Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Noor Azurati Ahmad @ Salleh
Director of Innovation and Commercialization Centre
Innovative . Skillful . Ikhlas . Tawakkal
Pervasive computing and embedded real-time systems address wearable computer architecture and applications, sensor networks, real-time embedded operating systems, embedded system networking, smart spaces, dynamic service discovery, security and privacy, and mobility. Pervasive computing is best considered as the underlying framework, the embedded systems, networks, communications, and displays which are invisible and everywhere (Dillon, 2006). Pervasive computing (also ubiquitous computing) creates a smart environment through a network of embedded smart devices that collect, process, and transmit information in cooperative and autonomous manner.
The principal component of real-time systems is embedded real-time software, which can observe and respond to triggering events from the environment, albeit periodically or immediately. The frequency depends on which software architecture the real-time systems utilises. Some architectures are preferred, due to testability, resource utilisation, predictability, extensibility and fault tolerance. My research interests focus on these two main areas, applied to indoor positioning systems and mixed-criticality applications.
Graduated Students (2 Phd-GoT, 2 MSc Research, 10 MSc Projects)
Consultation Projects (RM)
H-Index (Scopus)
Indexed Publications
Patent filed
Innovation Awards

Sensors 2017, 17(8), 1789; doi:10.3390/s17081789
Adaptive Indoor Positioning Model Based on WLAN-Fingerprinting for Dynamic and Multi-Floor Environments
Iyad Husni Alshami,Noor Azurati Ahmad,Shamsul Sahibuddin & Firdaus
Department of Computer Science, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine
Advanced Informatics School (AIS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 54100, Malaysia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
Q1 in Web of Science (INSTRUMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION) with Impact Factor 2.677

Sensors 2019, 19(24), 5546;
Accurate Indoor-Positioning Model Based on People Effect and Ray-Tracing Propagation
Firdaus, Noor Azurati Ahmad &Shamsul Sahibuddin
Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 54100, Malaysia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
Q1 in Web of Science (INSTRUMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION) with Impact Factor 3.031