2021 Day 105 Tasks – SEEM Meeting on My Weekend

So far the trend is SEEM meeting every Friday, which is our off day (as we work in Johor). But that’s fine as I occasionally do some official tasks throughout the weekends.

Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa SEEM Bil 2 2020/2021 was held from 3pm to 5pm and it include the new recruited committees as well. I participated in the meeting using my mobile phone as I was with my family purchasing books from my daughter who will sit for her SPM at the end of the year. It seems like now the world has really become so strongly connected. Even though we are not physically face to face at the meeting, even though we travel here and there, yet still the online meeting can be successfully executed even when I am in Plaza Angsana. I have several parts to present myself and that did not affected me from reporting my tasks/parts.

Most important decision from the meeting were made (that involved me) and I am glad that the meeting was held.

Day 43 Task – Completing My Registration in Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM)

Alhamdulillah today I completed the registration as an ordinary member with Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM). I have registered online somewhere 2-3 weeks ago, but I haven’t paid the fee yet. Well, today I have officially paid the registration and annual fee, RM150.

If you are an engineering educator, I highly suggest you to join this society. There are plenty of activities that can uplift and strengthen our knowledge and skill as an engineering educator “Writing and Publishing Scholarly Experience Sharing Papers in Engineering and STEM Education Workshop and “Flipped Classroom Workshop”. Just check out the SEEM official Website to see the trainings and workshops offered: https://www.seem.my/

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> https://people.utm.my/zakiyamani/category/1-activity-1-day/