Kursus penulisan kreatif di N24

Sebagai pengajar… kita perlu sentiasa cuba meningkatkan pengetahuan. Maka hari ini saya menghadiri kursus penulisan kreatif anjuran HEK UTM.

Kursus disampaikan oleh En Mohamad Letfee Ahmad, Ketua Penerbitan Berita dan Hal Ehwal Semasa, Bernama News Channel.

Kena fokus 2 hari ini. Semoga ilmu yang diperolehi nanti dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kerjaya pada masa akan datang.

Mirror Your Android Screen to Any Computer

Teaching how to install Apps, or how to update blog post in your android mobile is difficult if you can’t mirror your android screen to computer. There are many ways to do it either using USB or Wifi.

Today, me and Dr Noordayana Halim has been invited to give a training on Web 2.0 for T&L : Social Media & Blog. The synopsis of the training is as follows :

Web 2.0 technologies bring the web to a new phase, which allows users not only to use information but also to be directly involved in generating new information. Social Media as one of the Web 2.0 tools allow social interaction and easy creation of content by users. It can be an effective tool for teaching and learning in higher education. It can help connect students to information and help them generate a dialogue with their teacher and other students about a course. Blog is another Web 2.0 facilities which is easy to create and offers variety of interactive facilities. It could give positive impact towards studentโ€™s development. This course revealed to academic staff on how to utilize social media and learning and Blog for teaching and learning effectively. In this course, UTM blog will be used as a medium for lecturers to use for reflection, T&L and webometric tools.

One of the tentative is blogging using mobile which I had to explain step by step on how to install and create a blog post using mobile phone. So… based on http://techwiser.com recommendation… I used the TeamViewer application to cast my Android screen to the computer. It works great!!

How it works: Simply download TeamViewer Host on my Android, create a TeamViewer account. This will assign the Android device to my list of TeamViewer device. Next, on my computer which was connected to the LCD Projector, open login.teamviewer.com and sign in to same TeamViewer account. Then… automatically my Android device was listed, and I click on the connect option next to it. 

Then… the training went smoothly until my phone battery run out >__<

Will used this Apps again in my class. Love it !!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyqxxudSERY[/embedyt]

i-CITE 2018 Conference

2018 International Conference On Creative and Innovative Technology in Education (i-CITE2018) i-CITE2018 to be held in Johor, MALAYSIA from 24th to 25th July 2018.

All paper submissions will undergo double-blind peer review process. All accepted full papers will be published in Advanced Science Letters (www.aspds.com/science), a SCOPUS indexed journal once they meet the requirements of the Journal quality review.. 

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research. Areas of interest includes, but are not limited to the following tracks:

    Primary education
    Secondary education
    Tertiary education
    Distance education
    Blended learning
    Learning Analytic
    Emerging technologies
    Learning management system (LMS)
    Virtual learning environments (VLE)
    Web 2.0 Tools & applications
    Artificial intelligence
    Pedagogical strategies
    Game based design
    Ubiquitous learning
    Augmented reality
    Personalized Learning
    STEM learning
    Cloud Computing in Education
    Internet of Things (IOT)
    Big data in education

Important Dates:

    Submission abstract                      : 31st January 2018
    Notification of Abstract Acceptance      : 28th February 2018
    Submission of full paper                 : 31st March 2018
    Notification of Full Paper Acceptance    : 31st May 2018
    Final Paper Submission                   : 30th June 2018
    Early Bird deadline                      : 15th June 2018
    Registration deadline                    : 15th July 2018

EDAS Paper Submission : http://edas.info/N24266

Further information can be obtained from the following website :

Kindly disseminate this information to your colleagues, students and other interested parties. Thank you for your kind attention. See you there!

Day 3 at WEEF2017

Last day of the conference, I was assigned bybthe Weef2017 committee to chair Parallel Session 14.. At the same time, entering IPHEX2017 competition which was held at the foyer of Berjaya Times Square.

Tired but excited.

First time bring the framework of our Innovation Class.. I know that it is hard to win the judges heart. But, Alhamdullillah, we won bronze medal. Its teamwork effort. 

Presenting at Weef2017ย 

Will be here from 13 until 16 November 2017. Gaining knowledge, creating networks, making friends and helping the conference as the secretariat on publication and parallel session.

The problems of preparing the students for job is real… the challenge on how to effectively deliver is real… trying to solve problem that have not yet exist … changes is a real challenge.

Isu besar dalam penyeliaan pelajar

Hari ni rasa kecil. Sangat kecil hati. 

Di dalam urusan penyeliaan pelajar, ia unik pada setiap pelajar. Tiada satu pelajar yang sama. Tiada satu kes yang serupa.

Ada pelajar yang cekap dan kritikal. Ada pelajar yang lemah dan perlu dibimbing. Ada pelajar yang sangat bijak berkata2 tapi hasilnya tak nampak. 

Belum dicampur dengan masalah anak, suami, ibu, bapa, kerja…

Setiap masalah itu perlu difikirkan oleh penyeliaan bagi memberikan peluang pelajar kita berjaya. 

Apabila masalah itu pada kita besar, hingga memungkinkan pelajar berhenti atau bertukar institusi tetapi dianggap mengada2 oleh mereka yang lain. Maka apalah daya kita sebagai penyelia kecil yang tiada kelebihan apa2. 

Hanya luahan rasa. Saya akan tetap cuba memikirkan laluan lain untuk membantu pelajar saya. Semoga pelajar saya juga turut sama cekal dan teruskan usaha. Walau apa pun pandangan orang terhadap kita yang kecil ini.