COVID-19: What is that?

One of my friends who teaches at UiTM posted something in her FB. Somehow her post caught my eyes. It is about Then later on, one of my juniors at the faculty shared a link to a Youtube about it, Gamifying Learning through

I was so excited about it and tried out few templates for my class notes (videos). Then I got involved in a project to create materials to be used by students who attend religious schools in Johor and I think of creating few materials for the students as well.

Here are some of the examples of the materials that can be used to gamify learning. It is suitable to be used as a formative assessment or classroom activities.

P.S: These are the materials for the religious schools.


  1. Adab masuk rumah

a) Quiz/Exercise 1

2. Dakwah secara hikmah

a) Quiz/Exercise 1

b) Quiz/Exercise 2

3. Perintah dan larangan

a) Quiz/Exercise 1

b) Quiz/Exercise 2

c) Quiz/Exercise 3

TES DCP: A checklist

Towards the end of last year, some of my colleagues had some problems while filling up things for their TES DCP. There are so many things that can be quite confusing because the system itself might extract evidence from other systems such as ELPPT, EPPP and whatsnot. But at the same times, there are things that we need to upload and such on TES DCP. Kind of confusing at times. Indeed.

So, after looking at some of the common issues that my colleagues and I had experienced before while filling up our TES DCP, I collect the information and come out with a checklist. This checklist is not a perfect one but at the moment, it could give some ideas what is needed in TES DCP.

In general, there are several things that you need to fill in and upload the evidence at TES (the rest are extracted from other systems such as ELPPT, EPPP and such). If you need a copy of this checklist, you may click here.

Code in TESNoWhat (label at TES)Evidence needed (some are in PDF format)Where do you find the evidence?What is needed (additional information that you need to key in)?
B31Course fileCourse information (CI)Example of class noteSample of assessment (test, quiz, assignment instruction)Sample of final exam with the answer scheme (need to combine the question and the answer)Your own collection of CI, class note, quiz and final exam (with answer scheme)   *PDF filesCourse code
Course name
B22Course Assessment Report (CAR)Course Assessment Report (CAR) from OBEOBE report (make sure you save a PDF copy of the report)Course code
Course name
A1, A2, A3, A43Self-assessment and reflectionGoals of student learning (A1)Personal of philosophy (A2)Believe and practice (A3)Self-reflection (A4)Your own thoughts   Note: It is expected that there will be a change on the four aspects over the years.  Do not forget to change it accordingly. Tips: You cannot write more than 4000 characters.  So, if you write more than that, you can put all four aspects on your website and label the post as My personal philosophy and such.  Copy and paste the link on the given URL box.
B54Professional activities   Note: The only part that you can add information is Implementation of non-conventional T&L.  The rest will be extracted from other systems such as ELPPT, AIMS and such.   Implementation of non-conventional T&LCompulsory evidenceStrategy Evidence: Evidence of class activities that show the teaching strategy (NALI) that you use in class (it could be instruction and such) Optional evidenceURL ( You can write a post on your blog to share what you do in class with a brief explanation and pictures (if any)Workshop evidence: Appointment letter for a workshop that you conducted related to non-conventional T&L (where you share your teaching practice) If you do not have an appointment letter, a certificate of appreciation (as a facilitator, speaker etc.) can also be considered as evidence   *PDF file of the classroom instruction and letter/certificateYou just need to choose (scroll down) the option of the non-conventional teaching strategy and workshop  
C25Measures of student learning   Note: The only part that you can add information is Feedback and Testimony (from others).  The rest will be extracted from EPPP.     Feedback and Testimony (from others)
*From current students and former students who have graduated (ALUMNI)
WhatsApp or Telegram message(s) that you receive from students of their note of appreciation and such Cards or handwritten note Email Survey (self-construct or pre-existed survey which requires students to give feedback about your teaching practice)   Note: Do not forget to screen shot and save as PDF before you delete the evidence from your phone or email or before you throw away the cards or handwritten note while spring clean your office.  Make sure you know the identity of the sender so that you can trace their name, matric number, and year of study. Student name
Matric number
Year of study


I had a quick sharing session with the SKAFREE members over WhatsApp messages about Vizia. I never thought that they would be so welcoming to allow me to contribute in their magazine. So, I just wrote a short article about Vizia and how to use it. Here is the article


Kisah Lockdown Nabi Yunus AS

Surah Al-Saaffat (139-144)

Apakah yang kita boleh pelajari dari kisah lockdown Nabi Yunus AS?

