Day 175 Task – Miscellaneous: AJEE Management, Checking Student’s Thesis/Progress Report…

The weekend break at Kuantan recently has increased and accumulated my official tasks. So, today I have to be very organized in dealing and settling all this tasks. This post is written in the morning (7.30am), not as other posts which were written at the end of the day. This is because after this I want to focus on crossing / ticking those tasks as DONE, DONE and DONE. I know I cannot possibly complete all the tasks, but I hope and wish to complete a huge chunk of the tasks. God please ease and help me to do this. Amin.

Here are some of the pending tasks:

  1. Review Paper PG student #2
  2. Review Paper PG student #3
  3. Review my own glycerol paper
  4. Manage AJEE journal
  5. Edit and upload CEE video
  6. Follow up and manage PSM students
  7. Discuss PhD matter with a potential PhD student
  8. Update PDP
  9. Marking GSA assignments
  10. Marking Master Safety quiz, test and assignments
  11. GUP End of Project Report to be prepared
  12. Update website
  13. Edit Webex Video to be uploaded to Youtube.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>