TES: How to complete course file (new way)- especially for FSSH academicians

For FSSH academicians, these are the steps that you can use to complete the task

a) Make sure you complete the course file in the respective system.

b) Once you have completed the course file, go to the course file of a specific course, click View Course File (B3).   You will see the list of courses that you teach for that particular semester.  Make sure you click the relevant year for evaluation.  Do not choose the previous year courses! (tongue in cheek remark!)

c) To view the course content, click View of a specific course (at your right side).  

c) You might see a Print icon on the top middle.  Click that Print icon

You will see there is a link that you can copy (Click HERE to see example)

d) Copy the link and paste in TES (URL box)

Tips: Make sure you complete the course file well.  Meaning, double check if there is a missing document which you might have not uploaded yet.  You can submit ONLY ONE course (they emphasize QUALITY, not QUANTITY).  But if you want to submit all courses by using only one link, you can save all links in a Google Doc.  Just link the Google Doc or Google (make sure the link is set as “Anyone with the link” as a viewer.

But please be aware that this does not related to programme auditing in which the auditor(s) might look at your course file randomly.  So, if you only complete one course file, thus, it might jeopardize your programme to receive proper accreditation.  


TESDCP: What is new in the course file (TESDCP)?

There is a new feature in TES (Course file).  We have an option either to upload the documents as usual or you can link (copy-paste URL) the course file that you use.  For example, if you use Google Drive, copy-paste the link here and make sure you make it as public – so people can see it without having difficulty.   

In this picture, you might see that there is a red notification (* not compulsory).  This is because I have completed the course file using the old style.  I did this back in July 2022 immediately after we presented the marks.   But apparently, I have to provide the link of the course file in the URL box.   If not, the B3 (Yearly Validation) will be empty (not Green).

Previously, it is time-consuming to complete uploading documents at two different systems.  There is no doubt about that. Who am I, though, to challenge that? I only comply grudgingly. I am aware of individuals who give up and could not be bothered to upload the materials to the appropriate systems. Occasionally, a simple hands-on uploading can be challenging if we do not know where the required documents are saved.

Normally, I would simultaneously upload course materials to TES and the faculty’s course file system.  This is the “old” practice.  Because I am aware with myself with selective memory, I know where the documents (files) are and so do not need to search for them later.  Alhamdulillah, with the new feature, I no longer have to do that.  I just need to complete my course file in one system and copy-paste the link in TES.   (Refer to B5 – Link eLPPT – in yellow color)

Note: I would like to extend my gratitude towards those experts who created/upgraded the systems to make things easier for us as compared before.