Video Based Learning Embedded with Cognitive Load Theory: Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learners’ Perspectives

My 2nd paper accepted to be presented during the LaTiCE 2014 in conjunction with RCEE & RHEd 2014 conference  is

“Video Based Learning Embedded with Cognitive Load Theory: Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learners’ Perspectives”

This paper is written by me and my students. Norah Md Noor, Munirah Aini, & Nurul ‘Izzati Hamizan. It was written based on our research that had been done in 2013 under UTM Instructional Development Grant.


Abstract for the paper is as follows:

Many research studies have shown that using video as an instructional material in class has a positive impact on the students. However, it is still an open question as to whether learning using video works with all type of students and as to who actually gains more than other types of students when learning using video. Chen, Czerwinski, and Macredie [1] found that individual visual ability affects information seeking on the Web and lessens the effects of cognitive load theory. So, what about the auditory and kinaesthetic learners? This study was conducted to investigate visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learners’ preferences towards learning using video embedded with cognitive load theory. 10 respondents within the age range of 20-24 years old have been voluntarily involved with this study. The instruments used in this research are a questionnaire set and three learning portfolios. The instruments examine the respondents’ learning styles, perception, comments, and suggestions about video-based learning selected by the researcher that were embedded with cognitive load theory. The data were analysed qualitatively using content analysis strategy. Even though the early expectation was that visual learners would be concerned about visuals more than other learner types, this research shows that all of them prefer similar elements. These include clear instruction, high visual and audio quality, and an easy-to follow strategic flow of the video. However, every learner group has its own additional characteristics that might be able to inspire its learning optimization.

Keyword: Cognitive load theory, video based learning, learning using video, auditory learners, visual learners, and kinaesthetic learners

This paper can be found in IEEE Explore,

PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-1-4799-3592-5/14
DOI : 10.1109/LaTiCE.2014.19

Application of the Pedagogical and Andragogical Model in Web-Based Learning Instruction among Non-Major Computer Science Students Learning Programming

As i inform earlier in this post on Doctoral Consortium as well as in this post that I attend LaTiCE 2014 in conjunction with RCEE & RHEd 2014 to present my paper. For your information, all paper presented in this conference will be indexed in IEE Explore which is included in SCOPUS and ISI.

Alhamdulillah, 2 of my paper had been accepted to be presented during this conference.


The title of my first paper ( some finding based on my PhD research) is

“Application of the Pedagogical and Andragogical Model in Web-Based Learning Instruction among Non-Major Computer Science Students Learning Programming”

Abstract for my paper is as follows:

This study identified the pedagogical and andragogical learning orientations preferred by non-major Computer Science students in one of the higher education institutions in Malaysia. The pedagogical and andragogical learning orientation model differs in six assumptions about learners, which are: the learner’s need to know, selfconcept, existing experience, readiness to learn, orientation to learning, and motivation [1]. Questionnaires were developed and distributed among 262 undergraduate students in non-major Computer Science Faculty who took the Introduction to Programming Language course. Descriptive analyses have also been conducted (alpha – 0.958), and the results showed that a majority of the sample in this study (246 respondents or 93.9%) stay under Stage 2 in the four stages of learning development. This means that the respondents had a high preference for pedagogical as well as andragogical learning orientations. Data collected shows that non-major Computer Science students in the age range of 18 to 24 are able to work independently since their self-concept had progressed to the self-directed learning phase. However, they still need guidance from their lecturers. These findings were used to develop a prototype of an individualized online learning environment based on the pedagogy and andragogy as its foundational model. Learners in Stage 2 need goal-setting, learning strategies, and evaluation to be set by the teacher. The online learning environment allowed the student to explore her learning modules from easy to hard levels. However, students were allowed to continue to the next module even though their performance was not yet at the passing level. This is based on andragogical theory; that they are dependent learners with a moderate level of self-directedness. Additional learning materials were also provided that could be freely explored by learners at their own pace. The prototype was tested among one group of 32 students in the Faculty of Education in the course Introduction to Programming using Pre-Experimental Research Design. The statistical analysis conducted indicated that the application of the pedagogical and andragogical Model in web based instruction had a positive effect on learners’ outcomes.

Keyword: pedagogy, andragogy, learning programming for non-majors

This paper can be found in IEEE Explore,

PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-1-4799-3592-5/14
DOI : 10.1109/LaTiCE.2014.27

LaTiCE 2014 in conjunction with RCEE and RHeD 2014

On 11-13 April 2014, University Teknologi Malaysia and IEEE Computer Society had organize the International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE) in conjunction with Regional Conference in Engineering Education & Research in Higher Education (RCEE & RHEd) 2014 at Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak.

