Micro credential? What’s that?

I have attended several sessions of briefing about micro credential. It is interesting, but I am not just into it. Why? This is a good example of commodification of knowledge. When I learned about the concept of commodification of knowledge 20 years ago, I could not imagine how it can be actualized but my mentor could foresee it. Reading his works again recently makes me feel scared because the reality is in front of me now. It is daunting.

Having a first hand experience of crafting a simple module for MyDigitalEducator thingy makes me ask myself again “Do I have what it takes to do this?” I am really struggling. I promise myself that I would no longer spend my weekends on creating videos and whatsnot as I am starting to have English tuition classes again starting this July. It is a little project, no grant, no official letter but it is an honor bestowed upon me by the school to make a little difference (if you may call that). I am not an English major but a stint at school for a year was resulted in me having lots of teaching materials that I crafted on my own. I enjoy doing that!

The teachers know and recognize that I am the best person to teach the tuition classes using my materials. Ita said “Kak, bahan yang banyak kau buat dulu tu, kau buat apa sekarang? Kak Imah tanya nak buat lagi tak kelas tuisyen sebab sekarang ni dah macam sebelum PKP. Tak ketat. Hari Jumaat atau Sabtu boleh tak? Budak-budak batch ni ramai yang B40. Tak mampu nak ada cikgu tuisyen yang berbayar macam dulu tu. Budak-budak tu dah tau kau akan ajar mereka. Diorang dah excited” Ita does know my weakest link.

To be honest, I need this in restoring my decreasing faith in myself.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.