Category: Other
Innovative Teaching and Learning Journal (ITLJ)
If you want to publish your research on learning such as synchronous and asynchronous learning, learning from television, online learning, peer learning, learning styles, learning objects, learning management systems, administration and evaluation of distance education and training programs, policy frameworks and many more, you can go to Innovative Teaching and Learning Journal. It is a refereed global biannually publication focused on technology assisted teaching and learning at all levels of education and training in traditional, distance and open learning.
ITLJ publication fee : Free of Charge
If you have any issues with the submission system and website please contact the secretariat at
STEAM integrated education
International Conference on Social Sciences, Management and Accounting 2019
Teaching Excellence System (TES) in UTM
What is TES? It refers to Teaching Excellence System. Yup. This is one of the things that I need to keep myself updated on regular basis like elearning [well, not that frequent as elearning though 😀 ]
I am still struggling with this. But, I will try my very best to comply to whatever requirement to fulfill my roles and goals as an academician. Indeed. One thing at a time.
First, I need to write 4 things that I will upload later on my personal TES:
1) Goals of student learning,
2) Philosophy,
3) Beliefs and practices of assessment and
4) Self-reflection of teaching development over time.
I remember Norah said that I can link all of the four things to my personal TES if I write about it somewhere like in this post. I would do that later In sha Allah.
Al-fatihah to the former President of Egypt – Mohamed Morsi
The Muslim community has lost a great leader today, Mohamed Morsi. Al-fatihah
I followed the news of the chaotic moment in Egypt back in the 2011/2012. Later on within a year after he was elected as the president of Egypt, he was ousted from the office in 2013. Indeed politics are complicated to comprehend. But I remember vividly what my former lecturer once said in his political science class “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Indeed. May Allah grant him eternal bliss.
What did I do while undergoing my Latihan Ikhtisas (LI)?_Part 1
Some colleagues have been asking me this question “What did I do at school other than teaching?” Well, to think back about it, there were so many things that I did. Most of the things were fun, new and challenging. I never thought that I would create a mural (I still need to touch up some of the drawings though :D)
Other than that, I would also never thought that I would harvest pineapple which they planted within the school compound. At first, we had to pay but if we harvested it ourselves, we could get FOC. So, armed with a small machete and gloves, I harvested the pineapples while wearing my baju kurung. I also experienced cooking using wood (so traditional and basic!). But of course, I was not the one who made the fire. The fire was already made by the students. As teachers, we don’t do the dirty works, for obvious reason. That’s what the students are for! But as the evaluator [uhuk uhuk judge], we were entrusted with the task to evaluate the students’ survival skills that they have to show during a 2D2N camping such as making fire. So, we have to let the students “show” their skills to make fire etc.
What else? To be continued….
Curriculum Review (Semakan Kurikulum)
When I came back from a long study leave in 2011, they were busying with curriculum review. It was a busy time for me in early 2012 to finalise the editing parts for our panel in early 2012.
We did another curriculum review in 2015 and now, there would be another review again. How time flies! It is as if yesterday I did the first review after I finished my PhD. Indeed. So many things have changed and we need to update and upgrade our course materials and such.
Curriculum review is one of the seasonal tasks that we do once in every few years. May Allah ease the process of reviewing the curriculum.
CALL FOR PAPERS – International Conference on e-Learning 2019, ICOEL 2019
International Conference on e-Learning 2019, ICOEL 2019
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
21-22 August 2019
The conference will feature prominent keynote speakers in e-Learning and cutting edge challenges, and noteworthy special sessions.
Please refer to the following Call for Paper poster in Attachment for Topics of Interest.
• Abstract Submission – Extended to 25th June, 2019
• Full Text Submission – 5 July, 2019
• Author Notification – 15 July 2019
• Camera Ready Submission – 25 July, 2019
Bring your own container, please
In accordance to Eid, UTM is organising an event to celebrate Eid with the whole UTM staff and students. But this year, it is different. We have to bring our own container.
Setiap tahun Universiti akan menganjurkan sambutan hari raya dan bersempena dengan penganjuran Majlis Tautan Ukhwah Syawal 1440H peringkat UTM pada tahun ini, adalah dimaklumkan pihak UTM akan melancarkan “Program Sifar Plastik Pakai-Buang (Single-Use) ke arah Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (SDGs) UTM”. Program berkenaan adalah selaras dengan matlamat kerajaan untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran sisa plastik melalui Pelan Hala Tuju Ke Arah Sifar Plastik Sekali Guna 2018-2030 yang diterajui Kementerian Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim (MESTECC).
Pelancaran ini dirangka bagi mengurangkan pencemaran dan melestarikan alam sekitar serta memberikan kesedaran, pengetahuan dan menjadi komitmen Universiti mengenai punca lambakan sisa sampah dan pengurusannya terutamnya bahan plastik pakai buang. Selain itu, ia bertujuan untuk mengubah minda warga universiti berhubung isu sisa sampah ekoran pihak universiti terpaksa menanggung kos yang tinggi bagi melupuskan sisa sampah dan menjadi punca kepada masalah pencemaran plastik di samping memupuk identiti Universiti Bersih, Lestari dan Proaktif.
Majlis Sambutan Peringkat Universiti ini akan memfokuskan kepada elemen utama iaitu:-
- Melarang penggunaan Plastik-Pakai-Buang pada majlis rasmi universiti bermula dengan Majlis Tautan Ukhwah sehingga disebarluaskan ke seluruh UTM selepas itu.
- Semua tetamu digalakkan/diwajibkan membawa bekas makanan dan minuman serta beg fabrik (woven bag) yang dibawa sendiri selain sudu/garpu yang bukan berasaskan plastik.
- Galakan setiap PTJ/Unit yang mengendalikan penyediaan makanan di setiap Lot Khemah menggunakan kaedah buffet tray dan mengelakkan/melarangpenggunaan sebarang beg plastik, penyedut minuman (straw), bekas minuman plastik serta sudu/garpu berasakan plastik.
- Menggunakan hanya bekas makanan/plastik terbiodegradasi dan berasaskan tumbuh-tumbuhan seperti kanji dan selulosa.
- Menggalakkan tetamu utk makan dan berukhwah sesama sendiri di lokasi berbanding terus membawa pulang makanan. Lokasi khas khemah akan disediakan bagi memudahkan tetamu.
- Memberikan kesedaran mengenai pembaziran makanan dan pelupusan sisa makanan yang sesuai semasa program. Lokasi tong sampah yang bersesuaian akan disediakan.
Justeru, pihak Universiti menerusi jalinan kerjasama Pusat Islam UTM dan beberapa PTJ/Unit yang mengendalikan majlis ini berharap program ini akan membantu meningkatkan reputasi serta imej kelestarian ke arah mencapai Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (SDGs).