Sekali pandang macam loker untuk budak budak di sekolah tadika ataupun nursery kan.

Actually ia adalah locker untuk simpan bag di steseten keretapi Nagano. Cute kan.


The Banjaran , Ipoh


Amazing night view near the Brooklyn Bridge NYC shot by zsharer lovely friend Nalin Sornprom with her new Canon 6D.

Me liking the contrast colour of purplish and brownish colour.

Nalin amazingly get to meet “the good wife” US drama actress who play private investigator Kalinda and told zsharer she likes the actress and start emailing her a year ago and the actress invited her to come to NYC just like that for meet and greet. 

Nalin and actress who play Kalinda

Another view sent by Nalin of New York city which showed extreme high density of concrete and sky scraper tall buildings. Me not liking this kind of place to live.


きのうはなにをしましたか ( yesterday what did you do?)

わたしはこえんへいったりさんぽしたりしゃしんをとりたりしました。(I went to visit garden, taking a walk around and taking photos as well)

このこえんなまえはなんですか (what is the name of this garden?)

ふたんばんだらJBです。(It’s name is Hutan Bandar JB)

とてもきれいなところです。わたしのきもちはとてもよっかたです。(A very beautiful place and make me felt nice.)

いろいろなはなとしょくぶつみたきとができました。すごいあかいはなです。(You can see many flowers and plants are available for sight seeing)

らいしゅにいしょにいきましょ。(Next week lets go to this place together!!)


はなすきです。? ?????? (I like flowers)

さくらはみたことがありますか?わたしはさくらはみたことがあります.きれいなはなですね。(have you seen sakura? I have seen sakura and its really pretty.

みんなさんどんなはなすきですか (Everybody what kind of flowers do you like?)