Best Practices and Greed!

*Recession* ??

Banwarilal was a samosa seller in an Indian town. He used to sell 500 samosas everyday on a cart in his locality. People liked his samosas for last 30 years, because he cared for hygiene in preparation and selling, would use good quality oil and other ingredients, provide free chutneys with samosas. He would throw all unsold samosas to poor people, cow, dogs etc and did not sell unsold stale samosas to people next day.

Banwari earned good reputation and enough money from samosa selling and he never faced downfall in his sale in last 30 years. He was able to fund his son’s MBA education in a famous private college in Noida out of his earnings.

Recently his son Rohit completed his MBA and came back home as he could not get appropriate placement. Rohit started taking interest in his father’s samosa business. He had not been involved in his father’s business earlier as he considered that to be an inferior job.

During MBA, Rohit read a lot on recession. He read that it is coming up in global economy and how it will affect job prospects, increase unemployment etc. So he thought that he should advise his father of the risks in the business of samosa selling on account of recession.

He told his father that recession may cause fall in sale of samosas, so he should prepare for cost cutting to maintain the profit.

Banwari was glad that his son knows so much about business and taking interest in his business. He agreed to follow advice of his son.

Next day, Rohit suggested using 20% used cooking oil and 80% fresh. People did not notice the change in the taste and 500 samosas were sold.

Rohit was motivated by the profit made by this savings. Next day he suggested increased share of used oil to 30% and reduce the quantity of free chutney.

That day, only 400 samosas were sold and 100 samosas were thrown to poor people and dogs.

Rohit told his father that recession has really set in as predicted by him, so more cost cutting is to be done and they would not throw stale samosas but would fry them again next day and sell them. Quantity of used oil will also be increased to 40% and to make only 400 samosas to avoid wastage.

Next day 400 samosas were sold but customers were not feeling good old taste. But Rohit told his father about savings because of his smart planning. Father told him that he may be knowing better, being educated.

Next day Rohit decided to use 50% used oil, do away with sweet chutney and provided only green chutney, made 400 samosas. That day only 300 samosas could be sold as people started disliking the taste.

Rohit told Banwari “Look , I had predicted great recession is arriving and sales would fall. Now this is happening. We will not throw away these 100 stale samosas but would fry and sell them tomorrow.” Father agreed to his MBA son.

Next day, 200 fresh samosas were made with 50% used oil, 100 stale fried samosa were offered for sale but only 200 could be sold as people sensed the drastic fall in quality.

Rohit said that recession has really set in and now people have no money left to spend so they should make only 100 samosas and recycle 100 stale samosas and stop giving paper napkins .

After this only 50 samosas could be sold .

Rohit told his father ” Now recession has taken people in its grip. People have lost income. So, this business will be in loss and they should stop selling samosas and do something else.”

Now his father started shouting, “I did not know that they teach cheating in the name of MBA. I lost my money in getting your MBA education. In last 30 years of samosa selling, I never had recession but your greed for profit brought recession in my business and caused closure. Get out of my business and I will get it back to earlier level. If you want, I can hire you for washing dishes as that is the only thing you can do despite being MBA educated.”

Thereafter , Banwari started following his age old wisdom and fair practices in business. Within a month his sale reached to 600 samosas.

*Recession is nothing but co
nvergence of greed of government to extract more taxes, greed of big* *businesses to be more profitable by reducing quality and using unfair practices and also of careless arrogant* *employees giving pathetic service as long as profits are coming. Recession is the punishment given to businesses and government by people by restricting their spending*.

Nice article, worth reading …

Inspiring Story from Nelson Mandela

*”NELSON MANDELA, former SOUTH AFRICAN PRESIDENT, wrote a personal awesome story”:*

*After I became PRESIDENT, I asked one day some members of my close protection to stroll with me in the city, have lunch at one of its restaurants. We sat in one of the downtown restaurants and all of us asked for some sort of food…_*
*After a while, the waiter brought us our requests, I noticed that there is someone sitting in front of my table waiting for food.*
*I told then one of the soldiers: Go and ask that person to join us with his food and eat with us. The soldier went and asked the man so. The man brought up his food and sat by my side as I asked and began to eat. His hands were trembling constantly until everyone had finished their food and the man went.The soldier said to me: the man was apparently quite sick. His hands trembled as he ate!!!*

*”No, not at all,” said MANDELA.*
*”This man was the GUARD of the PRISON where I was JAILED.*
*Often, after the torture I was subjected to, I USED TO SCREAM and ASK for A LITTLE WATER.*
*”The very same man used to come every time and URINATE ON MY HEAD INSTEAD”…;*

*so I found him scared, trembling, expecting me to reciprocate now, at least in the same way, either by torturing him or imprisoning him as I AM NOW THE PRESIDENT of the STATE OF SOUTH AFRICA…*



*”The WEAK can NEVER FORGIVE … FORGIVENESS is the attribute of the STRONG”.*