  1. PKP yang dialami oleh kita pada ketika ini jauh tidak sesukar apa yang telah dialami oleh Nabi Yunus AS. Beliau berada di dalam perut ikan paus yang gelap, sesak dan tidak selasa sama sekali berbanding dengan keadaan kita yang meskipun terbatas dalam pergerakan, kita masih boleh berada di rumah yang kita boleh bebas bergerak berbanding dengan Nabi Yunus AS.
  2. Tidak dinyatakan dalam Surah Al Saaffat apakah bentuk zikir yang disebut oleh Nabi Yunus tetapi di Surah An Anbiya’: 87, Allah SWT menyatakan zihir Nabi Yunus secara nas (nyata). Dalam konteks peringkat zikir, sekiranya zikir tersebut dinyatakan secara nyata dalam Al-Quran, ianya memberi maksud pentingnya zikir itu.
  3. Zikir yang dinyatakan itu bukan semata-mata zikir sebagai sebutan tetapi pentingnya penghayatan terhadap zikir itu.
  4. Terdapat tiga penghayatan utama yang menjadi amalan Nabi Yunus AS: 1) Tauhid kepada Allah SWT (beliau memperkukuhkan tauhid / mengesakan Allah SWT) – ini bukan bermakna Nabi Yunus AS kurang ketauhidannya kepada Allah akan tetapi beliau memuhasabah indeks kesetiaan beliau pada Allah SWT. Kesetiaan Allah SWT perlu digilap setiap hari, 2) Mengakui kebesaran Allah SWT dan 3) Taubat – Sentiasa menyedari dan meminta keampunan dari Allah SWT. Kita sentiasa meletakkan satu peringkat dosa seperti merompak dan sebagainya sebagai dosa. Akan tetapi kita terlepas pandang dosa dipinggir mata seperti masuk ke kelas sedikit lewat dari waktunya dan sebagainya. Ianya dikatakan sebagai dosa kecil yang kita perlu sentiasa minta taubat.

Dalam isu COVID-19 ini, kita perlu memastikan terdapat gabungan pendekatan rohani (spiritual) dengan pendekatan teknikal dalam menangani apa jua cabaran dari pandemik COVID-19 ini. Ambillah peluang keadaan sekarang ini untuk kita meningkatan ketauhidan kita, ketaatan dan sentiasa bertaubat terhadap dosa-dosa terutama dosa kecil yang sering kita terlepas pandang sebelum ini.

E-content… oh… E-content

Remember about the post that I posted few weeks (months) ago? I got the information from the session that I attended. I might have misconception on certain. When I look at my ELPPT 2019 (last year) evaluation for the E-Content, I managed to get 3 marks: 1 mark (Receptive Basic) and 2 marks (Receptive Closed) from 7 E-content materials I uploaded. One thing for sure, if you upload two materials which fall under the same category such as Receptive Basic, you will get 1. So, if you upload one material falls under the category of Receptive Basic and one materials which falls under the category of Receptive Closed, you will get 3 marks. By merely uploading two materials of different categories, you will get accumulated marks. Darn, isn’t it?

I just need to clarify that online quiz like Quizziz is considered as Receptive Basic. Yup. It is 1 mark. But it is kind of confusing because, it is interactive in a way that students interact with the material by answering the questions, and they get immediate feedback (depending on the setting). What went wrong here?

What about Prezi note. It clearly falls under the category of Receptive Basic (1). So how do I get the 1 marks for Receptive closed category (2 marks)? I put my Prezi note on my There. It is upgraded into another category.

So, if you are asking me how to get 3, 4 or 5 marks. Clearly, I don’t have any idea. Apparently whatever things that I learn so far from whatever workshop does not help much. Am I feeling despair?