The conference intention is  to create a platform towards sharing current practices and rigorous research being conducted in computing and engineering education as well as Higher education. All paper presented in this conference will be indexed in IEE Explore which is included in SCOPUS.

We hope that the conference was a huge success, provide high quality research presentations in three parallel tracks, inspiring keynotes, and strengthen the network. We also wish that all the participants had a fantastic experience in Borneo.

Random picture :




More picture during the conference? Click this link.

Or, like their facebook at this link.

Doctoral Consortium in conjunction with LATICE 2014 Conference

Today, around 22 full research master and phd student present their research design in 3 parallel session and getting an informative input from 3 panel. The Question and Answer session allow students to critically think back what should be change or reconsider to ensure that their research is correct.

Some of the presenter…

Anne Kathrin Peters from Uppsala University, Sweden

Radhiah A Rahim from UTM.

Nur ‘Izzati Hamizan, Master in Educational Technology, UTM

Lasse Hakulinen from Aalto University, Finland

Janet Tong from New Zealand

and many more….

Next agenda, the conference in Kuching Sarawak… Feeling exited 🙂

Permohonan Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan Separuh Masa/Sambilan (HLPS) Kepada Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Siswazah (PPPS) 2014

Buat cikgu-cikgu yang nak sambung belajar (peringkat sarjana atau Phd) di UTM, Permohonan Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan Separuh Masa/Sambilan (HLPS) bagis sesi pengajian 2015 dah buka tau.

Cikgu-cikgu yang mengikuti program ini tidak bercuti belajar dan masih menjalankan tugas di sekolah/jabatan/bahagian/kementerian seperti biasa. Hadiah Latihan merupakan Yuran Pengajian, Elaun Buku serta Elaun Tesis.


Jika berminat silalah ke laman berikut (manalah tau kalau-kalau ada rezeki ) …

Permohonan boleh dikemukakan dari hari ini sehingga 25 april 2014. Cepat tau…

Android Player For Windows

Ever wish to run mobile android apps on your pc?

Try Blue Stack Apps Player. 

You can search for an app on play store using the search field and install the app on your pc. If you have a windows 8 touch screen display, the user experience could be a lot better as you could perform action just the way you would do on android smart phone.


The Blue Stack front screen.

For lecturer or students developing the android apps, this player can be used to visualize what will be seen in the smartphone or tablet user… but on pc.

The software can be download for free at the following link :


Hari ini, saya terlibat sebagai fasilitator bersama Dr Noor Azean Atan, Pengurus IT CTL dalam kursus Mobile Learning Content Apps Development. Lebih kurang 15 orang pensyarah yang mempunyai sedikit kemahiran dalam pembangunan laman web daripada pelbagai fakulti di UTM menyertai kursus ini.

Pengisian kursus adalah pengenalan kepada html5, jquery mobile script, github dan PhoneGap Build untuk membuat pakej aplikasi mobile yang boleh terus dimainkan menerusi telefon pintar atau tablet.

Semoga perkongsian ilmu ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua peserta yang terlibat bagi membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih mereka untuk keperluan pengajaran mahupun peribadi.

Kursus Ipad untuk Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

Hari ini, saya terlibat sebagai fasilitator bersama Prof Mohamed Noor Hassan, Pengarah CTL dalam kursus Penggunaan Ipad untuk PDP. Peserta adalah pensyarah daripada pelbagai fakulti di UTM. Kebanyakannya peserta telah mempunyai Ipad namun belum menggunakannya secara optimum. Terdapat juga peserta yang telah berpengalaman namun ingin mendapatkan input baru sekiranya berbeza dengan aplikasi yang mereka gunakan.

Kursus lebih berkonsepkan perkongsian aplikasi yang mungkin sesuai untuk digunakan dalam kelas mahupun untuk pembangunan bahan pembelajaran seperti Adobe Reader untuk membuat catatan dalam dokumen pdf, Document by Readdle untuk menguruskan pelbagai dokumen dalam ipad, Photo Editor dan InstaCollage untuk edit gambar, CuteCut untuk edit video, SlideIdea untuk perisian persembahan, Educreation untuk ScreenCasting dan Evernote untuk menyimpan pelbagai catatan dalam bentuk multimedia.

Kesemua aplikasi yang diperkenalkan dalam kursus ini adalah percuma dan boleh digunakan terus selepas semua peserta kembali ke fakulti masing-masing. Semoga hasil daripada kursus ini dapat membantu mempelbagaikan strategi pengajaran pensyarah berkaitan.