTHM which commenced at 8.30am.
Subsequently, I joined a new meeting – DEC4IR Meeting Between KPM and UTM that started at 10am. This meeting is to present about DRONE EDU CHALLENGE IR 4.0 TAHUN 2022. Center for Engineering Education (CEE) was invited by the Director of DRONE EDU CHALLENGE IR 4.0 program, Dr. Jaysuman to plan and conduct research on the Drone Edu Challenge.
CEE shall call for a meeting in the near future to discuss more on the strategic planning and discussion on how to conduct the research. The data collection is a very critical part in ensuring the success of the research, besides the analysis and discussion section.
Other tasks of the day:
- Consortium Grant Discussion Meeting – 8.30am
- Review Heliyon Journal
- Review Frontier Journal
- Class preparation
- SPC’22 preparation