2022 Day 53 Task – Submission of RAE SCEE Project Proposal

Alhamdulillah, after hard work of designing, writing and filling up the online Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Safety Champion in Engineering Education (SCEE) Project Proposal, I finally submitted it at about 6.35pm Malaysia time zone, today. It was about 5 hours plus the deadline of 4pm GMT. The preparation of this proposal was amazingly intense for me and I have been thinking about the preparation of this proposal even while sleeping.

Now I am just super glad that the proposal was successfully submitted and at the same time RAE acknowledged the my submission.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Mesyuarat surau to discuss on Ramadhan prepration – after Isya
  • Start marking Introduction to Engineering (ITE) Learning Portfolio
  • Copyediting proof of CHERD paper – Hydrogen production from steam and dry reforming of methane-ethane-glycerol: A thermodynamic comparative analysis

2022 Day 46 Task – Online Discussion on New Thermodynamic Work

I am glad and happy that I am working with a nice Malaysian person who is not my student and not attached to a university yet. The student is supposed to be my PhD students this coming March semester, however, because she received an offer from a university from outside Malaysia, hence she has to turned down being my PhD student. I understand her a lot in the sense that she wanted to have international / foreign exposure after having her bachelor and masters degree in Malaysia. It’s good to travel and learn new things abroad.

I have been discussing and guiding her on this new thermodynamic topics since end of January. This afternoon, after lunch, we had a Webex meeting because she was not yet well verse with the thermodynamic software. Hence, I suggested to have the meeting so I can explain more on the software and how to use it. It went well and I am hoping that we can come out with a very good publication soon.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Small CEE Admin meeting – 10am
  • Kursus Asas Haji – 7.45pm
  • Marking and keying in marks