COVID-19: Free e-books

COVID-19 pandemic has thrown us with challenges that we have to face with resilient.  Overcoming the challenges with limitations of resources is not easy but with assistance from others, things are bearable and manageable.  Printed and non printed books can be costly especially if it is textbooks.  No doubt about that.

But Alhamdulillah, Springer,  Elsevier, and other publishers have stepped up their effort to assist students to get access to materials needed for their learning.  Among the free books are like Educational Technology: A primer for the 21st century and such.

I hope that my students will use this opportunity to be more independent in searching resources.  Of course, there are others with limited dataplan and internet connectivity who might difficulty to search resources through the internet.  I pray hard that the situation that we are facing right now might not increase the social divide.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.