Why should I? I know I have done the best. That is all that matters.

E-Content: Tips that I get from my colleagues

Yesterday, the UTMLead organized a session conducted by Assoc Prof Dr Mohd Nihra Haruzuan about E content.  I was a bit late because I had a meeting with the Chair earlier. 

Alhamdulillah I managed to join the session before it was ended.  There are some tips that I managed to pick up from those who managed to get 5 marks for their e-content.  Here are the tips:

1) Diversify your e content materials.

Make sure that you add a variety of materials for your e-content.  Variety does not mean a lot.  So, if you add only ONE material that worth 5 marks, you can get 5 marks.  If you add 5 materials that worth 1 mark each, you will only get 1 mark.

So, why wasting your time to upload 5 materials which equivalent to 1 mark?  On top of that, you can only claim one material once in your e content.  Meaning, once you have submitted for the material to be evaluated in your e content, you cannot submit it again on the following years EXCEPT if you make some changes like adding more information and such. 

Moral of the story:  you need to diversify your materials which belong to different categories of e content materials that carry different weightage of marks to get 5 marks.  

For example, add 1 Powerpoint notes with your voice (it is considered as a receptive material.  1 mark).   A Powerpoint notes with your voice recorded is considered as receptive material because the students do not interact with the material.  They just watch and listen to your recorded material, in this case. 

For 2 marks material, you need to add the element of “having a linkage with another source” such as you link a video within your note or you have animation in your normal Powerpoint note. But, please bear in mind, if you add a video in your Powerpoint notes, the size of the file would be large.  If you add a video in your Powerpoint notes (with recorded voice), and later on you save it as MP4, the size of the file would also be large. 

Other than Powerpoint notes,  you can add another material like Gamification by using Quizziz or Kahoot! in which students need or have the chance to interact with the media.  When you use Quizziz or Kahoot!, you create a question (you can add picture in your question) that prompt students to answer it.  Answering your questions is an example of interaction that students have with the material, which is in this case, Quizziz.  For this kind of materials, you get 3 marks (interactive-basic). 

If Quizziz or Kahoot! alone, it is considered as interactive on one to one basis.  So, it might be considered as 3 marks [but based on my own experience, I only got 2 marks for this so, I clearly do not understand how the rubric works as it might depend on the evaluator (REALLY!)] .  So, do not blame me if I have misconception about e-content as I still remember what it was said in one of the sessions “Terpulang kepada penilai nak beri markah berapa“.  

For 4 marks, you need to make sure there are elements of interaction which is linked either internally or externally.  I have no idea about an example of this.  But basically, for 3-4 marks, there are the elements of students interaction with the material which the interaction is one to one basis (student –> material), not involving the interaction with another students for brainstorming ideas, responses or answers. Don’t ask me further about the examples of materials that fall under this category (4 marks).  But, I would like to experiment with a material that I created this semester.  A video that I uploaded on Youtube. 

Note:  When I created the video, I thought about what are the elements of interaction that I can inject in the video?  One of my colleagues suggested that perhaps I added a question or two at the end of the video.  I tried to find more information and examples from Youtube.  I found several examples of videos which use Powerpoint with audio i.e. voice which have questions and students or others who watch the video can leave answer on the comment box.  Interesting, isn’t it?  But I don’t know if this material would be considered as 4 marks category.  There is no harm in trying, right?  So, I will try it this year.  I will let you know the results next year, In shaa Allah.

For 5 marks, you have to make sure that there are the elements of cooperative learning in which students are able to discuss with one another through the material (e content material) that we provide them with.  A good example that I could think of is, Padlet (make sure you set it as public viewing).   Padlet is a platform for the interaction to occur with materials that you provide in the Padlet.  It is like a one-stop-centre where you can put your material, questions for students to answer and discuss.  

