Day 230 Task – Facilitating UTM CEE Webminar #10 – Problem Solving Using TRIZ


Problem-solving skills will always be the core component of engineering. The questions on problem-solving revolves around: what is the first step engineers should take; what skills or tools are needed to solve engineering problems in industries; and how to achieve success through problem-solving skills.

This webinar will unveil the following:
1) Fundamentals of problem-solving skills,
2) The introduction to TRIZ for inventive problem-solving
3) The success and failure of problem-solving activities in industry and how TRIZ can help
4) a simple guide on how to start creating impact from problem-solving skills using TRIZ.

Catch the LIVE streaming on YouTube
🗓 17 August 2020 (Monday)
⏰ 2.30 pm
*Live Link: *

Dr. Zulhasni Abdul Rahim is a National Innovation TRIZ Expert attached to the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), under Management of Technology Department. More than 17 years working in industries and his last post is under Transformation Division at PROTON Holdings. He has successfully leveraged and applied his TRIZ expertise and tools to achieve more than 10 breakthroughs in the area of
improving product value and cost reduction for his previous organization. Dr. Zulhasni is an active participant in the international TRIZ Competition and won two consecutive Grand Champions with a leading edge and innovative solutions. He is very passionate about TRIZ and constantly market the methodology through the ‘TRIZ Malaysia’ Facebook website that he hosted. He is a Mechanical Engineer by training from Universiti Sains Malaysia and a Ph.D. on TRIZ from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

TRIZ Level 1 Workshop

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The Center Of Engineering Education (CEE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has recently conducted a very excellent program, “2-Day Level 1 TRIZ workshop and Forum on Complex Problem Solving from Industries’ Perspective“. It was conducted from 30 March to 1 April 2015.

What is TRIZ?

TRIZ  is “a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool derived from the study of patterns of invention in the global patent literature”. It was developed by the Soviet inventor and science fiction author Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues, beginning in 1946. In English the name is typically rendered as “the theory of inventive problem solving”, and occasionally goes by the English acronym TIPS.

Following Altshuller’s insight, the theory developed on a foundation of extensive research covering hundreds of thousands of inventions across many different fields to produce a theory which defines generalisable patterns in the nature of inventive solutions and the distinguishing characteristics of the problems that these inventions have overcome.

An important part of the theory has been devoted to revealing patterns of evolution and one of the objectives which has been pursued by leading practitioners of TRIZ has been the development of an algorithmic approach to the invention of new systems, and the refinement of existing ones.

The theory includes a practical methodology, tool sets, a knowledge base, and model-based technology for generating new ideas and solutions for problem solving. It is intended for application in problem formulation, system analysis, failure analysis, and patterns of system evolution.

Source Wikipedia.

Outcome from the Level 1 TRIZ Workshop

It was a very interesting 2 days workshop. I must admit all of us who attended learned massively a lot. Most importantly, we were given the Level 1 TRIZ test to measure and evaluate our fundamental knowledge on TRIZ. The good thing is I passed the Level 1 TRIZ test… 🙂

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Dr. Yeo T.S., our very experienced trainer for the 2 days TRIZ wokshop. He is one of the TRIZ master in Malaysia

Should there be a level 2 TRIZ that I can attend, I will surely attend and if I passed the Level 2 TRIZ, I can become a Level 1 TRIZ trainer.

The 3rd day of the program, a very productive forum, Forum on Complex Problem Solving from Industries’ Perspective, was held at T02 CEE building. Numerous panels from industry were present to share inputs and ideas with regard to complex problem solving and its relation to university graduates capabilities and how to improve our graduates skills in solving industrial complex problem. In overall, it was a very good program indeed and such program must be conducted annually and to proceed with higher levels of TRIZ workshop.