This course is an introduction to a microprocessor. Students are exposed to the internal architecture of the microprocessor, various instruction sets, and basic hardware design of microprocessor-based systems. Then, the students will be taught about microcontroller and interface with various peripherals.
No. |
Course Learning Outcome |
Programme Outcome |
Taxonomies and Soft-Skills |
CA |
KP |
Assessment Methods |
CO1 |
Illustrate architecture and Instruction set of microcontroller and microprocessor |
PO1 |
C3, P5 |
KP3 |
ASG, T, F, PR |
CO2 |
Construct assembly language programming in micro-controller/processor |
PO2 |
C4 |
CP2 |
CA1 |
T, ASG,F |
CO3 |
Explain and distinguish various addressing modes of the instruction operands and types of instruction and know how to use the Programmer’s guide and instruction set. |
PO1 |
C4 |
KP3 |
T,F |
CO4 |
Construct programming of microcontroller to interface with other peripheral |
PO2 |
C5,P5 |
CP3 |
CA3 |
CO5 |
Work collaboratively and effectively use different peripheral devices and interface to micro- controller/processor |
PO10 |
A3,TW1 |
CP3 |
PR |