In a Padlet page or worksheet or whatever you may call it, to make sure you can create the situation in which students can interact with materials and discuss with one another make sure you have the following:

a) Give clear instructions that require students to use the materials that you/other students provide.  It could be reading materials such as a short article or it could be a video.  Put that in your Padlet.  In addition, instruct your students to read other person’s answer (response) and give their view/ opinion about that – this will create a discussion indirectly.  

b) Post questions that prompt students to answer based on what they have read (if it is reading material) or watched (if it is a video).  

c)  Emphasis the importance of giving comment/ response to other person’s answer in a given box (you can set a column or box for students to leave a comment underneath another column or box). 

d) Make sure you monitor the discussion and give your comment or feedback through the Padlet or when you have a synchronous class.  There you go.  5 marks!

Note: When I first posted this post, it was the second week of the semester.  So, even though I have prepared a Padlet with questions and whatsnot, I did not have the complete version yet because it lacks of students’ feedback and interaction.  Alhamdulillah, I manage to get the students to give their answers and such on Week 3.  So, here is the example of a Padlet which contains the following: 

a) Materials that students can refer to (I gave students a Prezi note and two articles that they need to read before answering the questions that I posed).  I use external materials in this case.  Other than the articles, I linked my Prezi note.  [How about others who have limited internet connectivity who cannot view the Prezi note through online?  Since it is a paid version that I use so I also gave the students the PDF version as an alternative to the online version on the ELearning and our class Telegram].

b) Questions that prompt students to give their answers.  For the Padlet, I set the setting in which students not only can read others’ answers but also can reply or response to others’ answers and such.  So, it has the elements of discussion – but it is done virtually. 

So, there you go!  You can have a cooperative learning technique such as Buzz Group.  In a normal case, you have to limit the number of students in one group for this activity.  But, since we need to conduct our class virtually and due to internet constraints that might be experienced by some, we can allow the students to respond with limited time frame.  Why limited?  This is to ensure the students will not take more than a few days to give their response. 

2) Be creative. 

3) Make sure the materials are YOURS. 

4) Don’t be afraid to experiment with a new thing

e content

Pencegahan bunuh diri

Depression is a real deal.  If you have a fever, it is common for us to go to see the doctor to get helped.  What if you feel “sad” over a prolonged period of time?  Saying “Sabar banyak-banyak.  Baca Al-Quran.  Banyakkan berzikir” [Translated: Be patient.  Read the Quran.  Recite zikr a lot, continuously] is  common.  Ironically, that is the common thing any depressed people will hear from people.  The thing is you cannot cure depression through that.  It is a medical condition which involves and affects the physical or biological functions.

Getting help from professionals is needed.  It is a must.  I vividly remember  the moment I removed my backpack and started to holding to the rail on the bridge on the way to my school.  As I looked down on the River Wear below, it felt tranquil.  At that time, I desperately needed to feel calm and peace.  My mind was not in its right state at that time.  Losing my dad few months ago was a tragic that I had to bear on my own.  Friends were there at times but I felt lonely.

When I met my supervisor, he knew that something was amiss and urged me to get help.  He prompted me to get a break.  I nearly broke down when he said that.  Looking at his concerned face, I went to get help.  It was not easy to overcome and get rid of suicidal thoughts that kept lingering on my mind.

When I came back (without getting my PhD yet), I was not myself.  Not many of my colleagues noticed this.  Not their fault.  I was fighting my own demons.  One of the things that I learn is to change my body movement when I start to think “weird” stuff.  But little did I expect that some seniors noticed my weird behavior.  Rather than concern and empathize, they were not helpful.

Fighting depression on my own is not easy.  I learn and am still learning to manage my emotions.  It is not easy.  This is a struggle that I acknowledge and the battle is still far from the end.


COVID-19: Face mask connector

The school where I did my Latihan Ikhtisas asked for my opinion for this week co-curricular activity.  They were going to do an activity involving sewing.  So, I suggested to make a simple face mask connector using left-over fabrics.  To cut cost.  But, due to time constraint, they opt to buy the materials instead.

So, here are some examples of the output.

well, they need to sew the corners to make it more proper. As a start, not bad, huh?


My personal collection. One might ask me why do I need to have more than one face mask connector. Well, I need to have extra, just in case I accidentally lose one. So, I have a “back-up” face mask connector.