Technically, my class has ended?

It took me more than a week to prepare my audio notes.  It is not easy.  I woke up early to record (before the kids wake up) and continued to record when they are semi-active.  But once a while, I still went on recording regardless of the background noise.  So, some of my recorded notes the sound of bird chirping, kids screaming/crying/singing and my cat meowing.  Work from home?  Indeed

On top of that, I also explore Quizziz and all as an alternative method to give my students quizzes.  So Quizziz has new features and I am so excited to try it out.  So, what is the best way to explore it?  Yup.  By creating quizzes using the new features.  But some students messaged me privately and said that they don’t like the features.  Well, it is ungraded quiz (for goodness sake!).  So, I just take note of that.  At least I know their perception about the new features.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.