2022 Day 57 Task – Reviewed Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Manuscript

I felt a little bit relaxed today. Perhaps it was from the sheer stress of preparing for the Centre for Engineering Education Strategic Plan 2022, which was help yesterday (for Day 1).

As I have received an interesting manuscript to be reviewed on Thursday, I thought that might as well I complete this task as soon as possible while at the same time learn something new from other researchers. The manuscript review invitation is from Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, where I am the associate editor as well. The topic of the manuscript is “Paper Cress Methyl Esters Synthesis and Structural Characterization Using a Novel Sulfur Doped Nano-Photocatalyst”. For this manuscript, at the moment I thing that it is ok to not make it confidential as upon acceptance and publication of the manuscript, the reviewers profile will be revealed.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Finalizing ITE marks
  • Finalizing ISP marks
  • Update website

Day 173 Task – Home Sweet Home – Reviewed Journal of Energy and Safety Technology (JEST)

Today we returned to our home and Johor Bahru relatively earlier than the usual time that we always did. As a result we arrived safely also relatively earlier which was about 3.15pm. It’s really good to arrive earlier. The speed of internet at our own house is far better than we had in Kuantan and because of that I can complete more or my official tasks.

One of the task that I found in my email inbox is to review a short manuscript from Journal of Energy and Safety Technology (JEST). It is quite an interesting manuscript so I decided to have a quick review at night. Alhamdulillah the review process took nearly 2 hours and i successfully managed to submit my comments and suggestion to the editor.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> https://people.utm.my/zakiyamani/category/1-activity-1-day/ 

Mini Update: 4 Conferences Review Completed this Weekend!

Finally, I managed to complete another 2 reviews for a conference today. That means I completed 4 conference reviews this weekend (2 yesterday and 2 today). Pheeewwwwhhh!

Now, I am left with 3 journal reviews. I hope and wish that I can complete them by this week.

Agenda for tomorrow

Workshop in the morning

Management Meeting in the afternoon

Plus miscellaneous macro and micro tasks to deal with 🙂