Oh my Padlet: Part 3

This is week 12. How time flies! Indeed. With ramadhan and Eid Adha, it seems that time passes by like a blink of eyes. Like last semester, I use Padlet extensively but unlike last semester, in which I did not explain much about why I use Padlet in my teaching, this time around I explained it to students earlier this semester i.e. first class and I also showed some examples of students’ work and class activities on Padlet pages.

Some students find Padlet as a new thing so, some are struggling to use it. When I gave an example of Padlet page, one student accidentally deleted some posts by previous students. Well, it is my mistake because I should change the setting first before sharing with the current students. But, I learn something from this incident.

Of course, the student was panicking but I told her, “Things happen. So, don’t worry. I have already evaluated the previous students but please make sure that when you want to copy-paste anything, don’t delete anything of the original post”.

There are many pages of Padlet that I have created since last year and I think it is worth to subscribe Padlet (as long as it is still affordable – tongue in cheek remark).

One example of Padlet pages that I created last semester for my MPPU1024 Research Methodology in Education class was this.

COVID-19: Bengkel Penulisan Bab 1

Alhamdulillah internet ok. Pelajar aktif tanya soalan. Cuma ada beberapa hal yang aku rasa macam tidak adil untuk pelajar sebab sejujurnya, aku tiada pelajar penyeliaaan untuk PSM. Pelajar terakhir PSM yang aku selia pada tahun 2012/2013. Hampir 10 tahun yang lepas. Bila Dr Diyana memberi sedikit maklumat diri aku ketika kata aluan, aku rasa kecut perut seketika. Naluri hati berkata – kata “I am such an impostor. I am not like that. It is nearly 10 years since I had a PSM student as my supervisee. Not only that, the last time I taught Research Methodology for undergraduates was in 2012. I feel cringe with the thought that I have to present myself like an expert whereas I am clearly lack of experiences with undergraduate supervision”.

Aku cuba yang terbaik untuk menggunakan pengalaman mengajar pelajar sarjana dan menggunakan nota kelas peringkat sarjana yang aku kurangkan sedikit maklumat tertentu untuk disesuaikan dengan keperluan pelajar PSM. Aku cuba meringkaskan proses penulisan bab 1 sebaik mungkin. Harap pelajar PSM dapat mengikuti apa yang aku cuba kongsikan dengan mereka.

Apa pun, selamat maju jaya kepada semua pelajar PSM.

Oh my Padlet: Part 1

Starting this semester, I try to use Padlet. One of my colleagues has shown me how to use Padlet back in 2016 but at that time, I tried to create one page/display (whatever you may call it) for my research methodology class, MPPU1024. However, due to my incompetency and lack of motivation to find out more information about it, the one page that I created for my MPPU1024 remained unused for few years.

Then COVID-19 happens and this time around, I do not have any more excuse to use other than just buckle up and try out as many platforms, apps and whatever that I can find out. It is not an easy process. I struggle, but I set my mind thinking “One step at a time”. I know it is not even a baby step and the progress is snail pace but I know that I need to myself time to unlearn, learn and relearn things that can help me to improve my teaching.

So, when I use Padlet extensively this semester (1, 2021), my intention is to expose my students with the things “out” there other than UTM ELearning that might be useful for them. If they are teachers ( majority of my Masters students), they can have reservoir of learning platforms and apps that they can use for their own class. For the undergraduates especially those who are taking Fundamental Pedagogy course (SHPP2002) can learn about the available platforms and apps and they can use some of the platforms and apps when they complete assignments related to pedagogy. They are excited to use it [Need an example?]

However, I find out that some teachers feel overwhelmed with the current situation and when I use Padlet in my MPPU1024 class, the students feel that it is not useful, burdensome and time consuming. I will take their feedback into consideration when I revise my approach to teach this course next semester. For my other class (Personality Psychology), well, I do not get any feedback yet. Some of the students have not submitted the assignments yet. I ask them to submit their pre-recorded presentation assignment on Padlet. At this moment, I am still waiting for all students to submit it. There are only few of them have submitted their presentation on the Padlet. So, let’s see how it goes.

COVID-19: Genial.ly? What is that?

One of my friends who teaches at UiTM posted something in her FB. Somehow her post caught my eyes. It is about Genial.ly. Then later on, one of my juniors at the faculty shared a link to a Youtube about it, Gamifying Learning through Genial.ly.

I was so excited about it and tried out few templates for my class notes (videos). Then I got involved in a project to create materials to be used by students who attend religious schools in Johor and I think of creating few materials for the students as well.

Here are some of the examples of the materials that can be used to gamify learning. It is suitable to be used as a formative assessment or classroom activities.

P.S: These are the materials for the religious schools.


  1. Adab masuk rumah

a) Quiz/Exercise 1

2. Dakwah secara hikmah

a) Quiz/Exercise 1

b) Quiz/Exercise 2

3. Perintah dan larangan

a) Quiz/Exercise 1

b) Quiz/Exercise 2

c) Quiz/Exercise 3

School of Education EXPLORIA and FSSH Gotong Royong 2020: Did we win?

The aim of the Exploria game is not for competition or winning.  Yet, it is a human nature that we hate losing.  When it was announced the winner from the last place, the members were hesitating to come in front and take the prize.

The seventh place. Not bad. At least we are not the last (tongue in cheek)

We are not promoting junk food (tongue in cheek)

The prizes… loads of junk food

I like the picture in your webometrics

One of the juniors asked me where do I get the picture from for this blog.  Well, it is a picture that I took long time ago when I was in Durham. It was autumn.  Durham has a picturesque landscape.  Every nook and corner is breathtaking.  I am glad that I decided to do my PhD there even though I vividly remember some of my friends mocked my decision of going there because Durham is less unknown as Cambridge or Oxford.  Yeah right.  That is a common assumption by some Malaysians about Durham.

I like the picture because it shows a canoeist in the River Wear (Note: Durham has its own rowing club).  Yup.  The name of the river is River Wear.

This is the route that I used to go to School of Education

I took this picture a day after I had my viva with my friend, Putri who came all the way from London to accompany me for my viva.

I took this in autumn 2007. Not long after I started my PhD journey

A rowing boat in the middle of the frozen river. Where are the ‘hunky’ rowers? Dancing on ice, anyone? I took this picture in winter 2010.


BS4DCP? What is that?

Some people asked me if I underwent BS4DCP like them.  I said that during my time, we had Induction Course.  I had that long time ago (more than 10 years ago).  Upon saying this, I realize that I am not young.  Let’s admit that.  With the number 4 in front of my age, unlike BMW 4 Series, some of the things that I have are starting to deplete.  Yup.

I was informed that one of the things that they have to do as new academic staff is to attend the BS4DCP courses.  They have to do assignments and one of it is to create a post on their people.utm.my (webometrics).  One of the juniors suggested that they should look my webometrics.  Hearing that, my first reaction is “What?  My webometrics?” It is kind of funny when people start looking at my webometrics as a reference.  I never thought that I would be this famous.  Oh man!

But what a heck!  Please go through my posts as you wish.  If whatever I have posted make sense and could help you guys in completing your assignments, I feel honored that I could assist you guys through this blog.  Happy reading!

P.S:  I write this post with the knowledge that you will read this somehow (tongue in cheek remark!)